Gas flap Trident badge


It happens.Maybe the cheaper emblem was in stock several time, and was bought by eurospares at lower price. They're the same, of course!


Forum Owner
Oh boy, finally got that pair, going to put it on after a nice wax and wash. Was there a thread about the installation procedure by some pros here?

I did a 'how to guide' years ago, think it might have been on the old forum Ill see if I can find it...


Forum Owner
Ha, found it, here is my guide from back in 2008:

I found that the best thing to do is position the gas flap side first as you are limited by the flap position.

You only get one go at getting this right, and you need to remove all the traces of wax and dirt from the body to get a proper fix. The best thing to use is Zippo lighter fluid you can get from any newsagents for under a quid. Don't leave it on the paintwork for to long.

If you get some masking tape, create a border to exactly fit the badge into, the same widths both side making sure the arrow points forward.

You also need to get the badge at the correct horizontal level or rotation.:


What I did was to place masking tape from the top and bottom of the recess, extending to the tail of the car. The 2 tape lines should cross at a point down towards the end of the rear wing, near the tail lights. This crossing or perspective point, should be used to put a third piece of tape from that crossing back to the arrow level.

This will then ensure both sides are consistent.

I know this is a bit fussy, but this is how I was taught to do it when I was a sign writer, many moons ago.


Very nice, Matt. I had no idea about this.When i installed mine, i measured the dimensions from books,and put it in scale.


New Member
What I did was to place masking tape from the top and bottom of the recess, extending to the tail of the car. The 2 tape lines should cross at a point down towards the end of the rear wing, near the tail lights. This crossing or perspective point, should be used to put a third piece of tape from that crossing back to the arrow level.

This will then ensure both sides are consistent.

Thanks for this Matt, can you clarify how you placed the middle tape, I'm clear about sitting the badge in between the top and bottom tapes but a bit unsure about the angle of the arrow.




Forum Owner
Sure, do the gas flap side first.

Make a frame or box out of masking tape first that fits the badge first so thus will give you the same position for both sides.

Do the top and bottom crossing points as pictured.

Then use a third bit of tape to get the rotation. Use the top of the tape line as a guide and mark it on your masking tape frame with a pencil then remove this third tape line.

So what you will end up with is a box of exposed paintwork the exact size of the emblem, in the middle of the recess top and bottom the same distance back from the vertical recess (governed by the gas flap side).

This box will then have a pencil marks on it to show the rotation at the arrow level.

Is that clear?


Thanks chaps, I will get a pair. I thought it was straange that some cars seemed to have them on, but our AC did not, I thought they had been pinched?