Steps to cure aggressive content


This, in spades.

As a former moderator who never had to moderate anything I started to wonder what's changed so much. A look at the home page provides a view of what this site has become used for - the highest number of threads/subjects exist in Forum Chat which is meant to be 'general chat for anything Maserati'. Excluding the 5 stickies I see only 3 of the first 20 threads relevant to that description. The third highest number of threads is Humour, Jokes and other Topics which contains the highest number of posts/responses on the site by far. To me it has become very much more about opinions, lifestyle (showing off, especially) and politics (where some have been allowed to be extremely self-indulgent IMO). I can no longer identify what the life blood of this forum is any more, sadly, it's not cars or Maseratis to me. Some members could certainly conduct themselves better, but they haven't changed their way of contributing over the years; banter means different things to different people. What appears to have happened is that there are perhaps more complaints and certainly a leaning towards being easily-offended - the way of the world sadly, let's not even get started on wokeism! With such a variance of topics which are then filled with different opinions and typically allowed to run off-topic is it any wonder many spend less time here or arguments become heated? Another car-related site I now spend a lot more of my time on is managed better - topics kept to their sections, rules set out and adhered to, no politics, no showboating etc.
I don’t think that I have actually bothered to log here since around March, I have popped on now and again just to have a look, but definitely not often. I got totally fed up with a lot of the posters just wanting to boast and show off, or put across a political view, even start their own topic so that they could do that. People who just want to disagree with others for the sake of it. Those being obnoxious because they had been on the forum for so long and getting away with it. I am not easily offended and find that there is a woke leaning from a lot of posters. Ok if that’s your way of life good luck, but equally keep it out of the forum. Anyway, I will log out again, but before that I must say I agree 100% with MAFF 260.
I have respect for the Mods and hope this improves the site and content.

After so many years it was bound to evolve, but I look back fondly on the days when it was more about the car than peoples opinions and lifestyle; hence I spend less and less time on here.
Me too. I hardly ever visit the site, let alone post any comments. A handful of people post 90% of the content, much of it of absolutely zilch interest to me and little relevance to the marque. I see this as a high priority for the owner to understand why there is not a varied contribution representative of it several thousand members rather than a handful or a dozen members posting 90% of the content.
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I don’t think that I have actually bothered to log here since around March, I have popped on now and again just to have a look, but definitely not often. I got totally fed up with a lot of the posters just wanting to boast and show off, or put across a political view, even start their own topic so that they could do that. People who just want to disagree with others for the sake of it. Those being obnoxious because they had been on the forum for so long and getting away with it. I am not easily offended and find that there is a woke leaning from a lot of posters. Ok if that’s your way of life good luck, but equally keep it out of the forum. Anyway, I will log out again, but before that I must say I agree 100% with MAFF 260.
Absolutely spot on. Well said. A handful to a dozen members with seemingly nothing better to do than posting 90% or so of all posts - in my view, of mostly pure piffle and trying to show prowess of a self-declared Maserati expert, wealth manager, class 1 investor, self professed Chartered Financial Planner and Master Whatever Trade you want to write about.

The Porsche 911 UK forum is the same, but on a much bigger scale. Why? Because there are so many Porsche members on 911UK than Maserati owners on Sports Maserati.


This, in spades.

As a former moderator who never had to moderate anything I started to wonder what's changed so much. A look at the home page provides a view of what this site has become used for - the highest number of threads/subjects exist in Forum Chat which is meant to be 'general chat for anything Maserati'. Excluding the 5 stickies I see only 3 of the first 20 threads relevant to that description. The third highest number of threads is Humour, Jokes and other Topics which contains the highest number of posts/responses on the site by far. To me it has become very much more about opinions, lifestyle (showing off, especially) and politics (where some have been allowed to be extremely self-indulgent IMO). I can no longer identify what the life blood of this forum is any more, sadly, it's not cars or Maseratis to me. Some members could certainly conduct themselves better, but they haven't changed their way of contributing over the years; banter means different things to different people. What appears to have happened is that there are perhaps more complaints and certainly a leaning towards being easily-offended - the way of the world sadly, let's not even get started on wokeism! With such a variance of topics which are then filled with different opinions and typically allowed to run off-topic is it any wonder many spend less time here or arguments become heated? Another car-related site I now spend a lot more of my time on is managed better - topics kept to their sections, rules set out and adhered to, no politics, no showboating etc.
In fairness, how much of the lack of Maserati content can be put down to a lack of ‘core’ Maserati cars being released?
At the moment we have the Ghibli, QP6 and Levante winding down their production cycles. The MC20 is beyond 95 per cent of the forum, whereas the Grecale… well I’ll be kind, it’s not the kind of car that most of us fell in love with the brand for, is it.
Perhaps the new GranTurismo will reinvigorate more Maserati-specific chat.


Chief pedant
I enjoy the humour, smile at the banter, haven't really noticed the bragging, unwatch the politics (mostly), know to ignore the claimed experts, value the real experts, sympathise with the 'life' ranters, and IGNORE the 'hate' ranters and the sweary bullies. Also I'm not very obsessed about cars in general and Maseratis in particular; I just like my car and am happy to learn more about how to fix it. So the forum seems to work fairly well for me.

Alan Surrey

Are the number of manhours per month spent on this Forum dropping off? Certainly not in my case. I like it here. Sound advice on Maseratis is always available. So are other enjoyable threads. There are some threads in which I have no interest (cigars comes to mind) so I don't look at them, but I realise they might well be of interest to other members of the Maserati demographic, so I'm glad they are here.
Foul mouthed writing, on the other hand, has no place anywhere as far as I can see. Thank you, mods, for the cooler.
And thank you, the overwhelming majority of posters, for making this Forum a great place to be and a demographic I can be pleased to be part of.


I've only been here 2 minutes so I don't know these members and I know this doesn't achieve anything but I feel I need to say it.
On every specialist car forum I've been involved in over the years, there has always been the type of members of whom you speak.
There are pillocks in every walk of life.
Ignore them.
Don't reply to their postings.
There is no better way to deflate their egos than simply blanking them.


Are the number of manhours per month spent on this Forum dropping off? Certainly not in my case. I like it here. Sound advice on Maseratis is always available. So are other enjoyable threads. There are some threads in which I have no interest (cigars comes to mind) so I don't look at them, but I realise they might well be of interest to other members of the Maserati demographic, so I'm glad they are here.
Foul mouthed writing, on the other hand, has no place anywhere as far as I can see. Thank you, mods, for the cooler.
And thank you, the overwhelming majority of posters, for making this Forum a great place to be and a demographic I can be pleased to be part of.
I'll go along with that. At 81, I've seen/heard enough negative rubbish - just try to be happy.

The 'Terrible Jokes' appeal to my warped sense of humour, too...

Phil H

IMHO there's nothing wrong with mixed content and social chat. What I object to, as do others, is the use of profanity ('disguised' or otherwise) on a public forum with no regard for other forum members, its sponsors, or visitors to the site. I don't care if it is used 'in jest' or to provoke a reaction, either way it is offensive.


In fairness, how much of the lack of Maserati content can be put down to a lack of ‘core’ Maserati cars being released?
At the moment we have the Ghibli, QP6 and Levante winding down their production cycles. The MC20 is beyond 95 per cent of the forum, whereas the Grecale… well I’ll be kind, it’s not the kind of car that most of us fell in love with the brand for, is it.
Perhaps the new GranTurismo will reinvigorate more Maserati-specific chat.


I think many of the older, core members have owned their maserati models and either moved on to other brands (as Maserati has struggled to build anything to move to) and so the chat is less about the cars and their technical foibles, and more about non-related stuff.

As a long term member, owner of 5 maserati to date, I've stopped learning much now and therefore don't post so much. I found the forum when I was first looking to buy a Maserati and along with knowledge, I found a core member group that contained a bunch of good folk with the same intersts as me. I have made some good friends on the journey and value that.

However, as I have evolved away from the brand, so have many others. And so the reasons to visit the site become less about the cars.

In short, I blame maserati, FCA and Stellantis. :)

To provide some constructive citicism, there have been times when i have seen threads and posts that are narrow minded and confrontational. It doesn't bother me that much, I simply avoid the discussion, however I can see why it bothers some.

With the help of Maserati, I hope we can keep most of the discussion on point.


It’s tough running a public forum. It’s all about creating content, preferably on topic, that keeps people coming back. So you need the prolific posters as “glue” to keep the attention otherwise there is nothing new and people lose interest.

I enjoy the banter if it’s not laced with profanity and not aggressive - that tends to happen between the old boys who know each other and understand it is tongue in cheek, but it alienates the others. I have taken breaks from the forum when it gets too hot - so I think the cooler is a good idea. Politics and interesting arguments are fine with me, you can learn something. Willy waving not so much although I’m sure I’ve been guilty of that on occasion - the flesh is weak ;). So keep going and keep improving is all I will say. A forum going for more than 10 years is quite a performance
I like the forum generally
It helped me when I had QP
I like the fun
I like the knowledge for hols etc and have used that knowledge to good effect
I stopped reading after the sake of QP but had to come back all be it less frequently
I like the grammar quips and most other topics except cigars so I don't read that one
I don't like the swearing
Perhaps just don't read what offends
Overall great and well done to 99% of the posters and thank you
Should be a comma in there somewhere


Ironically, this thread shows the best features of what makes this site one of the best ‘car forums’ out there and when it’s at its best… constructive insights building a good picture of the problem and solution from members, most of whom, want to help others and contribute to making something that is far more than the sum of its parts.

I and many others have been the recipient of such help and worked through problems with our beautiful pride and joys. I love the R&D nature when we work and fumble together and find solutions to keep our cars on the road in cost-effective and sustainable ways, with those willing to ‘give things a try’, supported by knowledge and encouragement from some incredibly experienced staff and members.

I also agree, as others above have said far better than I could, that the varied content make this not just a forum, but also a community where we can learn new things, have a laugh and not take ourselves too seriously.

I appreciate the forum’s explicit commitment to deal with offensive behaviour.
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Phil H

Can we put everyone in the cooler who mentions the word "Woke" ?

I listen to enough old people in real life that have picked up that phrase from the Daily mail. :p
So you think that all of us old 'uns should be consigned to a never ending deep sleep? :eek: