Brexit Deal



Some other things that, depending on one’s perspective, are “obvious”...

  • You live in Australia.
  • You wouldn’t need to live through (and may not fully understand) the reality that a no deal Brexit would create
  • You own a business that benefits from volatility in the global markets
  • If we (those who live in the UK) should have a vote, why wouldn’t it include all options open to us…?:f7:
P.S. I feel as though I’m in danger of becoming overly involved in this thread, and may be in a minority in terms of my views, so am going to ban myself from commenting further... except on pictures of titis
Responses in order below Jon,

Correct, and I have UK assets/family affected by such.

Not directly, but I am living through all this because of my interests. No Deal in the UK wouldnt create half the trouble it would for Europe and its PONZI economy. Clearly that was shown this week when they could have VETO'd the extension which would have almost certainly ended in A50 being revoked by May who was then backed into a corner!! It appears they couldnt take the slim chance though that no deal would go through!!!

Hence the need to bring "No Deal" back to negotiate a better position than Mays dreadful deal which includes a backstop that Europe has already said wont be applied under NO DEAL!!!! ‘The reason for these discussions is that quite recently a number of EU politicians, not least Mr Varadkar [the taoiseach] and Mr Barnier have all said that in the event of No Deal there would be no hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland which is a significant change so we’re here to discuss both sides of that coin.”

Why is it then in the WIthdrawal Agreement and why the fck did our fckwit PM suggest something that wasnt f*cking required- its a trap!! Why isnt she challenging it (as she has the opportunity to do so!) and why has she now stopped no deal planning and trying to side up with labour -cos for every labour vote she gains she'll lose a tory one.
Shes clearly doing Europes negotiating for it and hasn’t a ******* clue:24186z4: BETRAYING the UK’s BEST INTERESTS in the process.
She surrendered to Europe last year 56047 she’s a disgrace.

Re Gold- Global markets are volatile all the time, not just the Uk/Europe situation....look at whats going on in Japan, America, China, Australia et al. A more detailed insight follows separately.

Theres already been a vote Jon and its RESULT should be respected as indeed every politican stood to impliment and do so. I've said EVERYONE should have a vote, everyone, in the whole country BUT on;
No Deal,
Mays Deal
or any other deal that is nogotiated as a result of the "No deal" pressure exerted on Europe in a renegotiation.

Take your pick- the above;
respects the leave vote,
includes the farce of a deal that a remainer PM has made of it (so if u like it vote for it)
Says **** you to all those lying BASTURD Mp’s who voted remain, against their constituencies Leave position and then turned turtle even after invoking article 50 and agreeing “no deal”
Provides for a leave vote on another alternative if one comes along

Please hang around, I enjoy our little banter
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On the Gold side of things Jon. I did try and share the wealth -numerous offers!

I said this, thread follows on Feb 2016.

I particularly like this little quote of mine “The broader point for investors everywhere is also plain, as politicians like nothing more than messing things up, the horror of unintended consequences litters the Brexit debate” :excellent::f8:


Not a bad little move for those looking to protect themselves.....aint over yet either thanks to Mays bungling, cataclysmic stupidity, pig headedness and incompetence.

Mates rates still available.
PM Wattie ;)
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Ah, Wattie, but do you? Or are you, as per popular belief, actually a chatbot?
Ahhh Fc I’m flattered that you think chatbots have been developed that have the foresight, humor, intelligence and wind-up capabilities that I have.
That is a good 50 years off,but hey”simples” mistakatamaka”


I learnt back in my early 20s when i used to care enough to debate politics on internet forums that if a post is longer than a paragraph you start to lose your audiance
Unless it's the same old guff repeated ad nauseam in which case you needn't bother at all... ;)


I learnt back in my early 20s when i used to care enough to debate politics on internet forums that if a post is longer than a paragraph you start to lose your audiance
Only if you have a short concentration span.


My money is on;

1. Revoke

2. Norway 2.1 Beta 1 Fixpack 1

3. Swiss model which involves work but is ideal for UK or any other country that wants EU benefits but not be in the big gang with the town boys