The good morning thread


That's a sod, @rossyl I don't understand how orgs block people from progression. What's the score there?

You are just blocked from applying for new roles within the organisation. You need approval to apply for any new role.

The "at risk pool" an apply for any role within that pool. As I'm not "at risk" I cannot apply. There'll be plenty of good opportunities within that "At risk" pool, particularly as some are fairly senior and will take the financial benefits of voluntary redundancy.

So all the roles will be allocated out and if there's any knock on effects, which there's likely to be, then I can potentially pick up the scraps atmfter they've completed that process. Quite possible that the roles I want will have gone by then. Might get more clarity on that soon.

But feels like I've been waiting for a while too longm


You are just blocked from applying for new roles within the organisation. You need approval to apply for any new role.

I'm going to gently boggle at this. What on earth purpose does this serve, other than to annoy people like you?

Thoughts are with you, chap!



I feel for you. Sounds like your HR department have taken a thoughtless approach to the principle of pooling the at risk people. Fair enough that they should get a chance to apply for other jobs in the company. But if you got a promotion, they could apply for your now-vacant job. So they are being a bit short-sighted to say the least.


Morning all, drives me made when companies stop talented people progressing.

A guy I recruited 5 years ago as a bright kid just out of uni resigned yesterday, he has been telling his current manager that he needs to progress but n nothing was done. He spoke to me about this 3 months ago and after a conversation with the IT Director we put a plan together to move him into tech. architect role with all the necessary training only to have i blocked as his current manager insisted he was essential in the QA role he currently has. I warned her that she risked losing him but she didn't believe me. Now he is going and taking all the knowledge he has with him and because he was blocked from moving previously by his manager he is not prepared to reconsider even for the tech arch role I had set up. Finding good tech. staff here is difficult especially as a retailer we struggle to offer the same career progressions that the tech giants of Google, eBay, Amazon & Salesforce (all with big offices in Dublin) can offer.


Thanks guys

I'm currently doing the same. Looking what's out there. Bit of a tough market at present and I've quite a varied, rather than specific and narrow, background.

Hopefully the right thing comes up


We have had a similar scheme where all vacancies had to be offered to the at risk pool before wider offer outside of that.

All to reduce the risk of people actually being made redundant and to keep the TUs on board.

At least you are not in the at risk pool esp in the current climate.


Morning all. Nipped into the office this morning to sign an extension to my lease. Which is weird as I will be mainly working from home for the next 2,3,4 (delete as applicable) months.

Happy Birthday Martin @midlifecrisis . I thought you were 50 a few years ago?


Found out yesterday I'm not at risk of redundancy, but also that I am blocked from progression.

It's an odd state of affairs when some of those at risk will end up getting promoted. Some will of course no longer work for the company.

I'd of actually preferred to be put at risk, so that I could go for the promotion. Its now another 8/9months stuck at the same level.

Given I was told last year it was time to move up, but then I was blocked from applying for a role - I feel stuck in the mud. It'll be 15months stuck. I'm not getting any younger.

A morning moan, but it's pretty hard to be bothered and motivated about work today.

Oh these large bureaucratic organisations!
That is an interesting approach, I think companies are obliged to consider those at risk the opportunity to apply for any vacancies, be this at the same level, lower it higher. But its unusual to block those in role and not at risk from applying for those very same vacancies.
It may be worth raising with your line manager or HR and telling them you would like to apply for the promotion.
Good luck



I have been reading your position and I am pretty sure they can't do what they are doing. If there is a vacancy yes they have to offer it to colleagues who are at risk off redundancy but it would also have to also be advertised for anyone to apply. The people at risk would still need to be interviewed for the position and get that on merit unless if it was maybe a like for like position but promotion is not like for like. If the person who was not at risk was better qualified then they would get the position through the interview process......If not then there you could have a legitimate grievance. Proving it would be hard mind you. if making colleagues redundant you have to offer them the chance to apply for positions currently available in the company but that doesn't mean they will get it. I know this as we have just gone through the same thing and speaking to my HR manager yesterday she also said she didn't think they could do what they are doing to you.


Morning all.......Just tidying up lose ends in work then next week everyone apart from me as depot manager on furlough. Weird feeli again but understand it's needed. Still will go in everyday as key holder to make sure all is OK plus I still rent space out to HMPPS and we have colleagues seconded to them rather than putting them on furlough......Very groundhog day feeling.....

So I think I may have worked out have to get the pub industry going again and get us back to work the economy and help the vaccine situation......

Open all pubs, restaurants and bars and put the vaccine in the wine and beer.......I recon we would be all done by next Tuesday :)


Good morning everyone and thanks Newton.

Can't believe it... 50!

At what point does the 'mid' part become a bit of a misnomer... :mock8:

Happy birthday Martin. Your right we cant believe your only 50 either. :D:D

With lockdown rules in place at least your back can go out even if you have to stay in.


Morning all.
@Andyk you could be onto a Winner there does the vaccine have to be injected ?
When I was a kid in the 60's one of the vaccinations was on a sugar lump.
Get it sorted mate :)
Stay Safe all.


Morning all. Back to back today, but gonna get out on the bike in a minute.

Crazy days in the US.

Have a good day, all



Morning all, more of the same git to go to both the girls schools and collect their books and lessons for the rest of January, special schools are exempt for closures here so hopefully the boy will be back next week, he just can't understand why he can't go to school fingers crossed.


Special case
Morning all, need to get out of the house today as I’m just getting more fed up.

Have fun all...


Got some weights for Christmas; first go and it appears I’ve tweaked my sciatic nerve. Trouble standing let alone walking. Joy.