Sportsmaserati search on Google


New Member
If I did that I would be a rich man, it's not about the money, it's about the passion. Money and forums don't go together see where MF is today if you don't believe me!

Seriously though this forum personally costs me about £2k a year and what I get back in pleasure more than makes up for any financial outlay.

Matt, your stance is admirable, but £2k is £2k and it feels like the forum as an entity should now be looking to cover it's running costs. There are enough members on the forum now to warrant some sort of charge to the sponsors. Some, if not all generate business from their association to the forum after all, so even a token financial contribution to the running costs does not feel unjustified. I appreciate that one needs to tread carefully when charging for advertising, as one wouldn't want to become beholden, and I agree that the forum should not be a profit driven enterprise, but with that said, I'm sure there's a structure that would allow for charged advertising without any inferred preference.


Forum Owner
Miles it has been on my mind and we will do it soon. I want to get the post count above that of ML then we can say we are the biggest forum, well on posts anyway, which will ring home with the sponsors.

TBF the sponsors have helped us, and we have helped them, its something I have learnt in business, treat your suppliers the same way you treat your clients, manners cost nothing and you will find they will in return help you out when you stuck.

The forum is planned to have an upgrade soon, hopefully some time before xmas. We have not updated the software in 18 months and that leaves us oped to attach. So watch this space.


Agreed Matt, your sense of timing and what to do and more importantly how you've done it has been an example to us all.

Manners and respect cost nothing but speak volumes.........and they are always noticed and commented upon regardless of what people say!



Forum Owner
Good find Frank, I did not know about that one. Funny how it does not come up in google for Maserati forum, need to find out what italian for FORUM is then I can add it to the search terms, plus german, french, spanish etc....


Forum Owner
Just had a look, its the same spelling across the board, just they put FORUM before MASERATI, ill add to our metatags, then maybe we can launch these country forums, the only problem is we need someone who speaks the language to moderate it.

dem maser

Well if it was a greek forum i can handle that one but italian will be a struggle for us, how bout that bigfoot??


Matt, I think the major forums are on my Links page......incl ML and the French one too