2019 weight loss and fitness accountability club


Also you might want some mince in there. And some onion. And some garlic. And some butter. And some cream if you are being adventurous. In all honesty this is probably not a dish for this thread. But I do agree, all forms of Made In Holland pasta sauce are the work of the devil.

To save Matt the trouble, here is one of his afternoon cappuccino pictures he sends me to get his name in the book.
Yeah mince and garlic etc were a given...also finest authentic Italian pizzas are best from Bielefeld in Germany..


I started that journey last year, and have been using “freeletics” (check the app). All based on own body weight and gym instrument free. Burpees, jumps, sprint, squats etc... hundreds of exercises that can be done in your living room, hotel room etc... anywhere. No excuse.

The app is free to download and to use, but a “coach” subscription that builds routines based on your progress, is the way to go for £70 a year.

I had a few difficult sessions at the beginning but after 3 weeks you’re past the point of no return - so is your gut and overall fitness.


First day back at work for me for a while, so zero alcohol, just have to cut down on cakes, biscuits, and meal portions, sorted! 11st 10 this morning.


Has anyone tried the Keto diet out of interest ?
Diets schmiets!

Just eat regularly, healthily, and vary the food intake. Cook for yourself, as I said before processed food and ready meals are full of cr@p made to make it taste nice but not necessarily nutritious.

Never skip breakfast, eat a light lunch and have a good evening meal. No biscuits, popcorn or crisps, if you want to snack eat nuts.


Special case
21st 3lb flat this morning so a full 6lb off already! I’ll take that as a trend in the right direction :D

Dinner last night was a lentil curry and a mushroom bargi with boils egg, filled a gap well with low carb and fat.


Has anyone tried the Keto diet out of interest ?
Yes, and I enjoyed it - for a while.
I normally eat a “low fat” diet so the novelty of bacon, eggs, cheese, steaks with butter sauce, chocolate fat bombs, pork scratchings and advocado galore for a month was fun.

Eventually tho I got sick of the “fatty smell” and called it a day.

Some swear by it as a lifestyle and I Lost about 4kg in a month on it.....not sure what it did for my cholesterol levels but I’d be pretty confident it wasn’t positive.

You’ve got to be very strict and count macro’s as if you go over the carb levels you’ll gain weight -massively!

Cheers Wattie


[puff, pant, puff, wheeze]

I just rowed 3k metres in a bit over 13 minutes, alternating the resistance from time to time for no particular reason other than variety. More done in than I should be, but watching Hoovie's Garage on YouTube made for a more interesting row and put me off buying the cheapest Rolls Royce Phantom I could find (not that I would ever want to, you understand). Earlier on I walked a brisk 6.4k kms in a shade over an hour.

Good work, Adam!
The thing with rowing is technique! When done well, it's certainly one of the best all-over workouts around. If your technique is merely average, Crud, then you've actually done quite well there, but more efficient rowing will be better for you and you'll be able to go longer.
Rowing was my thing at university and then I coached for several years after that. When I'm at the gym, I'd say that about 95% of people I see on the Concept 2 machines are being very inefficient and getting exhausted unneccesarily quickly as a result. I'll see if I can suggest some technique videos over the weekend. Also, if anyone wants me to help them then I'll happily give some distance coaching if you do a quick few-minute video of yourself on a rower. Or, if I do see any of you in person and there's a machine to hand, I'll do some coaching.
Let me know if any of you would like that.


Pretty much all I have seen and read about diets from doctors and professionals suggest that diets per se are a waste of time and don;t work long term. Most actually gained weight over medium to long term. The key point is long term. As Martin says it is all about finding a good healthy balanced diet then reducing much of the unnecessary bad stuff. I don't think you should go cold turkey from the off but do the easy stuff first such as cutting out the obvious and easy bad things (cakes/biscuits etc.). Replace them with something like fruit or nuts or find a suitable better replacement.

Historically I have eaten far too many cakes, biscuits, crisps and snacks. Mainly because they were instilled in my upbringing and also because they are sitting there. It is then about developing a strong mind to make conscious decisions and mind of matter. Train your brain to do this and it becomes so much easier. You have to have times where you can indulge and let go a bit such as meals out or family do's etc. but it is more of a one off than the norm.

Much of the issue seems to be boredom, time spent with idle hands such as smokers find. Realistically for it all to work many of us need to make concerted effort to change our lifestyle, timings and habits a little. With a little support here from each other and shared knowledge we can make lasting changes and differences. Keep busy, occupied and have some interests. Maybe when you have a spare chunk of time to fill and would eat or snack at this time normally.....go for a drive in the Maser!

Keep up the good work boys ;)


Now that you lot are looking at what is on the packets of stuff I've started as well.

My chilli con carne last night contained a tin of tomatoes (3.3g of sugar) I used 5% fat mince (and drained off any excess) used the packet Schwartz CCC mix (zero fat or sugar) and ate loads of the stuff.

However, according to weight watchers (which Alex used to lose 4 1/2 stone after Joseph was born) it was only 3 syns (whatever they are) so apparently quite good diet wise, even in the vast quantities I ate.

So whether it's good for losing weight I haven't a clue. What is is getting on the trainer after work and doing an hour or so.
I've actually missed it over the Christmas period, not through choice I might add. I was in Lapland. Where eating loads is essential for keeping up body temperatures when it's -16!


Pretty much all I have seen and read about diets from doctors and professionals suggest that diets per se are a waste of time and don;t work long term.

That's because most people don't stick to them. Fundamental physical laws that if you utilise more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.
People 'go on a diet' but don't get that they need to change the way they eat for good (if you weren't eating too much, you wouldn't need to go on a diet). So they 'do it' lose some weight, think they can go back to the old way, stop doing it, put weight on and so it repeats.

Amazing you hear people say 'I did so and so and it just didn't work' but never 'I tried 'x' nicotine replacement to give up smoking, but it didn't work, so I still smoke'



Keto as in low carb, yes. I did and still effectively do, Atkins. Lost 10 stone.


My mate lost 3-4 stone on that. The thing that stopped him going further was that his breath stank like dogs*t and he constantly had the meat sweats. Which also smelled very nasty.
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Special case
Agree Chris but food was my nicotine replacement... 28 years on I still crave to smoke but know I never would!


Fundamental physical laws that if you utilise more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

This 100%. Hence I eat what I like, if I exercise I maintain or lose weight.

When I played football semi pro, I had an awful diet of beer, curries and takeaways, yet I was fit a fiddle.
My weekly diary was something like this.

Monday - Lunchtime 5-a-side, gym after work
Tuesday - Gym after work, football training in the evening, then the pub.
Wednesday - Gym after work, Football training (different team) in the evening, then the pub.
Thursday - Gym after work, straight to the pub, probably a curry as well
Friday - Pub at lunch, straight afterwork, probably end up in a club until 3-4am
Saturday - Match day, clubhouse, pub, club until 3-4am
Sunday - Sunday morning football, pub until it closed, and takeaway on the way home.

And on top of that we also have business lunches and the odd 'quick one' after work.

Even with the massive amount of calories I was consuming, I still had a bit of a 6 pack. :eek::eek::eek:
Although I've more of a party 7 these days! :p:p:p


Agree Chris but food was my nicotine replacement... 28 years on I still crave to smoke but know I never would!

15 years ish here. And yes still crave, and no makes me sick just thinking about it. I was fat before I smoked, though :D



My mate lost 3-4 stone on that. The thing that stopped him going further was that his breath stank like dogs*t and he constantly had the meat sweats. Which also smelled very nasty.

Seems to impact people differently (which is probably true of all diets in truth) Unless I go *very* low carb I'm fine, but if I go too low, I get smelly breath and low grade nausea.

If I go low fat / low protein, I'm just hungry all the time.



Now that you lot are looking at what is on the packets of stuff I've started as well.

I'm starting to look at portion size as well as you get used to visually knowing what you have or even what weight you normally have. However don't go a stage further to see what that relates to or means. So I looked at my cereal portion this morning. A mix of half shreddies and half shredded wheat small ones. The packet gives figures/stats based on 40g portion size. I had the portion size I would normally have then weighed it. It was 92g so way over double.

So I either need to reduce the size which I feel would leave me hungry Account for the additional numbers. Or reduce it and replace with additional food stuffs. Maybe half the portion with some fruit added in is the way forward.

I had dried pasta last night with tomato sauce. I would mainly have 125g of dried pasta as a portion but the packet suggest 70g a portion size.

What cereal size and pasta size do others have out of interest?