Are you worried yet.

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There is nothing to be gained and plenty to be lost in continuing with this episode. I suggest everyone refrains from beating their heads against this particular wall for a while.


Yes, we know all of these are a factor in both catching the disease and the severity of the experience. So what? You seem to be suggesting that there are 'good reasons' (including bad luck) why some people get ill or die, and the subtext seems to be that without these 'reasons' there is no problem. This is a common delusion; a defensive mechanism to try to create a sense of being safe.

For example fighter pilots are strangely inclined to blame pilot error when one of their number dies, because it is more comfortable to imagine that, 'he died, because he made a mistake, but I won't' than to think, 'I might die like that at any moment'. Same thing drives 'comforting' conspiracy theories - 'If 9/11 was a complex government plot, then I can make sense of it, but if it was a handful of random terrorists, I'm going to be afraid all the time.'

There is also the comfort of imagining that one has special knowledge of 'the facts' and so is insulated from uncomfortable turbulence and uncertainty.

I suspect (but may be wrong) that part of what drives the ideas for many people that 'it just affects old, obese, smokers' or 'the government wasn't prepared' or even 'we must open up to save the economy' is really a slightly delusional attempt to say 'there isn't really a deadly global pandemic that we actually have to deal with'.

Assuming this is a question (a little ambiguous without the correct punctuation); no you really don't.

I think many of us look at the data and try to draw conclusions. It seems to me that the data are sufficiently ambiguous and inconclusive that only a propagandist, someone deluded or someone seeking the lifeboat of spurious certainty would claim to know the 'facts'.

Again, assuming this is a question; I would say certainly offensive, and mostly inaccurate through a mixture of bad data and flawed logic.
Yes, we know all of these are a factor in both catching the disease and the severity of the experience. So what? You seem to be suggesting that there are 'good reasons' (including bad luck) why some people get ill or die, and the subtext seems to be that without these 'reasons' there is no problem. This is a common delusion; a defensive mechanism to try to create a sense of being safe.

For example fighter pilots are strangely inclined to blame pilot error when one of their number dies, because it is more comfortable to imagine that, 'he died, because he made a mistake, but I won't' than to think, 'I might die like that at any moment'. Same thing drives 'comforting' conspiracy theories - 'If 9/11 was a complex government plot, then I can make sense of it, but if it was a handful of random terrorists, I'm going to be afraid all the time.'

There is also the comfort of imagining that one has special knowledge of 'the facts' and so is insulated from uncomfortable turbulence and uncertainty.

I suspect (but may be wrong) that part of what drives the ideas for many people that 'it just affects old, obese, smokers' or 'the government wasn't prepared' or even 'we must open up to save the economy' is really a slightly delusional attempt to say 'there isn't really a deadly global pandemic that we actually have to deal with'.

Assuming this is a question (a little ambiguous without the correct punctuation); no you really don't.

I think many of us look at the data and try to draw conclusions. It seems to me that the data are sufficiently ambiguous and inconclusive that only a propagandist, someone deluded or someone seeking the lifeboat of spurious certainty would claim to know the 'facts'.

Again, assuming this is a question; I would say certainly offensive, and mostly inaccurate through a mixture of bad data and flawed logic.
Fair enough MarkMas. Points well made.
I’ll take what you say on the chin.
Don’t agree.
My way is open up- lockdown and protect the vulnerable.
you think that the 3% is worth locking down the 97% for.
That’s fine.
I think I may enter the trickle charger business.


Why should I have to ignore a thread that may have useful information on it about COVID developments?
But you can also skip over parts, or people, you are your own moderator, or not. It's no different to people complaining about certain TV content, switch it off or change channel.


But you can also skip over parts, or people, you are your own moderator, or not. It's no different to people complaining about certain TV content, switch it off or change channel.
Yeah but if I don’t post, he’s no-one else to stalk. ;)


Pity there is no way of tracking it, then it could be returned, as the police did recently with fly tippers.


Personally i think first world have all been conditioned to hold life as being far to precious, certainly it is to a degree, especially the closer you approach the twilight years .................but in my view its nothing to fear and certainly a subject most people dont like to talk about and shy away from ,but perhaps we should ,third world are most certainly not in the panic modes that the first world have been most of 2020 and 2021 ...................mostly with no health care systems in place there arent streets lined with covid deaths as the west would have you believe ....................i could do with some analysis from the statiticians on here as they seem to think a superior attitude give the only right answer ........................well answer this one why isnt africa with no health care in the most part covered and littered with covid deaths ............................and please dont tell me the footfall/travelling is far less than europe or south america how many chinese are in africa big is the UN contingent in Africa ......................its something that has been troubling me and i struggle to come up with a simple answer
Its a really interesting point because according to the UK ONS, people who are of Black African or Afro Caribbean ethnicity have a ×2 to x2.5 higher mortality rate than White ethnicities. If correct then why isn't the Covid mortality rate in Africa running rampant comparatively speaking? Its a question which has also puzzled me and no one has been able to answer the question yet.


I would like to think we live in a nice part of town, but it’s still full of filthy young adults that leave a huge amount of litter on the local moor.
My kids would feel the pain if I caught them leaving such a mess.


Its a really interesting point because according to the UK ONS, people who are of Black African or Afro Caribbean ethnicity have a ×2 to x2.5 higher mortality rate than White ethnicities. If correct then why isn't the Covid mortality rate in Africa running rampant comparatively speaking? Its a question which has also puzzled me and no one has been able to answer the question yet.

Because it's not just ethnicity. It's what jobs those ethnicities do, underlying health status and many other confounding factors.



I would like to think we live in a nice part of town, but it’s still full of filthy young adults that leave a huge amount of litter on the local moor.
My kids would feel the pain if I caught them leaving such a mess.
The trouble is that these young adults will eventually be parents, if not already. And unlikely to teach their kids any more manners or consideration than their own parents taught them. If that makes sense, I blame the parents!


Interesting read.
What the world can learn from New Zealand’s Covid-19 bin mystery
In New Zealand, investigators traced an outbreak to a 50-second window of exposure. The case might be a lesson for countries contemplating a future with no Covid-19

Read in WIRED UK:

How about Governments put an end to this ignored WHO epidemic.....affects 1.8Billion people.......and kills 8million each year!

Far far more deadly than covids annual total ....with non users hugely affected too.

Could £, $, €, ¥ be the reason they don’t give a flying..........
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D Walker

Well, I’m -VE, so I’m allowed out now.
Sat watching the news “Sky” as it’s what I can get through my fire stick at the moment.
No one wants passports for entry to venues.....but they all want to open.....but don’t want another lockdown....stay shut then
People don’t want to show their vaccine status. Stay in then. Oh but then we’re discriminated against.
Pandering to the whim of all and sundry seems to be the norm now.



So how does the science exclude “The Tube”?
It’s one of the most crowded, claustrophobic, indoor environments in the world where social distancing is impossible and it handles up to 5 million passenger journeys per day, including many from foreign countries who use it to navigate around London’s many sites.

Surely this should be included on the list if limiting Covids opportunity to spread is a concern.
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Totally agree Wattie seems madness to me.
2021 will probably end like 20.
Don't know when we see Bars and Restaurants open here in France but the Bottle Banks are doing well.
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