From hero to zero, unless the situation can be rescued!


Undoubtedly the wrong forum as I'm talking about my Genesis, but as many of you know I always rear my ugly head when I need to get something of my chest! So apologies in advance, and as always any comments of any sort always welcome.
Hyundai Motor Group signed a deal with Amazon at the end of last year to offer either as standard from new or by way of an OTA update across their three brands (Hyundai Kia and Genesis) a dedicated app which allows you to stream music from the Amazon library. It is in no doubt inferior in almost every way to Apple Music and CarPlay. However in the case of my Genesis it allows music to be played in 'Reference sound' which will be familiar to anyone who knows their audio equipment.
For the first few months it all seemed to work in its clunky menu way, but since about March/April its been plagued with failures, hardly ever working at all. From this time I have been on an almost weekly basis telling Genesis Customer Support. It should be mentioned from the quite brilliant after sales team that used to exist (best I've ever experienced from any brand) when they were stand alone to being merged into Hyundai GB om the beginning of '24.
You would have thought after four months I would be allowed to have the hump, and start putting pressure on Customer services to get it sorted, especially since in the entire period only twice have they returned a call.
Yesterday and today I pushed them again, speaking firstly to Jessica where I made it clear in no uncertain terms they need to pull their finger out and get something sorted, unfortuantely she ended up getting upset. It's never my intention to upset anybody, but at the end of the day this is a commercial situation which should be dealt with in a business like manner. I explained that I wouldn't discuss how the call had gone between me and her but could she get a manager to ring me so that I could get a definitive answer as to what was going on.
Having not received a call today I rang again to continue to apply the pressure to their 'couldn't care less, can't be bothered attitude', and this time spoke to Steve. It was clear from the outset that Steve knew Jessica was upset (as I'm typing this its looking more like an episode of soap, than a disgruntled Customer talking to a business), and he decided that he would be her white Knight in shining armour! Clearly forgetting I was the Customer and should be spoken to accordingly, he launched into some trade, essentially telling me not to call again!
After four months of this garbage, thatvwas a red rag to a bull, and whilst i would never use foul language or abuse, explained how appalling he was in his manner, and that he should never have been placed in Customer facing position, and it was clear he didn't know any of the facts surrounding this saga, but he wasn't interested, he clearly felt he should defend Jessica and tell me where to go!!
What makes this whole saga u believable is that only last year the head of Genesis GB Marketing and PR asked if I would participate in a promotional video, as I had been heaping so much praise on YouTube and forums etc about the car and the brand.
I have sent an email to the Head of sales for Genesis who knows me and has been so grateful in the past for my support to the company.
This evening he responded and said he would digest my albeit very long email and come back to me, so I am sincerely hoping he can rescue the acorns from the fire!
To sum up, I would be the first to admit this is a very minor issue, but the OCD in me likes things to be right. That said if someone had 'managed my expectations' and said something like ... look Keith we know there's a problem (I'm not the only one BTW), and our tech teams along with Amazon are trying to sort it, so please bare with us. Then I would be placated in the knowledge that they are doing their best to resolve it. As it stands the attitude of burying your head in the sand, and seemingly adopting the worst 'can't be bothered bothered, couldn't care less attitude' coupled today with an angry tyrade telling me to essentially 'go forth and multiply' cos I upset little Jessica is something I've never seen before, hence turning their best Customer to their worst is quite a staggering achievement!
In this country its now - the customer is always wrong, and if they start to moan tell em where to go.
If you've read this far, thanks a lot, and I always welcome the views from my esteemed colleagues in this broad forum community!


Thank you for your message. We are always doing our best to resolve customer issues promptly, and will email you with our response within eight weeks. Your incident number is 2024-07-09-427
Quite brilliant!!! Funny thing is they didn't even quote a time frame...
Too busy helping Jessica no doubt...


I actually missed one of the best gems!!!!!
After taking several videos demonstrating the issues, and sending them to the 'brilliant switched on Customer service department', young Jessica on Monday said she had a couple of 'technical questions' to ask me...
Question one. What happens when I select the option. Perhaps if they had looked at my videos they could answer that themselves, anyway fair enough I explained that nothing happens.
Question two (the real gem)... what am I hoping to achieve by selecting this option!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
I actually told her that I expected a cup of tea to appear from the dashboard!!!
To coin a phrase... you couldn't write it!


Keith I'd just like to let you know that the Clarion radio cassette player the original fit in my 1996 Jaguar XJ6 is working perfectly still.
Only yesterday I was listening to a FM radio station and later Squeeze on a cassette tape.
Good Luck in getting the issues resolved.


My dad seems to get into arguments with every single customer service he speaks to - I try to remind him they aren't paid much and spend their day getting shouted at, so not being a d*ck usually gets better results. I can't say I've always been particularly passionate about any summer job I've had either.

Whether this bears any resemblance to your interactions I couldn't say!

I'd even be nice to the chat bots, never know whether it will count in your favour when they do rise...
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Just too much tech in cars today.

The main dealer who supplied our Volvo XC90 has been trying to get us to sign up for its replacement the electric EX90.

We were called again today to say cars will be here in 6-8 months (already a year later than first promised) but will have a number of features not quite ready, but will be delivered as updates a few months later... including most of the advanced safety features they have been lording since the 1st reveal....

Nah I don't want to be a crash test dummy thank me when the product is fit for purpose.


Thing is all these features will constantly be reprogrammed everytime you visit the Dealership and you won't even know about it.
I spent a good chunk of last year just doing that for Toyota and Lexus.
That's the World we're now in.


Let me get this straight

An self admitted minor problem

For which it is highly likely the UK staff are unable to help with - if they could sort it they would

Largely because this is a macro problem affecting all sorts of vehicles and only solvable at an international level

The videos you sent may or may not be appropriate or viewable on a customer service computer

Whether or not they are or not, you’ve reduced an adult to tears to the point fellow staff members have sought to intervene

And you’ve come on here to brag about it?


Good old Telematics.
Unless you you really want all that my advice is look after what we have.
Just been out in my 28 year old Jaguar bloody lovely :)


Any chance of user error? ;)

My father in law always has tech issues, spends hours trying to speak to a "real" customer service person to complain at.

Then I tell him he's using it wrong...

I think he just likes talking complaining to people.


Everyone knows how to use a Goblin Teasmaid.
What's a goblin teasmaid - athough at numerous airbnb's we've stayed at there are wonderful looking coffee machines and amazing looking coffee 'pods' - but no instructions - so the contraptions get relegated to a cupboard and I stick with my instant clipper.