Meanwhile. On the Ukrainian border.

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I'd hoped to visit some of those cities Fifty. For a very, very long time. And as you say, now they're gone.
No idea what your point is, but I'd suggest that Assad had as much to do with where the Russians bombed
as the Russians themselves.
I have no argument with Iranians, Persians, Syrians, Russians or anyone else.
You're right. I've never made the time to learn about the differences between Sunnis and Shi'i.
Frankly, I don't care. I'm not a muslim, so why should I care? I will get to it at some point, but for now, I have other issues to deal with. But if the cause is historical, why don't you just get over it and learn to co-exist instead of spreading hatred.
On aid. So long as we have 30-40% of children in this country growing up in poverty and health/social services
failing our citizens, I would send very little aid abroad. And only that aid which can be tracked and audited
for effectiveness. And only to countries with which we have friendly relations.
India has it's own space programme. Yet we still send it aid, paid for by our taxes. That's just one example of how we waste money that springs to mind.
As for Iran. Why exactly does it want nuclear weapons Fifty? Of one thing I am certain. About thirty minutes after Iran uses nuclear weapons on Israel. Israel and possibly the US will turn the country to glass. Which would make the neighbours happy, at least ;)


I'd hoped to visit some of those cities Fifty. For a very, very long time. And as you say, now they're gone.
No idea what your point is, but I'd suggest that Assad had as much to do with where the Russians bombed
as the Russians themselves.
I have no argument with Iranians, Persians, Syrians, Russians or anyone else.
You're right. I've never made the time to learn about the differences between Sunnis and Shi'i.
Frankly, I don't care. I'm not a muslim, so why should I care? I will get to it at some point, but for now, I have other issues to deal with. But if the cause is historical, why don't you just get over it and learn to co-exist instead of spreading hatred.
On aid. So long as we have 30-40% of children in this country growing up in poverty and health/social services
failing our citizens, I would send very little aid abroad. And only that aid which can be tracked and audited
for effectiveness. And only to countries with which we have friendly relations.
India has it's own space programme. Yet we still send it aid, paid for by our taxes. That's just one example of how we waste money that springs to mind.
As for Iran. Why exactly does it want nuclear weapons Fifty? Of one thing I am certain. About thirty minutes after Iran uses nuclear weapons on Israel. Israel and possibly the US will turn the country to glass. Which would make the neighbours happy, at least ;)


India wouldn’t have needed the Aid if ‘some thieving so and so’s’ had stopped in their own Country is what I infer from the above UlstermanAbroad.
Show me one empire that hasn't done what this article claims the British did.
As to the article itself. It proves nothing and is not a peer reviewed piece of research.
Therefore it has no credible basis in fact.
One whopper of an omission for example, is the fact that each major European power at the time, had an East India Company. Some also had a West India Company. So, laying all of India's woes at the UK's feet is so outrageously erroneous, that it fatally undermines everything else in the article.


Show me one empire that hasn't done what this article claims the British did.
As to the article itself. It proves nothing and is not a peer reviewed piece of research.
Therefore it has no credible basis in fact.
One whopper of an omission for example, is the fact that each major European power at the time, had an East India Company. Some also had a West India Company. So, laying all of India's woes at the UK's feet is so outrageously erroneous, that it fatally undermines everything else in the article.
Good morning UlstermanAbroad, let me start by congratulating you on the speed of your reply. In the space of 11 minutes assuming you were already logged on, you managed to read the fairly detailed article, absorb the information, make possible checks as to who contributed and furthermore compile your response It takes me far longer than that....bravo. I personally felt that the people mentioned were credible. It’s true what you say others were involved and I also accept that for you the piece ‘has no credible basis’. Anyhow enjoy the rest of your day.


I'd hoped to visit some of those cities Fifty. For a very, very long time. And as you say, now they're gone.
No idea what your point is, but I'd suggest that Assad had as much to do with where the Russians bombed
as the Russians themselves.
I have no argument with Iranians, Persians, Syrians, Russians or anyone else.
You're right. I've never made the time to learn about the differences between Sunnis and Shi'i.
Frankly, I don't care. I'm not a muslim, so why should I care? I will get to it at some point, but for now, I have other issues to deal with. But if the cause is historical, why don't you just get over it and learn to co-exist instead of spreading hatred.
On aid. So long as we have 30-40% of children in this country growing up in poverty and health/social services
failing our citizens, I would send very little aid abroad. And only that aid which can be tracked and audited
for effectiveness. And only to countries with which we have friendly relations.
India has it's own space programme. Yet we still send it aid, paid for by our taxes. That's just one example of how we waste money that springs to mind.
As for Iran. Why exactly does it want nuclear weapons Fifty? Of one thing I am certain. About thirty minutes after Iran uses nuclear weapons on Israel. Israel and possibly the US will turn the country to glass. Which would make the neighbours happy, at least ;)

Why does any state want nuclear weapons? They are a deterrent which means that the regime is a. fortifying it's boarders from invasion and b. solidifying its place in society. The regime in Iran is not worried about being "turned into glass" - their fear is regime change whether that is from the grass roots or foreign interference. Remember they are surrounded by nuclear armed countries - Pakistan, India and Israel are in their region not forgetting Russia and China who are not far away then the US France and UK can project nukes from the Mediterranean or Arabian Sea, if one of these decides to invade/attack the regime felt as though they were vulnerable, particularly after the prolonged war with Iraq left them with a decimated military. theory holds that nuclear,an attack by conventional forces.

The basic explanation is that Iran used Shia Islam to free itself from caliphate rule, they refused to drop their language and pre-islamic rituals which meant that they suffered a brutal occupation on the basis that they would not be assimilated. The rise of Arab Nationalism from the 1930s as a result of the fall of the Ottoman empire in the Middle East brought this millennia old rivalry back with the presence of dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi running new countries while the ruling families of Iran/Persia were under foreign coercion of some form since the 19th Century but could not be colonised.

Btw Iranians are people from Iran... Persians make up a large portion of the population but there are several ethnicities that are all part of the same tribe. Many Iranians call themselves "Persian" because of bad PR caused by the regime and Iran changed its name from Persia in 1935

Sorry if I bored you with the history of an Islamic country but they are actually a classic civilisation which is part of the reason why there is a lot of historic nuances

My point is that the charities are pleading for the same generosity towards the rest of the disaster zones in the world.

Finally the biggest sponsor of state terror in that region is KSA who fund ISIS... Good allies to the West and armed to the teeth by the UK. The Ayotollas and their IRGC are not defensible and I would love to see Iran a free country.


Whilst not wanting this thread to go the way of many others including COVID/BREXIT etc there are many reasons for the problems across the Middle East, Asia Sub Continent etc. However few if any have been helped by the will of others to take what they think is theirs and ignoring the consequences both long and short term.

If these countries/places had been devoid of resource such as Oil, Minerals etc I surmise they would be far more peaceful and content as people would have left them alone.

Understanding how the west has been involved over the last 150 years is eye-watering (Colonialism, Bitter Lake agreements, Deposing of legitimately elected Governments etc), and little we have done was to help people; it was in the main to get their resources no mater the impact on the people who were already there. Yes, go far back enough and you will see that countries and man has been doing this for millennia - Its just a shame we keep making the same mistakes.


When will the Norwegians, and Danes aoplogise for the r-ape and pillage of our peaceful Saxon towns? And further more the Swedes for Abba?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
When will the Norwegians, and Danes aoplogise for the r-ape and pillage of our peaceful Saxon towns? And further more the Swedes for Abba?
Watch yourself. You're hitting a raw-nerve there, chap. Those bloody Swedes are still at it. This is a scene from East London just last week:

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Why does any state want nuclear weapons? They are a deterrent which means that the regime is a. fortifying it's boarders from invasion and b. solidifying its place in society. The regime in Iran is not worried about being "turned into glass" - their fear is regime change whether that is from the grass roots or foreign interference. Remember they are surrounded by nuclear armed countries - Pakistan, India and Israel are in their region not forgetting Russia and China who are not far away then the US France and UK can project nukes from the Mediterranean or Arabian Sea, if one of these decides to invade/attack the regime felt as though they were vulnerable, particularly after the prolonged war with Iraq left them with a decimated military. theory holds that nuclear,an attack by conventional forces.

The basic explanation is that Iran used Shia Islam to free itself from caliphate rule, they refused to drop their language and pre-islamic rituals which meant that they suffered a brutal occupation on the basis that they would not be assimilated. The rise of Arab Nationalism from the 1930s as a result of the fall of the Ottoman empire in the Middle East brought this millennia old rivalry back with the presence of dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi running new countries while the ruling families of Iran/Persia were under foreign coercion of some form since the 19th Century but could not be colonised.

Btw Iranians are people from Iran... Persians make up a large portion of the population but there are several ethnicities that are all part of the same tribe. Many Iranians call themselves "Persian" because of bad PR caused by the regime and Iran changed its name from Persia in 1935

Sorry if I bored you with the history of an Islamic country but they are actually a classic civilisation which is part of the reason why there is a lot of historic nuances

My point is that the charities are pleading for the same generosity towards the rest of the disaster zones in the world.

Finally the biggest sponsor of state terror in that region is KSA who fund ISIS... Good allies to the West and armed to the teeth by the UK. The Ayotollas and their IRGC are not defensible and I would love to see Iran a free country.
Thanks 'Fifty'. I am endlessly curious about the world we live in, so I couldn't be bored. Thank you for sharing.
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