Alternative parts, what everyone needs to know...


Front Brembo Brake Discs - FERRARI 550 Maranello 96 to 02 02-02358 2 £195.43
Rear Brembo Brake Discs - FERRARI 550 Maranello 96 to 02 02-02359 2 £157.66
Subtotal £353.09
Delivery £0.00
Grand Total (Excl.Tax) £294.24
VAT £58.85
Grand Total (Incl.Tax) £353.09

Got free delivery as it took a month to get!!!!

Heres the search of the firm I got them off -

Greengrippers off here....£70 for both sets plus postage in February


Should have my new rear discs tomorrow, ready to fit at the weekend. :D
How do I get the drums off? last time I inspected, I assumed the drums would just pull of but seemed stuck. Do I need to slack off the handbrake shoes?


Rob, am sure theres a guide on here about that, check in the fixes section, assume your sticking in new pads too, which type, if Greengrippers, be prepared for quite a bit of filing, patience my man!!!



green grippers indeed. I have a special file for fitting pads, this will be my third pair!
Also have new calipers to fit, my rears were sticking at last MOT. Think these and my corroded rear discs are giving me "lumpy brakes". Also have ABS light on, so will check and clean up the sensors.

If not these then I will have to fit new front discs next, after recently fitting the new front calipers (and greengrippers)


Forum Owner
Rob, you indeed have to back off the handbrake shoe to get the rear disks off. From memory, you turn the cog round with a flat blade screw driver via the access hole in the disc.

You have to line the hole up with the adjuster which is at the bottom.


Special case
Rob: These are not handed so one is worked up & the other down to loosten off, you will soon figure which goes which way!


New Member
Evening all - I don’t think I posted my original comments re the brakes on this exact thread - but seeing as it’s the most recent I thought it best!

So - following all the superb advice from all of you gents, when my 4200 GT failed its MOT due to brake discs and pads - I took the plunge and purchased the 550 discs and some pads off Matt (thanks again!).

I asked my Indie to fit and he obliged - although I have to say that when I told him the cost saving he was dubious it would work - but it did!

Apparently everything fitted great although the pads needed a bit of grinding down (which is apparently very normal).

I thought a quick update to help fellow 4200 owners may help:

Upon braking the car feels very sure footed, very stable and very importantly - it stops! I would say it took a few hundred miles to bed in but after that it’s been great.

To be honest there are no real downsides, but if I have to be picky they are as follows;

The pads appear to give off a little more brake dust than before but nothing major.

The hubs of the discs are corroding - this will be easily rectified with hammerite I suppose. When they are all sparkling they look ace - but with some water and general road muck they are starting to look untidy and need sorting out.

I don’t think they have ground the pads enough. When I start the car after its been sitting over night and raining, there is a noticeable squeal. This goes once the discs are cleaned by braking.

The upsides:

This is simple, very simple - the cost! I simply cannot believe how much I've saved. My wife was going to kill me when I told her the original quote for original Maserati - I'm happy to say that with the savings I'm still married!!!

All joking aside the discs are great. I had bad corrosion before and so when I braked it sounds like a fighter plane coming in to land - now it’s silent. They look good (or they will do with the painted hubs) and they really do feel sure footed.

All in all I cannot thank the forum enough. Not only have you saved me serious money but I also have a happier wife and my pride and joy stops as the Maserati factory intended!!

Thanks again to all that helped me. If I in turn can be of any assistance to anyone else, please feel free to ask away.



New Member
Hi all Masers, i am a newbie for maserati just got my self a 3200 gt. I am from Malaysia and i find is extremely difficult to get parts for the my car here. Can all gurus help me on my suspensions problems? Can i know what alteenative do i have for my 3200gt lower and upper arm replacements other then the originals. Thanks in advance.


Forum Owner
Iasla welcome to the forum. I take it you don't see many Maseratis in your country?

The suspension wishbones have been an area of refurb discussions for quite a while but as far as I know it still has not been done, sorry.

I think Emblem where looking into it, not sure where they got to.

One thing you might try is to fully tighten the nut sometimes it does cure it, as they have a habit of stretching.


Hi Lasla, welcome to the best Maserati in the known universe....if we can help we will.......yes parts are expensive, they can refurbish the rear lower arms tie rods but not the ball joints on a 4200, not sure about the 3200, someone will help further no doubt!



New Member
Hi all just joined your great forum found some great info. I am trying to find out if you can get a new bush for the rear tie rod end on a GS or if anyone knows anywhere that can make a custom bush as i got a price of £405 + VAT from my dealer and eurospares is asking £337 + VAT for a new wishbone
Cheers for any help


Not another guy from N Ireland!!!!


You can get the tie rod refurbed, I need mine done, will sus out the link for you.

Tell us more about the would be nice!!


( Co. Fermanagh!!!!!)


New Member
County Antrim out near larne

Cheers for the link but just need a new bush. May turn a new Polyurethane bush and see how it goes my mechanic uesd to build rally cars so can build things from scratch but would love to get one off a shelf

Black coupe v8 sa with body skirts

will post pics after respray as strong winds blew neigbours metal storage bin lid into my wing, door and quater pannel.


Not so bad, do check out items mentioned above anyways as they do wear as time goes by particuallry with Maser 4200/GS.

Not sure about the bushes for the rear arms, I got them for the front arms, will post up a link for an indie to ring.

Hope the paint work aint too damaged!



New Member
Hi Parisien

Bit the bullet and purchased new lower arm for rear (want my baby back on the road). which lever are you looking at for yours.
will have a spare lever if you find anywhere to get them rebushed.
Gave Belfast breaks a call yesterday to get shoes relined droped them in on thurs afternoon and picked them up friday lunch what a service also ordered a full set of green grippers.
shoes £40 all in
GG £90 full set
Will try the 550 disc combination as well.
MOT is costing me a fortune