Never live it down


I’ve done plenty of things over the years that would send the cringe-o-meter off the scale but one thing I’m frequently reminded of was in 1980. I had just replaced the gear lever return spring on my Kawasaki 250 S1 which involved draining the gearbox oil. I was just finishing off the job and about 7 or 8 mates turned up on their bikes to see if I was ready to go for a blast. “Nearly there lads” I said nonchalantly as I started topping the gearbox up with oil…to everyone’s amusement it started pi??ing out the bottom as I’d forgot to put the sump plug in.


I put 7.5 litres into my Noble before realising the sump plug was not where it should be.

That took a lot of sand to tidy up


He said "it's just nerves".

I said "no it's clarity".

I should have just walked out the church there and then.

Oh well, live and learn....

The OP would read instead "left ex at alter"

For me probably fainting on my stag do while at a bar was pretty embarrassing, I woke up to my mates all asking if I had sht myself while the bar staff were telling them to rub ice on my feet to wake me up... Ffs


He said "it's just nerves".

I said "no it's clarity".

I should have just walked out the church there and then.

Oh well, live and learn....
Kinda nice you feel u can share this here.
We’re all Learning.
I felt the same as u (trapped?) at one point too.
It all worked out well as I hope it has for u



It has been the best of times, and the worst of times......

I know I've said it before but without this place I really doubt I'd have had the balls to get into the marque. I've just got the V5 for the Ghibli so I can get my plate on and I realise it's been over three years since I sold the GT. I ran the Ghibli to Leeds and back. Utterly flawless (apart from the leaky and horrifically overpriced washer). Comfortably over 30mpg which means it's within spitting distance of the Jaaaaaaag for fuel costs. Punched sport and manual coming off the M11 and grinning in a way that even Alfas never made me do.

I get some of the criticism aimed at the Ghibli. The steering can be 'interesting' the auto box is no CC and I can't get it to snap and crackle no matter how hard I bang down the gears. The exhaust not is not refined. It lurches when cold (trying to get into the car lift this afternoon was fun!) but as a 4 seat express with added hooliganism, it feels like a spiritual successor of the QPV in Intouchable. I are, on the whole, a happy man..... happy I'm going to buy the Maserati add on for my AP200 and see what horrors lurk in the diagnostics :D



I fitted an alarm to my dads volvo when I was 18 , the only wire I had long enough was yellow , that'll do , it was all round the engine bay, on a red car , couldn't have looked any worse , when I took it into the garage weeks later the mechanic lifted the bonnet and burst out laughing, who did that , I said it was like that when he got it;)

first car was a Mk3 cortina 1.6 GXL no less, cut out at a junction ,I sat there spinning the starter , why won't it start , that's when I found out what a cambelt was , luckily not an interference engine, then I was sat at another junction listening to the choons of the day on cassette when I heard a noise, what's that , sounds like a steam engine, looked down and the temp gauge was off the end , that's when I found out what a head gasket was, then I thought I'd try a burnout, that didn't go well , that's when I found out what a half shaft does

I ordered a Sharp radio cassette from my aunties catalogue, though I'd fit a snazzy roof aerial , set it up and the radio didn't work so she sent it back, fitted another , that was the same , must be a faulty batch , went to fit the third one then I noticed the lead from my snazzy new aerial was touching the live terminal on the interior light , oops


I called the owner of the supplier of a bathroom light LED driver when the second popped within 4 years to tell him the product was shlt and demanded he replace it. He actually sent me one for free and while installing it I swapped ends and blew it as well another in series…of course they were then out of stock in the whole country and I’m now without bathroom mirror lights for 6 months…:mad:
...if this is the thread where we all start confessing our dumbest moves, I am totally gonna have to figure out if I should post chronologically, alphabetically, or by order of magnitude.
Same here matey. Every day with a 'y' in it brings something new :oops:
The best of mine, could never be told on a public forum.
But, I'll share a couple of driving related horror stories tomorrow.
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Then there was the time I was in the van when I got the 5 minute warning on the Norwich ring road , right, best find a toilet

A petrol station, ideal , well it would have been if they had a toilet, I asked the girl if they had one , no , not for the public and a look that said there's no chance of you using mine

3 minutes lost , a bit further round the ring road , saved, a supermarket , I stop in the car park , step down from the cab

That's one small step for a man , one giant leap for thraaaapppppp

**** me

I make my way to the store like John wayne then to my utter dismay see the toilets are right at the other end past all the tills , people sniff the air as I walk past , wtf is that smell

Pants in the bin , I clean up as best I can then gingerly open the door expecting security to escort me from the building but thankfully the smell has disappeared.

Not my finest hour


Then there was the time I was in the van when I got the 5 minute warning on the Norwich ring road , right, best find a toilet

A petrol station, ideal , well it would have been if they had a toilet, I asked the girl if they had one , no , not for the public and a look that said there's no chance of you using mine

3 minutes lost , a bit further round the ring road , saved, a supermarket , I stop in the car park , step down from the cab

That's one small step for a man , one giant leap for thraaaapppppp

**** me

I make my way to the store like John wayne then to my utter dismay see the toilets are right at the other end past all the tills , people sniff the air as I walk past , wtf is that smell

Pants in the bin , I clean up as best I can then gingerly open the door expecting security to escort me from the building but thankfully the smell has disappeared.

Not my finest hour
There really isn't a fitting reaction button on the menu...but as I always say, "could've been worse!"