Question of the day


Chief pedant
Of all the Icelandic people I know, the only person I could search on the Icelandic Telephone directory was björk guðmundsdóttir....

Three questions (out of the 12 today, obvio):
(1) Why couldn't you search any of the other Icelandic people that you know in the Icelandic telephone directory?
(2) How come you know Björk Guðmundsdóttir?
(3) There seem to be 7 of them in the phone book, but one is a printer and three are medics, so which one is the singer, is it the one with no address listed?

Björk Guðmundsdóttir (prentsmiður), Hraunbæ 65, 110 Reykjavík
Björk Guðmundsdóttir (hjúkrunarfræðingur), Sléttuvegi 15, 103 Reykjavík
Björk Guðmundsdóttir (lyfjafræðingur), Brekkubraut 1, 230 Reykjanesbæ
Björk Guðmundsdóttir (sjúkraliði) Brekatúni 28, 600 Akureyri
Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Gullsmára 1, 201 Kópavogi
Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Þrumutúni 1, 600 Akureyri
Björk Guðmundsdóttir


To answer the above

1 I don't know anyone else!
2 When I say I know, I mean I've heard of...
3 More than likely the last one...


Oh dear, 100% is 57.15 ethanol. From olden days alcohol less than this would not burn in gunpowder. USA is alcohol double the % so 100 proof would be 50%. I think. Therefore there could be many answers., i think.


Oh dear, 100% is 57.15 ethanol. From olden days alcohol less than this would not burn in gunpowder. USA is alcohol double the % so 100 proof would be 50%. I think. Therefore there could be many answers., i think.

The clue is they are marked on the bottles. That i am aware of it only applies to two types of spirit. They are still marked gun powder proof on the bottles now.

I can explain the history later. But as i said there are two that i know of that are marked gun powder proof on the bottles.

Its the type of spirit / drink i am after not the brand.


Junior Member
There's Pussers rum and a Plymouth gin which are still marked as 'gunpowder proof' or 'navy strength' as far as i know. Not sure why but I know you dont want to be stuck in conversation with someone who has been drinking them. :)


Correct. Gin and rum are the two spirits in question that can be marked gunpowder proof or Navy strength on the bottle.

All British navy ships were required to carry both rum and gin onboard. Rum as part of the pay / daily ration for the sailors and gin as it was considered a cure or treatment for various ailments.

Prior to hydrometers being available. The British Navy developed a simple test to ensure they were not being ripped off with watered down spirits. A small amount of gunpowder was dropped into a sample of the spirit. If it failed to burn during the test then it was deemed to be too weak or under proof. If it burned cleanly then it was gunpowder proof and passed as having a high enough alcohol content. If it burned with a flash or more violent reaction then it was deemed to be over proof.

Two reasons that gunpowder proof spirit was required. One they were paying for and only wanted the good stuff. The second reason being that the barrels of gin and rum were stored next to the gunpowder. If a barrel leaked in rough seas or smashed then the gunpowder would be ruined if it contained too much water or was under proof. Gunpowder contaminated with gunpowder proof spirit was still usable.

Short version of the history but the answer is rum and gin.

Your question thumper.


A few to think about and before you ask I have a friend who is a Dr Who geek (back in the early 70s when we were at school he use to record each program on his cassette recorder and then manually write out the script for his friends to re-enact - I was one of those friends :as004: )

Richard Hurndell played the first Doctor in the 20th Anniversary special in 1983 as William Hartnell the original first Doctor had died.
David Bradley also played the first Doctor in An Adventure of Space & Time which was drama about Dr Who

John Hurt also played an incarnation of the Doctor in a few episodes in 2013

but the shortest was

Daniel Anthony who was the Doctor for a brief few seconds as Matt Smith switches forms in Death of a Doctor one of the Sarah Jane Adventures which was a Dr Who spin off for kids.

Off to dust my anorak off


Junior Member
Wow, now that is geeky. You did however get the answer i was looking for in there. John Hurt played the official 9th Doctor in the 50th anniversary special. Over to you Andy.