Hoilday/work trip


New Member
Guys ive been invite to China for a "holiday/working trip"
heading first to HongKong for a few days then over to Shanghai for a week or so then upto Beijing for a few more days.
first things first ive never been on a plane before ... is there anything i need to know?
secondly do i need any Visa's etc. thirdly is there any advice etc you can give for this country, i will be staying with a few of my customers in the various city's, so accommodation is all taken care of, and they have asked if they can show me around the city's so not worried about getting lost etc.
i have to see a few company's in Shanghai and Beijing for work related stuff but the rest of the time i will be enjoying myself and trying to get as much of the local customs in that i can.


Special case
Hi Dave,

A visa is an absolute must...

You need to go for a 1-year multi entry visa as as daft as it sounds Hong Kong uses one entry and the mainland another because you go through customs to get to the other so a single entry is no good. The cost of a multi-entry is not much more and it will save you possibly days of agro arranging them. I found it best to use an agent to get them processed otherwise it is a trip up to London early and spend a day in Portland Place cuing for England!

You need to advise the agent of the accommodation address in each city (you can be creative if need be) and realistically if you are 'working' you should get a working visa but this will require a sponsor out there to complete all sorts of forms for you. I always managed it as a visitor (tourist) as when I did visit the factories I was (supposedly) only observing....

Have fun, it is a bonkers country and in my experience getting progressively more and more corrupt! That said I love it out there, particularly the 'can do' attitude of everyone.


New Member
Hiya Newton,
Thank you ! i suspected i did need a visa but wasnt sure just what type i needed, i knew there were "differences" between mainland china and hongkong but didn't know u needed a multi entrance visa. but suppose it makes sense as you need separate car licensees etc for HK and Mainland.

as i said ill be staying with a few of my customers so ill give the girls a call and get there address for the visa people.

any advice on agents to use to get the visa?

i am looking at end of oct begin of nov


Special case
Hi Dave,

I used these people a couple of times and they seemed fair but their website is not working at the moment so they may not still be functioning...

Chinese Visa Agency
124 Euston Road
Telephone: 020 73888448

I have not been out for about 4 years now, I'm sure not much has changed regarding visas though. Best to do a web search, you may find an agent local to you.


Felonious Crud

Staff member
Quite an adventure, Dave! If you need anyne to carry your bags...?

We use Hillgate for work, just at the top of Tottenham Court Road. Not sure if they do private stuff but they're very reliable - they can work their way through Chinese and Russian visa bureaucracy and are good at making sure you have all the right docs before they try and sort you out. Worth a shout.


New Member
Hi. Strongly agree on paying an agent to get the visa - Google will throw up lots and you can do it by post if necessary. It's worth buying a guide book to get the most from your visit, even the general introduction section to read on the plane will give you a good idea of local customs, what to look out for, etc. It's all pretty civilised these days.

Sounds like you will be taken care of by your host firm, they'll probably supply a car and driver, but if you are able to look around on your own for a while, a small tip (sorry if this is obvious): in mainland China especially, get the hotel to write their details down for you in Chinese characters and carry it with you at all times – if you need a taxi for example, the driver will not be able to read English at all. Similarly if you are taking a taxi somewhere you'll need the destination written out in Chinese. If you are exploring on foot, most major street names in Beijing at least (and nearly all in HK) are bilingual but a map is always handy; the Beijing, Shanghai and HK metro systems are excellent and all the stations and ticket machines are bilingual.

Both Shanghai and Beijing are enormous, Shanghai in particular has a HUGE new development on the east side of the river (Pudong) - you can drive for miles and miles - and if the companies you are visiting are hi-tech they may be there – beware it can take a long time to get between appointments from the old centre (Bund area) and it may be a building site! (Also amazing to see how they build - when I was there my hotel overlooked a new dual carriageway that was just bare concrete: one morning a load of lorries arrived with lots of workers, and when I got back later in the day an entire central reservation had been built, planted up with grass, plants and trees, and the whole lot landscaped!)

In Beijing, most young people will speak some English – less likely for the middle aged and older people, and some of the business managers you meet may have a translator with them. Around Tiananmen square you'll be pestered by lots offering to “practice their English†(usually by convincing you to buy something :) ). The hutongs (traditional alleys) near Tiananmen are interesting to wander round (even if they look a bit threatening at times, just unfamiliar) but are gradually being removed. It's all pretty safe, in Beijing especially around Tiananmen the place is crawling with police and undercover cops (to find out, try holding a demo…)

If you suffer from asthma, take your medication with you – you'll probably be OK in Oct/Nov but the winter smog in Beijing December onwards can be horrendous, worth looking at the forecast (and it can also be very cold in Beijing). Enjoy…


Centenary Club
first things first ive never been on a plane before ... is there anything i need to know? [/QUOTE said:
Goodness me!
As most grow up from an early age traveling by plane on holiday, the first flight as an adult will be great for you!


Special case
Sage advice indeed Norman, I'd forgotten about getting things written down for you. All chinese iw written the same now (simplified Chinese) but there are many, many spoken languages, and what you learn in Cantonese around Hong Kong will be all but useless in Shanghai and likewise in Beijing... Very frustrating!

In Any big city you can get anything you want, Shanghai in particular, just start looking in a big shop window like Prada or Chloe and someone will ask you if "You wana buy bags?" "Follow me" and the next thing you know you will be three alleys back and sitting in a little shop with some cheap bags... Hold tight and don't be interested, they are just checking you out to make sure you are not under cover! Ask to see the 'real' bags as you want quality... Another lightning chase will get you in the store where the real fakes are! If you are tempted haggle really hard and bargain well but be aware you are just as likely to end up in trouble at the airport as they would, including back in the UK! But your teenage daughter will love a Chloe handbag and won't care you only paid £30 for it! It is an experience for sure and thrilling to find these little places. Hong Kong is not like that these days as the suit shops are all run by Indian families and your suit will be made in a sweat shop in Mumbai and flown in overnight, only the alterations are done on site sadly.

If you want to take gifts for your friends I'd recommend buying nice scotch whiskey at the UK airport, they will love it but never drink it as it is of such value out there!


New Member
Thank you guys!,
i will get cracking on the Visa side now ,
ive just got the address off the girls now so thats all sorted,
Yep the Chinese love the real Scottish whiskey and some Clark shoes i was thinking for the parents. i had something else in mind for the girls though .

HongKong are supplying an apartment and a car that they are letting me drive.
Shanghai have sorted a car and driver for me, and Beijing have sorted a tour guide and transport as i really want to see the forbidden city.

i speak a little Cantonese and simple Chinese, and can read a little Chinese characters. but will get everything written down aswell.

sound advice on the buying stuff guys thank you ;)

ive always driven ever where so this will be quite an adventure for me to fly somewhere.


Quite an adventure, Dave! If you need anyne to carry your bags...?

We use Hillgate for work, just at the top of Tottenham Court Road. Not sure if they do private stuff but they're very reliable - they can work their way through Chinese and Russian visa bureaucracy and are good at making sure you have all the right docs before they try and sort you out. Worth a shout.

And if you need anyone to look after your Maserati while you're with Dave You can leave it in my garage Adam.


New Member
well i need to hide her from the wife. i Really Really cant stand the idea of her driving it, might take the keys with me just in case!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I'm sure you'll find Andy's garage to be a perfectly safe hiding place, Dave. Well, as long as he keeps the keys away his children.


The Mrs. has just been through the Chinese visa thing, she's taking the nipper to visit grandparents & family for a couple of months. She needed a letter of invitation from them, so you will need something like at too, but I'm sure if you go through an agency they will tell you all about what you need. I'll be going over late October for a couple of weeks too, a bit of sightseeing and to bring them back.

Not sure about the need for a HK visa, but it's been a few years since I was last there so you may well need it.

Enjoy! It's going to be a crazy time...
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Oh, and as for advice about planes...make sure you turn left when you get on, and try to get some sleep in the way over...a couple of glasses of champagne usually gets you off to a good start.


New Member
i wanted to do concorde but i hear im a little late for that!

a letter of invitation?? humm im sure i can get that but want a "vacation" visa.. if i start getting work invitations then im gonna need to change the visa type to work and i know thats going to be a headache and a half!
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i wanted to do concorde but i hear im a little late for that!

a letter of invitation?? humm im sure i can get that but want a "vacation" visa.. if i start getting work invitations then im gonna need to change the visa type to work and i know thats going to be a headache and a half!

They just need to invite you to visit, the mrs. has an invitation from her father, you can get one from one of the invitees - the agent will tell you if you need one and what it needs to say.


New Member
i see.. Question.. if you were just going there for a hoilday and didnt know anyone ... how do you get an invite?


According to "her in charge", it's ok to have a confirmed hotel booking and a return flight ticket...as you're staying with people, you may need the letter.