Just spent nearly a million quid on a new garage for the Maserati and it wouldn't fit..............


My suggestion, tear down that separating wall and reroute the soil pipe via the ceiling over to the entry wall, then descending into the floor and cut open the floor to reach the current pipe entry.
Then cover the whole thing with cement on the floor and retile if needed


I had my double garage built back in 2013 while my Cooper S was away being restored and the P5B Coupe I had at the time lived on the front drive, there's plenty of room for the Mini naturally, but I still wish I'd had a much bigger one built with a full width door rather than the two singles I plumped for, internally it's just over 17ft deep and 16ft wide...


I sold the P5B in 2015 and replaced it with an early Series 2 SWB XJ6 which fitted easily but access to that side of the garage is a bit awkward with a dog leg move required so as not to hit the large gate post on the way in or out, reversing out was a pain sometimes. The Jag went a while ago so I now have an empty space waiting to be filled by something else, I've measured up and the biggest classic that'll fit is a Citroen SM, I'd imagine I'd have to replace the two doors and central pillar with a full width door though if I ever bought a Maser....






There's enough space to the right of it to build a one and a half width garage at right angles to it, it all depends if we stay put or move - we'd both like a decent sized detached house close by with a double garage / workshop..... her indoors is on Rightmove most days while I peruse Autotrader and carandclassic.com instead...!


We (well me really) wanted to move recently to a new house which had an integral double garage.
Found a house that fitted the bill, before making an offer, I carefully measured the door width and made 100% sure the GT would fit width wise through the door (It has twin doors) Fine with 2 inches to spare either side (with mirrors folded in)
Offer accepted, moved in, put the Maserati in for the first time (it fitted lengthways JUST, it is a huge car) but horror! Berkeley homes had built the garage with the main house drainage pipe and a half wall right where the car door would open. The car fitted in but I could not get out (or in) Jeez. In desperation (rather than move house again) I hacked off the boxing around the drainage pipe which means I can now just squeeze the car in the garage AND exit it....... Everyone now happy- wife has her new house and I have a nice garage complete with a power point for the mandatory C-Tek and dehumidifier to stop the subframe turning to dust overnight...View attachment 62541View attachment 62542
Well that was a bit of a schoolboy error wasn't it? Tsk...The mind boggles... ;)
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