US Civil War


Johnson just condemned Trump's actions, Facebook have banned him and twitter suspended his account. A bit late really.
Loads of his staff have resigned, which isn't much considering that they will be redundant in two weeks.

The big concern now is what do the GOP do next?

Also, a responsibility lies with Biden and Harris. Their administration has to be successful in bringing the country together. Otherwise the far right will have a field day.


Well at least it takes the "crazy looking on the world stage prize 2021".. which was likely destined for the UK.... and makes us look Ok in comparison.....
We still have some way to go. We’ve yet to have our Bolsonaro/Trump moment. Depending on the next 18 months, that time could come sooner rather than later. Boris may be a plonker, but he’s nowhere near the other two.
Now that we, as a nation, have left the EU we have few bogeymen to vilify as a nation - without the ‘enemy abroad’ to blame and turn against, who will be next?
The socioeconomic outlook for the UK could be the fertile breeding ground for populist nationalism that makes the current setup seem like a child’s party. With new media outlets implicitly pursuing a hard right agenda along the lines of Fox in the US, I wouldn’t bet against similar happening here.


Not our politics but it beggars belief......4 shot dead......How the **** can this one man in a country in the 'free world' incite this ? And why do so many people believe this idiot. What do they see that most of us don't. This has not happened in 200 years in America and is a dark day in their modern political times......Boris is like Mother Theresa next to Trump :)

I usually stay well clear of politics (gawd knows I get enough of it shoved down my throat at work) but I'll have a go at answering your post Andy regarding how a situation like this can happen - in the good old fashioned black and white days when much of dear old Blighty was festooned with half timbered houses with no toilets and courageous, thrill seeking types in Witchfinder General outfits set sail for far away places in galleons made from rather large oak trees, some of my ancestors on my dad's side of the family were amongst the very first settlers in 'the new world', so consequently I have a lot, and I mean a lot of relatives spread right across the US. In recent years my brother, my two sisters I have been keeping in touch with some of them and I'd say that politically and in general outlook they are divided roughly 50 / 50 between democrats and republicans. They are from all walks of life - blue collar, white collar, agricultural, industrial, managerial, artsy, liberal, conservative, very left wing, very right wing, gun toting, gun fearing, god fearing, religious sceptics and in a few cases a strange mixture of all of these things. One thing above all else is clear when talking to them, both 'sides' feel as though the 'other side' aren't listening to them, this is why the nation is so divided and it goes way back before Trump appeared, it's really very deep rooted in so many of them. Trump is the straw which broke the camel's back. There was a huge swell of support for the tangerine gimp from people who would never normally give him the time of day, partly as a protest vote, and partly because they thought Obama just hadn't been listening to their concerns and the thought of another Clinton in the White House filled them with utter dread. There were a myriad of other reasons of course, and it isn't necessarily all black and white within that 50 / 50 divide because even some of my more liberal minded, highly educated, successful and motivated cousins over there couldn't put their crosses in the box marked democrat come voting time, because they didn't want more of the same and could see that great swathes of the lower educated and motivated population felt that way too.

Rightly or wrongly, this is where we are and it is not going to dissolve or go away when Trump is dragged kicking and screaming from the oval office. I sincerely hope that Biden picks up on this and somehow manages to calm the waters, or at least make a start, let's hope he can get to a place where there is some balance in US politics again. It won't be easy for him and I doubt he'll be able to do it in one or two terms, but if he can make a good start it will pave the way forward for the next president after his time in office, by which time Trump will be a distant and very bizarre memory.



I usually stay well clear of politics (gawd knows I get enough of it shoved down my throat at work) but I'll have a go at answering your post Andy regarding how a situation like this can happen - in the good old fashioned black and white days when much of dear old Blighty was festooned with half timbered houses with no toilets and courageous, thrill seeking types in Witchfinder General outfits set sail for far away places in galleons made from rather large oak trees, some of my ancestors on my dad's side of the family were amongst the very first settlers in 'the new world', so consequently I have a lot, and I mean a lot of relatives spread right across the US. In recent years my brother, my two sisters I have been keeping in touch with some of them and I'd say that politically and in general outlook they are divided roughly 50 / 50 between democrats and republicans. They are from all walks of life - blue collar, white collar, agricultural, industrial, managerial, artsy, liberal, conservative, very left wing, very right wing, gun toting, gun fearing, god fearing, religious sceptics and in a few cases a strange mixture of all of these things. One thing above all else is clear when talking to them, both 'sides' feel as though the 'other side' aren't listening to them, this is why the nation is so divided and it goes way back before Trump appeared, it's really very deep rooted in so many of them. Trump is the straw which broke the camel's back. There was a huge swell of support for the tangerine gimp from people who would never normally give him the time of day, partly as a protest vote, and partly because they thought Obama just hadn't been listening to their concerns and the thought of another Clinton in the White House filled them with utter dread. There were a myriad of other reasons of course, and it isn't necessarily all black and white within that 50 / 50 divide because even some of my more liberal minded, highly educated, successful and motivated cousins over there couldn't put their crosses in the box marked democrat come voting time, because they didn't want more of the same and could see that great swathes of the lower educated and motivated population felt that way too.

Rightly or wrongly, this is where we are and it is not going to dissolve or go away when Trump is dragged kicking and screaming from the oval office. I sincerely hope that Biden picks up on this and somehow manages to calm the waters, or at least make a start, let's hope he can get to a place where there is some balance in US politics again. It won't be easy for him and I doubt he'll be able to do it in one or two terms, but if he can make a good start it will pave the way forward for the next president after his time in office, by which time Trump will be a distant and very bizarre memory.

Don't bet your house on it!



Likewise I usually don't venture my views on politics widely but I get so frustrated by the predominance of left leaning media outlets. At least in Australia we have Sky News, ( not related to the UK version ) who when they have a panel to discuss views, quite fairly have advocates from both sides. The others fill their shows with only one side of the story. Makes me mad.


Likewise I usually don't venture my views on politics widely but I get so frustrated by the predominance of left leaning media outlets. At least in Australia we have Sky News, ( not related to the UK version ) who when they have a panel to discuss views, quite fairly have advocates from both sides. The others fill their shows with only one side of the story. Makes me mad.
But rest assured, those on the left complain that the news is too right wing.

Certainly the case in Blighty – pleasing nobody. Which is the best way...