2021 weight loss and fitness accountability club


Week one done. I’d say more diet based than exercise as the first working week has been brutal with several 10+ hour days getting things ready for the staff vaccination campaign which properly gets into gear from Monday. A few short sessions of hit and a more conscious effort to pay attention to what I’m putting in my gob has resulted in a decent drop... View attachment 80237

Is that really a 3kg loss in a week?! If so, that’s massive… well done!

I’m making Sunday my weigh-in day, so will report tomorrow.


Well it's not going to be 3kg of fat. That would be roughly 230000 calorie deficit. An averagely active man not eating for 10 days.

But it's indicative of a damned good start



My weight fluctuates quite a bit over the course of a week, even with calories being relatively consistent.
The last 3 days I've weighted 84kg +/- a couple of hundred grams, and then this morning 85kg.

Tomorrow it'll probably be back to 84ish, even though I've done next to nothing all day today.


1st weigh-in of 2021 completed and results are

Inputs: Exercise wise, I’ve been on my bike in Zwift 7 days out of 10, and I’ve done two weights sessions. Zero alcohol has been consumed, but I’m finding it difficult to stay away from the biscuit drawer and snacks

Weight - 85.90kg
Body Fat - 25.4%
Lean mass - 64.1kg (so 21.8kg of fat)
Body Water - 52.4%
Visceral Fat - 11.5
Blood Pressure - 120/62, pulse 59

This means I’ve lost 1.4kg since the beginning of the year, but that only 0.4kg of that has been in fat... which is not ideal. However, the muscle or fat distinction on my scales is a bit intermittent, so I suspect some of that muscle loss will reverse itself

Today is a total rest day (apart from walking the dogs).


1st weigh-in of 2021 completed and results are

Inputs: Exercise wise, I’ve been on my bike in Zwift 7 days out of 10, and I’ve done two weights sessions. Zero alcohol has been consumed, but I’m finding it difficult to stay away from the biscuit drawer and snacks

Weight - 85.90kg
Body Fat - 25.4%
Lean mass - 64.1kg (so 21.8kg of fat)
Body Water - 52.4%
Visceral Fat - 11.5
Blood Pressure - 120/62, pulse 59

This means I’ve lost 1.4kg since the beginning of the year, but that only 0.4kg of that has been in fat... which is not ideal. However, the muscle or fat distinction on my scales is a bit intermittent, so I suspect some of that muscle loss will reverse itself

Today is a total rest day (apart from walking the dogs).

Well done, Jon!



This morning's weigh in showed that I'd lost 1kg since yesterday....

But, I'm also thick with cold and have been sweating all night. So it's just the difference of 1 litre of fluids.

As mentioned in my previous post, your weight will fluctuate quite a bit. You could add 1.4kg with a decent feed and a pint of water.

Whilst it's good to keep an eye on your weight, it's probably only worth making note of it at monthly intervals.

The best measure of how you're doing is before and after pics. Same thing, take them on a monthly basis and then compare over time. That'll give you a lot more reward and motivation than a number on a scale.

D Walker

This morning's weigh in showed that I'd lost 1kg since yesterday....

But, I'm also thick with cold and have been sweating all night. So it's just the difference of 1 litre of fluids.

As mentioned in my previous post, your weight will fluctuate quite a bit. You could add 1.4kg with a decent feed and a pint of water.

Whilst it's good to keep an eye on your weight, it's probably only worth making note of it at monthly intervals.

The best measure of how you're doing is before and after pics. Same thing, take them on a monthly basis and then compare over time. That'll give you a lot more reward and motivation than a number on a scale.
I agree, I don’t usually weigh myself at all. The belt around the waist, and shirts don’t lie...

Felonious Crud

Staff member
This morning's weigh in showed that I'd lost 1kg since yesterday....

But, I'm also thick with cold and have been sweating all night. So it's just the difference of 1 litre of fluids.

As mentioned in my previous post, your weight will fluctuate quite a bit. You could add 1.4kg with a decent feed and a pint of water.

Whilst it's good to keep an eye on your weight, it's probably only worth making note of it at monthly intervals.

The best measure of how you're doing is before and after pics. Same thing, take them on a monthly basis and then compare over time. That'll give you a lot more reward and motivation than a number on a scale.

take them daily and make a flip-book so you can see the transformation from winter-ready to dāmn-he-fly, girl, look-at-that-body, do the wiggle, man.


Cardiologist and Surgeon don’t wanna see me for a year which is good.
Even better - they gave me the go ahead to get back in the gym.
Haven’t done anything for 9 weeks- it’s gonna hurt.

I’m back in the game for 2021.


Cardiologist and Surgeon don’t wanna see me for a year which is good.
Even better - they gave me the go ahead to get back in the gym.
Haven’t done anything for 9 weeks- it’s gonna hurt.

I’m back in the game for 2021.
Brilliant News Mate :)


Cardiologist and Surgeon don’t wanna see me for a year which is good.
Even better - they gave me the go ahead to get back in the gym.
Haven’t done anything for 9 weeks- it’s gonna hurt.

I’m back in the game for 2021.

In all this sh1t this is great news to hear on a Saturday morning buddy. Well done...


Cardiologist and Surgeon don’t wanna see me for a year which is good.
Even better - they gave me the go ahead to get back in the gym.
Haven’t done anything for 9 weeks- it’s gonna hurt.

I’m back in the game for 2021.


D Walker

Great news Wattie,
Since Jan 4th.
1.85 kg weight loss.
Bike serviced and all set to go so hopefully should ramp up now.
Not been on t since March, heading out after diy and lunch.
Prey for me.


Morning all,

Great to see Wattie’s back in the game and cleared to exercise again... and Dave has got on his bike (and not been heard of since?)

I’ve had a decent week this week in terms of sticking to my plan, with no booze and plenty of exercise. Below are the results from today’s weigh-in, with results compared to the beginning of the month.

Weight - 87.3kg ———> 86.3kg
Body Fat - 25.4% ———> 24.8%
Lean mass - 65.1kg (so 22.2kg of fat) ———> 64.9kg ( so 21.4kg of fat)
Body Water - 51.3% ———> 52.8%
Visceral Fat - 11.5 ———> 11.0
Blood Pressure - 124/77, pulse 59 ———> 114/70, pulse 58

This means I’ve gained weight since last week but I’m ignoring that and focussing on how in the 2+ weeks of January, I’ve lost 1kg, and 0.8kg of that is fat.

if I can repeat this in the next two weeks, that would feel like a decent start to the year.

D Walker

Morning all,

Great to see Wattie’s back in the game and cleared to exercise again... and Dave has got on his bike (and not been heard of since?)
Pmsl....13 miles on bike yesterday, which was way harder than it should have been....I was doing 150/200 miles a week 2 years ago.
3 mile shuffle, 3 min walk/2 min run x6 this morning. I’ll say run,more like a shuffle. I’ve built the running-up in 30 sec segments since Jan 1st. Consequently my hip is probably at pain level 6/7 threshold so will have to temper my enthusiasm.
Arte et Marte.


a much steadier week this week, half kg loss. Which frankly I’m amazed by given the total lack of exercise and discipline easing off with food. Most years this is where I would fall off the wagon. This year I’ve had a word with myself and will try and make some time everyday for at least 20 minutes of weights/hit/cardio and once the weather eases at least 5-10k of running each week. I can live with 1200-1300 calories of food each day, and have started to incorporate fruit/veg/nuts/pulses into what I eat but when you’re tired or pushed for time it’s the rubbish you tend to reach for first.