Free Ultrafast broadband for all!


Do you? Do tell?
I have no personal secret knowledge but just referencing lots of the background tosh that gets thrown about. Must be a bit of background 'funding' declared or otherwise from private funders I suspect.


I have no personal secret knowledge but just referencing lots of the background tosh that gets thrown about. Must be a bit of background 'funding' declared or otherwise from private funders I suspect.
I was including them in 'us'.....



So The Government want to have total control of the UK internet.... No problems I can see there then: Oh wait, they wouldn't restrict content now would they? Control media now would they? Track usage now would they? I cannot think of anywhere in the world this might happen already???

They already do. See court orders to require ISPs to block copyright-infringing sites, and also proposed UK Internet age verification system, all through existing ISPs and introduced through the Tories, not Labour.
The internet as it stands is more of less unpoliced, and we are starting to see the downsides of that. The next generations are introduced younger and younger, with much more exposure, which is both good and bad. The wealth of knowledge and experience that can be gathered is probably unparalleled (potentially including year of schooling) if used correctly, however, the danger is much, much greater. We already see teenage suicides occurring due to online bullying, things aren't getting any easier for young people, so, some sort of control, be it state or otherwise, is needed and welcome in my opinion.

On the logistics of it all, the UK doesn't even have 100% coverage of the internet, super fast broadband (assuming FTTC, which is plenty quick enough) is pretty ambitious, but the benefits of such an infrastructure are clear, and there are potential environmental benefits too, reducing pollution as more people can work from home, or not have to travel so far for meeting etc.

All that being said, it seems so far like a poorly thought out, finger in the air type stunt, straight out of the SNPs play book of "appealing to the masses" (see free prescriptions for all, and even more so, the pointless headline grabbers that actually benefit very few, and in some cases, aren't even implemented as originally promised... free eye tests, no bridge tolls and free parking at hospitals


It's utter tosh designed to do two things.

  1. Play the Marxist card as being for the masses and try to win a few votes whilst taking control of a powerful propaganda channel.
  2. Deliberately cause a blue chip stock to drop, leading to a predicted hedge. If Rees-Mogg did this, there would be an outcry and Channel 4 would start searching (and quite rightly so) for who made money that morning, ie who had prior knowledge. Remember, there is no such thing as a poor prime minister or party leader. Corbyn is a millionaire, Blair bought a £9m townhouse about a week after stepping down.

Like all left wing socialists, everyone is equal, it's just that some are more equal than others.