Brexit Deal


Aside from the Brexit row, does the panel think something should be done about the sheer amount of homelessness and poverty we have now in the 5th largest economy? Greed culture has got out hand, and I've seen a lot over the year like most of us have here but it's never been as bad as this in modern times surely? Before I got ill 2016 I used to help homeless and poor people over Xmas to get a meal and some presents for their kids, (actually we, me and mrs) and it's truly fuukin awful, I cried unashamedly over these kids, no wonder they turn out bitter and disenfranchised.

I don't care which party does it, in fact the time for politics when it comes to common decency is over, but we need a massive kick in balls as a society and a country, a place where food banks abound and are lauded by the rich as the pluck and spirit of ordinary people well they can fuuck right off, it's gone too far and the reality the discontent is not about Brexit, it's about the only chance of stopping these rich baastards extracting every last piece of dignity from ordinary people not to say cash and the EU at least has measures to prevent this happening to some extent at least.

Luckily, it may well not matter, I suspect after the meaningful vote the Tory party will be finished as a political party of value for a good few years, as per the usual cycle and whilst I suspect JC has few friends here, he deserves a chance to put his money where his mouth is and it doesn't mean back to the 70's with Union power etc, just means being decent to all. If he could do that Brexit wouldn't matter.

Im 57, seen a lot, cycles of power, promises broken, and JC may well be the same but I really think he isn't, he's been a dick in the past, but he's never tried to hide it, and I bet he's never fiddled his expenses or been to a titty bar or got a Maserati.....


So what's the solution, Wanderer

But seriously, I feel that nowadays health, social care, benefits, etc should be outside politics, they can deal with defence, economics, fiscal policy etc but I don't think its fair to balance the last three against the first three. I think if people didn't have massive issues and beefs with how they have to live in this current environment Brexit wouldn't matter at all, or at least be a side show of little interest.

Who remembers the previous referendum on EU membership? I do, 1975 was it, no one really gave a *****, cos although the was a massive gap in social standing, people didn't really know, it was a different world nothing to do with us. Now with social media and general awareness of ordinary people people can see how they are being trampled on.

Ironically it seems to me the capitalist consumer machine is destroying itself, now we can all see how the other half lives with smartphones for everyones, information for all, all good things, but it makes proles self-aware, not what the machine wants.

Above makes me sound like a Commie, I'm not, I studied the USSR after uni and whilst the USSR was never communist, it was socialist on the way to true communism, it was all a load of ******** either way.

So I don't have an answer, but I lived in Denmark, a socialist state, and I never saw one homeless person apart from one person at the North Tivoli entrance, rumour in CPH was he liked it, I never saw any friction, or anyone knick my MacBook which I left on the tables outslde the bar an the assurance that 'this is Denmark, no one will steal it' No one did...


Special case
What I am seeing a lot of at the moment is professional begging. Not your honest to goodness homeless I’m talking about the ‘cripples’ putting on s shoe at traffic lights and the beggars in the west end who’s hand written cards all look suspiciously the same because they are!


Homelessness can happen to anyone and to any of us, most citizens are only a month (maybe two) away from this situation, if they lose their job/income. Not all of it is self inflicted, for some people they simply lose their way, if say they go off the rails (i.e. losing a loved one). There is some yes "professional" beggars but by in large it is not self inflicted nor is it prevalent (professional begging)! A little compassion and walking in someone else's shoes, makes for a much healthier society.
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What I am seeing a lot of at the moment is professional begging. Not your honest to goodness homeless I’m talking about the ‘cripples’ putting on s shoe at traffic lights and the beggars in the west end who’s hand written cards all look suspiciously the same because they are!

I got one in Dublin right outside the GPO on O'Connell St, she had a card, simple said;

"It's my Birthday today, please give me €5.00"

I was so gobsmacked I said 'Fucck off!'

I do think tho that outside agencies are using these terrible situations to make money, like the accident at work ****, PPI, sponsor a donkey/orca/snow leopard/dog turd, and places that persuade you to pay shed loads for pet plans with swish offices and medicine for cats you don't need - another whole new way of guilt tripping ordinary people into parting with what little money that have.

And it's everywhere, I was in Russia must have been 2002, went to Russian Orthodox Church - one of the most edifying things I'v ever done, no preaching, no penance, lovely choral music, no pews even. Anyway, we left and there was some gyppos outside begging, this one 10 yo or so kid, asked me for money and I was told give them nothing, I gave him all the coins I had in my pocket, about 20 kopeks (ie not every much) and said '20 kopeks!!' and threw it back at me. I was told the usual story, they all live in massive houses and beg for living and are very rich, blah blah. Same story, different place...

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose......


Homelessness can happen to anyone and to any of us, most citizens are only a month (maybe two) away from this situation, if they lose their job/income. Not all of it is self inflicted, for some people they simply lose their way, if say they go off the rails (i.e. losing a loved one). Their is some yes "professional" beggars but by in large it is not self inflicted nor is it prevalent (professional begging)! A little compassion and walking in someone else's shoes, makes for a much healthier society.
I think it was Bruce Springsteen that said most people are two pay checks away from living on the streets....


Yep I think he did and the streets are an un-forgiving place for sure....No one in their right mind would want to sleep rough, let alone in the freezing cold. It takes alot and something has to be fundamentally wrong when that is the only option that a human being puts themselves through! Like I said there is a multitude of reasons why this is happening, why homelessness happens and it is for reasons closer to home, rather than some perceived distant "European bureaucrat". Show me a human being that doesn't need his fellow man, show me a country that doesn't need it's neighbour in some form or another.


Certainly getting interesting and I hope that the extremists on both sides don't start doing stupid things as the politicians have done enough of that.

Phil the Brit

I was at Liverpool Street station the other day and a begger had a plastic cup in one hand with a few coins in it and a SMARTPHONE in the other!! He was talking on the phone and shaking his pot at the same time. Get a job you lazy person is what I say.


I do sometimes put money in the pot, but I have said make the street, area you are on the tidiest around, actually do something and people may be tempted to put in more, don't just sit.
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Felonious Crud

Staff member
A few times I've had a coffee and a chat with a homeless person. Their backstories are a varied mix. I'd sooner buy them a hot drink than give them a fiver. And they can have f-all if they're chattering on a mobile!


A few times I've had a coffee and a chat with a homeless person. Their backstories are a varied mix. I'd sooner buy them a hot drink than give them a fiver. And they can have f-all if they're chattering on a mobile!
Giving someone homeless your time is about the most valuable "thing" you can do, a hot/cold drink and food is also thoughtful. Time though, that is the most precious and valuable commodity you can give and showing your genuine interest in their welfare. Having a mobile phone yes does give the wrong impression when most are struggling but having a phone doesn't mean they have bought it.

Phil the Brit

If they have nicked it, that makes it even worse!
You know, a lot of these beggers are youngish and got all their faculties. I don't have much sympathy, go to work and earn some money to support yourself like 99.9% of people in this country have to do.
Sorry if this sounds unsympathetic but i started working with a part time job when I was eleven. (I know you can't work at that age now of course, but you could in the old days.