My Loudlink installation.


New Member
Another job on my list of things to do was to install the Loudlink I bought before Christmas, so I followed David Howson's excellent pictorial how-to and was soon able to get at the NIT to plug in the Loudlink cadle. The cable itself is quite long, so I fed this under the NIT where there's a convenient space behind the ashtray.


As the point of getting the Loudlink was to use my iPod, I had no need to use the SD card other than for software upgrades and therefore no need for the Loudlink unit to be immediately accessible, so I did a quick measure and decided it could sit under the armrest tray immediately above the vent pipes and behind the NIT.

To make access just a little better I bent down the two semi-circular lugs that extend from the screw brackets.

As my tray was fitted with the phone privacy socket, I removed this and stuck it out of the way (top right corner of the photo) in case I need to re-install it when I sell the car.


In order to have the Loudlink under the tray, and having removed the privacy socket, I then 'dremelled off the screw posts and stuck a couple of strips of velco down.


Did the same to the Loudlink unit and stuck it in place.


So then it was a case of fettling the tray itself to accommodate the iPod and a retractable cable.

After cutting a hole in the back of the tray to allow for the connection of the cable and after gluing in some modeling cork followed by shaping, sanding and then covering in felt, this was the result.


So with just four screws to re-install the whole lot back in the car, this was the finished result.


I'm rather pleased with it, though it's a shame I can't hear a darned thing for the glory that is a full Larini system!! :0037:


New Member
Thanks for the kind comments Gents.

Peter, the iPod plugs into the AUX on the Loudlink, which the NIT then sees as CD1 of a virtual multi-changer. There's no control through the head unit, but that's why I put the iPod on a retractible cable. It's just as easy to scroll through the iPod controls (with a MUCH bigger choice) as it is to scroll through the head unit CD changer interface.

With that said however, if you don't want to use an iPod, there is a software program that you can download from the Loudlink website (PC only) which allows you to load songs onto the SD card. You also download software upgrades from the website onto the SD card. The software then allows you to arrange your songs into 6 virtual CD's (as many songs as you like with only the capacity of the SD card and manageability being your limitation). All the multi-changer head unit controls then work. It's quite a neat solution, but as all my music is on a Mac, I couldn't be bothered with all the conversion and copying over to a PC, hence the iPod approach.

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I used the SD card split into 6 folders as Miles describes so have around 300 tracks on there are the moment.
Cant remember exactly but I think its an 8GB card.

Unit itself is about £100 if I remember correctly.

Works fine as long as you select the correct software version from Loudlink site.

You just have to fwd and back from the NIT buttons on the dash. Not perfect but works fine.
I've had mine for about 18 months.




New Member
Thank how much will the card hold 10, 20, 50, 100 CD's?

Hi Peter, With something like an 8 gig SD card and your songs compressed you'd comfortably get more than 100 CD's, however for the software to work you have to place them into one of just 10 virtual CD's indeed I think the head unit only recognises 6. It's absolutely fine if you want to have 20 actual CD's stored in each of the virtual CD's, but remembering what is where becomes a bit of an issue as the head unit will only give the track number, no details.

Cheers, Em.


New Member
Haha, you cheeky booger. There is absolutely no Astley in my record collection!


New Member
oh no, i think i can see S Club 7 seven playing instead. :D ......:D

Right, that's it...... I'm looking for the hidden camera now! How did you know that?? S Club 7 ROCK!!!!!!!!

The one that's now in Primeval - Didn't she grow up to be a good looking lass.......


Special case
Mine now reliably runs through a 32Gb SD card and 60Gb Ipod so no limit really I just fing the CD options friustrating as if you turn the car off to nip into a shop or something it defaults back to CD1 track 1

So short runs end up with the same music as I don't want to be distracted scrolling through the tracks one at a time... with several hundred on each CD!!!

Miles that is a very neat installation, I ran the cable of mine into the tray and it sits in t5here and the ipod in the ashtray when connected to allow a quick shuffle!


Miles, I'm looking to install some kind of iPod solution. How are you getting on with this - is it living up to expectation?

I've got a couple of questions if you don't mind. First off, you mention David Howson's installation guide... where can I find this? I'm rubbish with spanners so I'll need all the help I can get. Also, where did you get your retractable cable from? It looks like it's connecting to the iPod connector rather than the headphone socket, so presumably making use of its line out. Are you getting sufficient amplification or do you find it's a bit quiet?



Special case
My Loudlink has been up and running for aproaching 5 months I guess. Innitial difficulties seting it up but it has been reliable since. What I do find however is that the at the point the track playing is at when I stop the motor often gets a small corruption that manifests as a 'pop' when the track is replayed. So after a couple of months CD1 Track 1 becomes unlistenable. It's not a problem as I just reformat the SD card and reload as I want to shuffle my music anyway.

Just occasionally the Loudlink doesn't show any CD's loaded so won't play; turning off and on sorts this. Would be frustrating if I was exiting a motorway services and it happened.

Cirtainly a value for money upgrade & I'd go for it again if I needed to.


Thanks 2b1... sounds like you're using the SD card as the input, whereas I'd be looking to run it solely off the AUX with an iPod (seeing as I'm putting it all there in any case - don't want to have to duplicate effort!), so hopefully I won't get those corruption issues. That would be a right PITA if it started corrupting tracks on the iPod. I doubt it though.