

Special case
I have been thinking a lot lately about amongst other things, loosing weight, getting fitter, doing something amazing and a major charity pledge.

I have had some daft ones and some more realistic ones but the top idea so far, given my dodgy knees, is as follows:

To kayak from up stream of the Dartford crossing, around to Dungeness, an escorted crossing of the channel and then following the French waterways, Paris, Lyon and down to the Mediterranean and finish op at St Tropez. The best part of 1,000 miles.

It would likely not be practical until 2020 when I would be 56 and I would probably look to ‘buddy’ with an experienced kayaker like my nephew, given I haven’t canoed seriously since I was 14.

What is the consensus?


Special case
Cycling is a problem Matt, I don;t think the knees would last so I am left with swimming or kayaking as sensible options of human powered endeavours. You have the benefit of the experience of cycling top to bottom of France, I imagine it to be a humbling experience?

I would look to split it over charities but I would see it as a follow on from Ride4Ryan as the primary one.


Cycling is a problem Matt, I don;t think the knees would last so I am left with swimming or kayaking as sensible options of human powered endeavours. You have the benefit of the experience of cycling top to bottom of France, I imagine it to be a humbling experience?

I would look to split it over charities but I would see it as a follow on from Ride4Ryan as the primary one.

I’ve got knackered knees (crushed miniscus cartilage) and cycling is no problem as it’s low impact.


Special case
A little aside; that would be a legitimate route around the SS Montgomery exclusion zone on day 1 = result!


What do you want to do? Kayak around the place, or lose weight. They are not mutually inclusive. Or do you intent to lose weight and then do the kayaking, which would be excellent.

Just asking since I have a certain amount of experience in losing weight....



Interesting Newton and look forwards to seeing you do this mate.
Just get yourself as fit as you can as from my experience hurting yourself mid fifty's takes a lot of time to recover.


Special case
Well I appreciate that kayaking alone would not necessarily result in weight loss, given my history of easily adding muscle mass without losing weight. I have traditionally been fantastic at stamina activities. In recent years however I run out of puff far too easily and this I have to put down to being ludicrously obese. I was working intensely in China around 10 years ago and hit 21st and have pretty much stayed there since, I have got down to under 19 st briefly in the middle somewhere.

I do have the power to reduce my intake but fail all to easily, I can only blame the Aspergers for the inability to get any ‘full’ signal. I did back in 2003 get myself into a dieting mindset and actually got down to 16 st. My thoughts are that if I put such a monumental target ahead of myself such as this challenge I can get myself back to that mindset. The build up to achieving 30-50 miles a day in a boat should surely help the stamina!


I'm not aware of any link between Asperger's and full signals (which is not to say there isn't one. I'll Google). AFAIK I'm nowhere significant on that spectrum, I just have a really bad relationship with food (specifically carbohydrates).

You're right to call out (intentionally or otherwise) the difference between losing weight and losing fat. Sounds like you want to increase your aerobic fitness and decrees your fat levels. Although it's highly unlikely that your weight at some kind of healthy BMI would be much over 15 st. Particularly given your age which means you'll struggle to gain a whole load of muscle without significant strength training.

If it was *me* I'd have three prongs:
1) Diet: basic reduction in calorie intake. Possibly steer clear of carbs, but that's something of a personal choice. Bit like giving up smoking. You need to work out what works for you.
2) Aerobic fitness: How buggered are you knees? Totally or is it because of the excess weight? If the former, you're going probably have to try a lot of machines to find out one that works for you. Cross training maybe. Very low impact. Swimming? Takes a long time to burn calories.
3) Strength training. Sacropenia is the enemy. Weights and resistance training.

Might be best to find a professional trainer?

$0.02 total value, if that



I find giving up the booze equates to aprox 3lbs per week...or has so far.

Plus it swell the bank balance.

Ps that is one paddling session you plan... good luck.


WOW Newton....Just had to have a site down thinking about what you want to do....Shattered just thinking about it. Go for it.

Just on dieting.....I lost two stone by giving up carbs Newton. For me it was a life style change and worked. I do eat carbs now but in moderation .


Junior Member
You could always go for a TKR - being pain free, albeit with a slightly reduced range of motion, opens up new horizons.


Special case
You could always go for a TKR - being pain free, albeit with a slightly reduced range of motion, opens up new horizons.

Trying to avoid that as long as possible. As a kid I did a lot of falling off bikes, motorbikes and skateboards and it was always my knees that copped for it, as a result or effect I had inflammatory arthritis in both knees for several years, well till I was in my mid 20's, it flares up every now and then but I had an MIR on them a few years ago and the results were surprisingly good. It is another reason to shed weight though.

I rarely drink unless at a party or social event so as Chris points out it is mostly carbs, eating late and long car drives (I hoover food whilst driving!) that I need to work on.

The feedback thus far has been encouraging so I think it is a personal challenge I should look into some more...


I’d seriously consider buddying up with you Newton. Quite fancy a big life challenge/achievement. For the moment I will watch with interest and ponder


Centenary Club
I was over 17st for years since my early 30's (I'm 6'4"), and it came to a head a few years ago when the Mrs bought me a flight in a Tiger Moth, and the weight limit was 17st and I was 17.5st...i didn't manage to loose a single pound, and fortunately they didn't weigh me before the flight, and the plane took off okay!!
Soon afterwards I saw a few work colleagues I hadn't seen for a while and they had both lost quiet a lot of weight, and asking their secret, the 5/2 diet.
Quiet simply just two days a week (Monday & Thursday best for me) limit your calorie intake to 600 for the day), the rest of the week eat normally. Over a period of 6 months, lost 2.5st.
Over the last couple of years have kept if off, not by the 5/2 but simply calorie reduction, mostly by only a small lunch or not at all.
Before if I skipped lunch I would have a massive craving for food in the afternoon, but now it never even enters my mind its lunchtime.
Simply, 2 meals a day instead of 3, we simply eat too much.
Might not work for everybody but it does for me, and non of the messing around of various food groups!