Steps to cure aggressive content

Swedish Paul

Maybe not allowing folks to post from their own time zone after 8pm might resolve issues. I’m like an early drink but too drunk by 8pm. Not guilty your honor. Really….


Forum Owner
So, myself and the mods have sat back and let nature take its corse….open discussion to this gathering problem.

I must say, since this highlighted, the forum has returned to some sort of normality. I accept Benny has not posted which probably halves the problem but there is a return to ‘feel the love’

A few observations:

This forum came about from over moderation of the old forum, something we refuse to do but there is a line, which has been crossed of late.

Members are given a free rein and should know where that line is.

There have been comment of…since Corona virus…. yada, yada. This is something we see held accountable all over the place a personally I don’t accept it.

Also, the members themselves have to accept that they are the ones that caused this mess. Not pointing fingers, you just have to accept that crossed words and bad feeling got us to this point from the members not the mods.

So this open and Frank discussion is a good thing.

Forums don’t last forever, believe me I have seen most hit the skids which IMHO comes from a build it up and knock it down mentally.

Another observation is the same group of 20 or so members post 90% of the content. This maybe true but it’s been the same since the start.

If this forum was to dwindle, all the technical detail would remain, till at least the end of my days.

So, as I always state, this is not my forum it is your forum. Use it, nurture it and treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

At the end of the day, we are a community of Maserati owners, gentlemen and we are better than the rest as are our choices of vehicles.

That said, the plan to curb off topic content is in place. A new Community forum will be created where off topic content such as The Good Morning thread and the likes will move too then the off topic Jokes forum and it’s content will be removed from the most recent threads…meaning, you will have to go search for it and for the rest who deem it unnecessary, it won’t be presented to them at the top of the page.

As ever, if you have any other comments or suggestions, email me at and they will be considered.

Thank you, the mods


So, myself and the mods have sat back and let nature take its corse….open discussion to this gathering problem.

I must say, since this highlighted, the forum has returned to some sort of normality. I accept Benny has not posted which probably halves the problem but there is a return to ‘feel the love’

A few observations:

This forum came about from over moderation of the old forum, something we refuse to do but there is a line, which has been crossed of late.

Members are given a free rein and should know where that line is.

There have been comment of…since Corona virus…. yada, yada. This is something we see held accountable all over the place a personally I don’t accept it.

Also, the members themselves have to accept that they are the ones that caused this mess. Not pointing fingers, you just have to accept that crossed words and bad feeling got us to this point from the members not the mods.

So this open and Frank discussion is a good thing.

Forums don’t last forever, believe me I have seen most hit the skids which IMHO comes from a build it up and knock it down mentally.

Another observation is the same group of 20 or so members post 90% of the content. This maybe true but it’s been the same since the start.

If this forum was to dwindle, all the technical detail would remain, till at least the end of my days.

So, as I always state, this is not my forum it is your forum. Use it, nurture it and treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

At the end of the day, we are a community of Maserati owners, gentlemen and we are better than the rest as are our choices of vehicles.

That said, the plan to curb off topic content is in place. A new Community forum will be created where off topic content such as The Good Morning thread and the likes will move too then the off topic Jokes forum and it’s content will be removed from the most recent threads…meaning, you will have to go search for it and for the rest who deem it unnecessary, it won’t be presented to them at the top of the page.

As ever, if you have any other comments or suggestions, email me at and they will be considered.

Thank you, the mods
Wise words. Just to be clear. Do all the old pervs have to go searching/stalking for Jenny now or is she an off topic?


So, myself and the mods have sat back and let nature take its corse….open discussion to this gathering problem.

I must say, since this highlighted, the forum has returned to some sort of normality. I accept Benny has not posted which probably halves the problem but there is a return to ‘feel the love’

A few observations:

This forum came about from over moderation of the old forum, something we refuse to do but there is a line, which has been crossed of late.

Members are given a free rein and should know where that line is.

There have been comment of…since Corona virus…. yada, yada. This is something we see held accountable all over the place a personally I don’t accept it.

Also, the members themselves have to accept that they are the ones that caused this mess. Not pointing fingers, you just have to accept that crossed words and bad feeling got us to this point from the members not the mods.

So this open and Frank discussion is a good thing.

Forums don’t last forever, believe me I have seen most hit the skids which IMHO comes from a build it up and knock it down mentally.

Another observation is the same group of 20 or so members post 90% of the content. This maybe true but it’s been the same since the start.

If this forum was to dwindle, all the technical detail would remain, till at least the end of my days.

So, as I always state, this is not my forum it is your forum. Use it, nurture it and treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

At the end of the day, we are a community of Maserati owners, gentlemen and we are better than the rest as are our choices of vehicles.

That said, the plan to curb off topic content is in place. A new Community forum will be created where off topic content such as The Good Morning thread and the likes will move too then the off topic Jokes forum and it’s content will be removed from the most recent threads…meaning, you will have to go search for it and for the rest who deem it unnecessary, it won’t be presented to them at the top of the page.

As ever, if you have any other comments or suggestions, email me at and they will be considered.

Thank you, the mods
Can I suggest you monitor the changes u make.
A lot claim the forum doesn’t have what they want but have every opportunity to create a new topic of what it is they actually want.
They don’t do it.
Sure, a lot of the regulars post on here.
Without them it would be pretty quiet.
This forum is as much about fun, banter, lifestyle and general car talk as it is Maserati.
I personally think it’s a nice balance of well minded enthusiasts -past and present.
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I’ve been on here nearly 10 years but not a regular poster or part of the “inner circle” (I dip in and out depending on when I’m excited about a new purchase, think I can help someone, need help myself or want to show off pictures of my GT :D which I adore).

I rarely post in off topic areas like jokes and good morning threads, but browse them regularly for fun. I 100% do not enjoy seeing aggression, racism or profanity posted and avoid reading them, so I love the cooler idea. I have previously avoided the forum completely when things got out of hand in my view and was disappointed when no action was taken by the mods.

However I don’t think there is a need to ring fence threads like good morning (or other off topic threads) as they can be quite engaging for a lurker like me and there’s some fun banter that is fine in my book. Showing off is also fine, that’s what the internet is for isn’t it ;)


I would agree with c4sman, it’s easy to avoid threads that you don’t want to read or think are irrelevant, you could even have an “ignore thread” function for those that feel the need. But I don’t think they should be hidden and made hard to find.

The profanity and racist stuff is harder to avoid / ignore as it pops up in unexpected places, but to be honest the mods know who posts and the cooler should do the trick. We should all get better at clicking report when we see inappropriate stuff and perhaps people should get an alert to say a post has been reported, it might make them rethink their content

All forums get the occasional “Spoon” and I think the mods manage them well and they eventually disappear into SM folklore.

You need to have people on here daily to make sure they are around to read and contribute to the Maserati / car content and offer advice when they can.

I make the forum work for me and enjoy being here.


Junior Member
you just have to accept that crossed words and bad feeling got us to this point from the members not the mods.
This is the only part I think you need to reasses . Maybe not the mods so much but yourself. Allowing one individual free reign to treat the forum as a stress relief valve, regardless of his personal circumstances, has created the mess you refer to. Not just specifically when instigating others to respond.

It was inevitable that some members will think if he can get away with why shouldn't I. In allowing an atmosphere to develop whereby some will think it's okay to behave that way, the one rule for you and you're mates, the core, and one for everyone else doesn't work.