Am i so wrong or sensitive, or?


New Member
thinking of selling my house in France Conaero i like it but its in Brittany and i want to move further east or Italy


Best time to buy for this last decade in rural in Italy in the last 1/2 dozen years too.

Interested to hear how it goes CT



New Member
where France was just a summer/holiday home, the East or Italy will be a permanent move, so taking my time over it. finding the right place in the right area.


Italy is a more difficult/complex place to move or integrate in, plus they hammer you for taxes if not your primary home.



Guys...:urock::urock: ... Thank you sooo much for your support and suggestions.

I read all your answers.

Frank you're right..fed up here.. You gave in a couple of sentences the things to be done!

Dem You should sell some buildings for me in GR, then i may come to UK

Brendan My age is an advantage, i agree

Rob (let the party begin!!) Maybe you're right, that i need first to be half/half with someone who knows the regulations. On the other hand i do not trust people when it is about money..Well..greeks are cheaters... (not happy for saying this, though).
About the woman thing.. You know, it's a nice feeling to know that you can be each day with a different woman. But deep feelings, are not coming out after an one night stand. As said before, i need strong relationships, they make me happy. Sex is so easy to find nowadays, always wanted something different. It's a general attitude in my life..Masers are different cars as well, they're not Porsches. I used to combine lust with feelings so its a bit hard to find the female Nikos in a place and time where sex is more a mean to have fun, not to come closer. But be sure, what is around me these days is a 40 year lady... Saw her, she was talking on the phone, then i lost her and let her a written message on the wiper blades of her VW...

Ian Many thanks mate, i loved your writing, it's very encouraging!

Stephen An aunt lived in Australia, but it's a lot far away for me.. I know about the weather, i know about their living niveau.
I cannot step into the plane and be in Athens in 2 hours. Besides, i am told that it 's very difficult immigrate to Australia nowadays.

Cobratwin What are you doing for living?I wouldn't suggest Italy..

Andy.. I would love to hear your thoughts mate..apart from the Maser thing :proud:

DanBoni A lot of classmates went to German university. I promised them that i would visit them, but only did it once, after ten years... So, i'm with you on this.

Newton I do not have much cash to hide!!!!Therefore i don't think i will use a tax heaven.. I run just a company, never involved in building Dubai! But wjat do you mean with such companies are hard to find?

Conaero "I strongly believe there is only one life and you should live it. If you not happy, change, sometimes you have to be selfish" This will go on top of my facebook account. That simple is life in the end...
Personally i have not imagined my whole life in Athens..Don't know where the rest would be, countryside or abroad. But a home for retirement OR a place to spend an amount of time is an option as well.

Nigw connect to facebook, and pick up some... They'll love to do some B-jobs hahaha But as i remember, you are ALL supposed to visit me in Greece next spring...(if i'm still here..)
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Forum Owner
The reason you could not post or were getting an error is the server was picking up on the amount of times you used the word 'sex' and rejecting it out, but I suppose you are Greek, so ill let you off!!!:dance4:


.....using the word or doing the act the SM server that intuitve........;)......;)...?!!



Forum Owner
...can I just add one more think Nikos, I sense you are ready to start a family, hence the change from sex for pleasure, to sex for the purpose it was intended, it hits us all eventually when we have had enough of playing the field and want to settle down.

I noticed this, it coincided with wanting to go to quite country pubs were I could sit down and talk, from the usual head banning bars with the outsite paved in vomit....its called growing up!


yes and no Matt.. I am a ..traditional guy since i was a child... Have done a lot, but i always wanted to be with a woman mainly emotionally than only for s%% (i correct it now, to prevent your firewall from getting crazy again!).

Have watched too many Hollywood movies lately hahahahaha!


Nikos, life is too short..You need to grab every opportunity with both hands........ feels to me that you a ready for a move. Do your research....Dan's thread is really useful to be honest and he talks a lot of sense.........Austria is a lovely place and could be the start you may need but only you can make that decision.........


...can I just add one more think Nikos, I sense you are ready to start a family, hence the change from sex for pleasure, to sex for the purpose it was intended, it hits us all eventually when we have had enough of playing the field and want to settle down.

That sounds awful!
I'll be sure to avoid that situation at all costs!!


I find it's still great fun as well Robert.......WIth the wife or on my own...