Brexit Deal



Which exceeds the petition in 2016 for a second EU referendum. That was blighted by Russian/N Korean bots just like the propaganda spouted on the side of buses, Facebook etc.


As an addendum Europe is a class act at moving the goalposts when it needs to...if it keeps the dream alive.
Bail ins, country bond buying by the ECB, banning short selling, LTRO, QE and so on, numerous examples over the years etc.
It’s possible they may exempt us from the Eu elections, oh yes I know the law says we must, but they change the laws if it suits the dream. Do they want a load of Brexiteers in the Eu Parliament stoking the flames of all the other doubters.....
Be prepared for anything, but we need to push them.
Was feeling rather jolly yesterday so I took myself off to my nearest billabong, very hot day, so i pitched my tent under the shade of a conveniently placed coolabah tree, threw some snags on the barbie and whilst waiting for my Earl Grey tea Billy to boil, thought to myself “who’ll come a leaving the EU with me?"

Was very jolly indeed as I started singing one of my favourite Queen songs, “I want to break free, I want to break free”...BONZER, it hit me. [some would say a eureka moment but I don’t like words beginning Eu)

Clarity- the UK’s next moves laid out in front of me.

A way to restore some pride, become equal at the negotiating table once again and blow a rather large hole in Europe’s we’ll tell you what to do smugness. And the best thing, they’ve given us the rope to do it!

Time is of the essence so we need to move fast. Cue the music.

We instantly reject Mays appalling subservient deal. Total bollox.
May is forced to resign. No vision, no pride, inept, useless.

If only she was more like me.

(Hopefully having gone, the Eu will release her from their Manchurian Candidate programme)

A new Brexiteer PM is appointed who immediately makes an announcement that they welcome the Eu’s invitation for an extension.- April 12th.The new PM promises to push forward with the referendum result, but will listen to remainer fears and will work closely with all sides of the house to ensure that the new agreement minimises the fears of leavers and is in the interests of the result, (Democracy respected) the Uk, Ireland and the EU.

The NEW PM then jumps in the Lancaster bomber above (with Spitfire/Hurricane fighter escort) and heads for Brussels. On landing the planes will need to be closely guarded from Boeing spies who may attempt to steal our top secret technology that keeps them in the air! ( Potentially exportable in a new trade deal with the US )

Some may now notice the different negotiating styles.
Brexiteer Pm arrives, to meet Juncker/Tusk

Pm. Marches straight into the building, firm handshakes, “good morning”, (no photographs, turns around walks for the front door) “follow me”
Jc. Puffs as he struggles to keep up, “so you want a long (hic) extension, while you rethink your (hic) strategy”
Pm. (Still walking), “no actually we want you to exempt or suspend us from the upcoming elections. We’re leaving, you acknowledge that, you don’t really want us to be in Parliament inflaming others to do the same do you? We voted not to be there and besides if we’re exempted we don’t need a long delay and we can leave immediately once our new strategy is agreed”
Dt. “But Eu law doesn’t allow for it!”
Pm. (Still walking) “Change the law, you’ve done it before, QE, Bail ins, LTRO, I could go on.You’ve got a war clause for Parliament sitting, get a leavers clause”
Jc “Nobody’s ever left (hic)”
Pm. “Well we are get used to it, it might come in handy for others”
Dt. “Even if we could (Eu blinks again) we don’t have the time”
Pm. (Abruptly comes to a halt at the front door. Jc/Dt walk into them, Pm stands firm turns around) You’ve got until the last minute as usual, Besides....
Jc/Dt. Besides what?
Pm “If you don’t, it’s no deal. Run along”
(Walks out, no goodbyes)

What is Europe going to do?

This is all things to all men. Not ALL women obviously as one (in particular) wouldn’t get the strategy.

Stands up, inhales, pride restored, packs up swag bag, goes home....well not home, home.
But home here.

You can all thank me later.

Still working on the Eurovision situation...
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Was feeling rather jolly yesterday so I took myself off to my nearest billabong, very hot day, so pitched my tent under the shade of a conveniently placed coolabah tree, threw some snags on the barbie and whilst waiting for my Earl Grey tea Billy to boil, thought to myself “who’ll come a leaving the EU with me?

Was very jolly indeed as I started singing one of my favourite Queen songs, “I want to break free, I want to break free”...BONZER, it hit me. [some would say a eureka moment but I don’t like words beginning Eu)

Clarity- the UK’s next moves laid out in front of me.

A way to restore some pride, become equal at the negotiating table once again and blow a rather large hole in Europe’s we’ll tell you what to do smugness. And the best thing, they’ve given us the rope to do it.

Time is of the essence so we need to move fast. Cue the music.

We instantly reject Mays appalling subservient deal. Total bollox.
May is forced to resign. No vision, no pride, inept, useless.

If only she was more like me.
(Hopefully having left, the Eu will release her from their Manchurian Candidate programme)

A new Brexiteer PM is appointed who immediately makes an announcement that they welcome the Eu’s invitation for an extension.- April 12th.The PM promises to push forward with the referendum result, but will listen to remainer fears and will work closely with all sides of the house to ensure that the new agreement minimises the fears of leavers and is in the interests of the result, the Uk, Ireland and the EU.

The PM then jumps in the Lancaster bomber above( with Spitfire/Hurricane fighter escort) and heads for Brussels. On landing the planes will need to be closely guarded from Boeing spies who may attempt to steal our top secret technology that keeps them in the air! ( Potentially exportable in a trade deal to the US )

Some may now notice the different negotiating response.
Brexiteer Pm arrives, to meet Juncker/Tusk

Pm. Marches straight into the building, firm handshakes, “good morning”, (no photographs, turns around walks for the front door) “follow me”
Jc. Puffs as he struggles to keep up, “so you want a long (hic) extension, while you rethink your (hic) strategy”
Pm. (Still walking), “no actually we want you to exempt or suspend us from the upcoming elections. We’re leaving, you acknowledge that, you don’t really want us to be in Parliament inflaming others to do the same do you? We voted not to be there and besides if we’re exempted we don’t need a long delay and we can leave immediately once our new strategy is agreed”
Dt. “But Eu law doesn’t allow for it!”
Pm. (Still walking) “Change the law, you’ve done it before, QE, Bail ins, LTRO, I could go on.You’ve got a war clause for Parliament sitting, get a leavers clause”
Jc “Nobody’s ever left (hic)”
Pm. “Well we are get used to it, it might come in handy for others”
Dt. “Even if we could (Eu blinks again) we don’t have the time”
Pm. (Abruptly comes to a halt at the front door. Jc/Dt walk into them, Pm stands firm turns around) You’ve got until the last minute as usual, Besides....
Jc/Dt. Besides what?
Pm If you don’t, it’s no deal. (Walks out, no goodbyes)

What is Europe going to do?

This is all things to all men. Not all women obviously as one wouldn’t get the strategy.

Stands up, inhales, pride restored, packs up swag bag, goes home....well not home, home. But home here.

You can thank me all later.

Still working on the Eurovision situation...

Much as I disagree, I think you ought to be commended for maintaining a sense of humour and generally level head despite most of us taking the ****. Pint of 4X for Wattie.




Please don't use an RAF March for your bullsh!itWattie.
My father was in the RAF. He was stationed in Cyprus (Nicosia) prior to the Turkish invasion crisis. He used to have a crossed rifles badge cos he was a sharp shooter.

I guess I inherited the sharp shooting instinct from him - only mine is for wit.
Hopefully todays selection doesn’t offend. Another favourite close to my heart.

Eli Walach in a parody of Theresa May as she returns from Brussels with her dead as a Dodo deal.

The Eu fire the gun and the countdown clock starts ticking.......Groundhog Day once more.

She runs around the parliamentary graveyard,, despairingly , round and around in circles she goes, once, twice and finally a third time - trying to find support for her corpse of a deal.

Finally, exhausted and alone she stumbles to the only option she has left, her own obituary.


Comedy Gold.



While I'm not going to dispute the numbers, this is a selective use of the facts. This conflates EU contribution the EU spending in the UK, not the other things it does like research, environmental protection, policing of anti-trust laws, consumer protection law, etc etc ad infinitum, that aren't necessarily spent in the UK but provide benefits to the UK. This post is simply a rehash of the Big Red Bus Lie.

Here are a couple of other facts from the website used to create the Facebook post above.

UK contribution to the EU as a % of Gross National Income: 0.46%
Total EU spending in the UK as a % of Gross National Income: 0.28%

So, using my (non-man maths) calculator - the cost of the EU to the UK as a % of the UK Gross National Income is 0.18%. The NHS Budget for 2015/16 (the latest figures on the NHS website) was £116 billion. So in a way its like arguing over the change down the back of the sofa while the roof falls - or does not fall, depending on your perspective - off your house.

The post also says the UK rebate ends in 2022. It doesn't, it would just be renegotiated, as it has been every 7 years since it was negotiated by Margret Thatcher in 1984 as part of the Multiannual Financial Framework.

Apart from that, this post is absolutely fine in my view :D


My father was in the RAF. He was stationed in Cyprus (Nicosia) prior to the Turkish invasion crisis. He used to have a crossed rifles badge cos he was a sharp shooter.

View attachment 55496
I guess I inherited the sharp shooting instinct from him - only mine is for wit.
Hopefully todays selection doesn’t offend. Another favourite close to my heart.

Eli Walach in a parody of Theresa May as she returns from Brussels with her dead as a Dodo deal.

The Eu fire the gun and the countdown clock starts ticking.......Groundhog Day once more.

She runs around the parliamentary graveyard,, despairingly , round and around in circles she goes, once, twice and finally a third time - trying to find support for her corpse of a deal.

Finally, exhausted and alone she stumbles to the only option she has left, her own obituary.


Comedy Gold.
Wattie, comedy Gold (what is it with you and Gold :D) would be to watch Donald Trump being whisked away in hand cuffs....! Now that I’d like to see....:D I’d buy that for a dollar/Pound/Euro or gold....;):):D