GS for Sale £23,250


Just looking at that one...A car with full leather for 23k....Cheap one that...It does look a bit low at the back you're right Adam.


I cant believe the one stratstone have in is nearly 17K more, you can have that Silver GS and a Ghibli cup for the price the one a stratstone costs.


Nice looking car, nice spec....looks like a comparable car to Dicky's for similar money. Advantage to many is full leather.


I think its a well price GS with full leather as long as all the other bits are OK...And as Frank points out its on line with the others but they have the tech cloth.


This seems to be where the prices are going now for 50k 2005 GS. 4 months ago people were asking £27k and they were just not moving, hence the price fall if you really want to sell. Perhaps the onset of Autumn doesn't help either?


New Member
Cripes I like the blue one, that looks like good value. The first car is possibly just parked at a wierd angle causing the o/s/r suspension to compress, but the nose cone does look like a different colour to the rest of the car.


Guys, we need to realise that all 4200 derivatives are weak residual cars and very few people in the trade will touch them. Try this out by looking at a 911, AM, M series BMW etc and suggesting your 4200/GS as a px. Most dealers will not want it. Also look at how many 4200/GSs are not selling and are dropping in price. Remember as well that mileage kills these cars values.

We also need to be less critical of cars advertised for sale. Personally I have never seen a car more than a year old that could pass for new and these cars are all 5-8 years old now and will, of course, have some element of wear. As for service history, the Maserati recommended change dates are very conservative and, as I posted on the other forum, there will be no 4200/GS that has a full service history. For example, how many of you change the auxillary belt every three years and the lambda sensors every four years?

The more we find holes in cars for sale, the more we destroy our cars values and their reputations.


New Member
Guys, we need to realise that all 4200 derivatives are weak residual cars and very few people in the trade will touch them. Try this out by looking at a 911, AM, M series BMW etc and suggesting your 4200/GS as a px. Most dealers will not want it. Also look at how many 4200/GSs are not selling and are dropping in price. Remember as well that mileage kills these cars values.

We also need to be less critical of cars advertised for sale. Personally I have never seen a car more than a year old that could pass for new and these cars are all 5-8 years old now and will, of course, have some element of wear. As for service history, the Maserati recommended change dates are very conservative and, as I posted on the other forum, there will be no 4200/GS that has a full service history. For example, how many of you change the auxillary belt every three years and the lambda sensors every four years?

The more we find holes in cars for sale, the more we destroy our cars values and their reputations.

Very wise words.
I agree that as long as its not abused its still a good value car whatever it is


Forum Owner
Its coming up to winter, in recession, grab the bargains while you can, they will rise in the spring, still think I will get £30k for mine, 06 with 32k miles, Larini, DBW LE spec.