Maseratis - Spotted


4200 at lunch 2023-06-23.jpg
Masers are becoming a bit common - this one - a few minutes earlier a white ?Ghibli and I forgot to mention but yesterday we were shortly chased by a Lavente off the Furka (but he soon gave up)


Junior Member
My first official 'spot' since buying a Maserati and joining here.

About 5.45pm tonight, all happened between M5 North J5 and J2.

Black Levante, private 3D plate beginning with 'L' and bearing yellow calipers.

Pulled alongside, he in the 2nd lane, me in the 3rd, quick parp and a big smile and thumbs-up from me. Other than a miserable, bewildered glare...nothing.

Short time later, safely slowed onto the off-ramp at J2 as he passed in the 3rd lane. Gave him another big, clear thumbs up just in case I'd caught him by surprise earlier? Nothing. Just eyes front, pushing on. I felt a right tit.

Nice one


My first official 'spot' since buying a Maserati and joining here.

About 5.45pm tonight, all happened between M5 North J5 and J2.

Black Levante, private 3D plate beginning with 'L' and bearing yellow calipers.

Pulled alongside, he in the 2nd lane, me in the 3rd, quick parp and a big smile and thumbs-up from me. Other than a miserable, bewildered glare...nothing.

Short time later, safely slowed onto the off-ramp at J2 as he passed in the 3rd lane. Gave him another big, clear thumbs up just in case I'd caught him by surprise earlier? Nothing. Just eyes front, pushing on. I felt a right tit.

Nice one
Similar with the Cayennes in the Porsche brand - my first wave to one owner was my last.

I don't wave to any SUV variant now, and will only wave to Ghibli drivers if they initiate (vast majority haven't in my experience so far)

Felonious Crud

Staff member
But - just wait and see what happens when you get to a port somewhere and you have unpaid fines in that country. Ex-wife tallied up a lot of speeding fines that I wasn't aware of in NL (used to travel globally a lot) - tried to take the car on the ferry to the UK. Car was impounded and I was locked in the back of a prisoner transport van and driven to a bank to get money.....
How do they know who you are? As the DVLA won't share the details of the registered keeper of car reg xx xx xxx, if you then return to a country in which that car has been driven with much vigour, do they then expect past infractions to be atoned for? We then get to the topic of 'wasn't me, guv', or the simple avoidance tactic of changing number plates regularly.