Are you worried yet.

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Chief pedant
Tom Bradbury on N at 10 last night emotionally proclaimed about the 13 year old succumbing to the virus
A very charged piece of erm journalism
Today the powers are performing an autopsy on the poor lad to determine the cause of death which at time of writing may or may not have been the virus.
The man (Bradbury) is an ****. Why cannot the media present facts and not sensationalise.
Don't get me started on Piers.
It was not my choice to watch either of these prog's but many people do. I will defer from now on

I absolutely agree. While the individual tragedies are, well, tragic, 8,000-15,000 people in the UK die every week, and to sensationalise one of these for mawkish or panic-inducing reasons is reprehensible.

The BBC website was particularly weasely with its choice of words:

A 13-year-old boy who tested positive for coronavirus has died, a London hospital trust has said. Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, from Brixton in south London, died in King's College Hospital early on Monday. He is thought to be the youngest person to have died with the virus in the UK.​

My mother died from virus-related pneumonia three years ago, where was HER Tom Bradbury segment on the fricking News at Ten?


I love how many people (not necessarily accusing anyone here) symutaneously know that their boss is an idiot and all politivians have no clue,

I think history tells us that people pretty quickly revert to 'normal human behaviour' after a crisis, even if there are a few superficial changes. 200,000 years of evolution is more powerful than a brief drama.
Well let's agree to disagree then... ;)


Chief pedant
wasn't talking about testing at airports, although clearly we are fairly late to that party, but having at least a temperature forehead hand held device as per other countries, hardly any resources involved there and i did experience that in the catania airport some 8 weeks ago so italians did have something in place at that point

So... How does that work?

"You have a raised temperature, so there is a 6% chance you have coronavirus; go home and self-isolate for 14 days."​
"You have a normal temperature, so there is a 4% chance you have coronavirus; go home, stay home, protect the NHS."​


So... How does that work?

"You have a raised temperature, so there is a 6% chance you have coronavirus; go home and self-isolate for 14 days."​
"You have a normal temperature, so there is a 4% chance you have coronavirus; go home, stay home, protect the NHS."​

bingo, there you have it sir, nail on head


Many of us on here are pretty creative and independent thinkers. I really think this is the key here. I have always been and will always be a creative and independent thinker. As a business we have always tried to be vendor/supplier agnostic and to be independent. This is the only rue way you can have independent thought and opinion.

I am not Labour or Tory per se in this vain. I am a Spurs fan but like to watch good football whoever plays. I guess I am not what most would call a Spurs fan now. I really don't care if they win, lose or draw. I played football fairly competitively from 7 to 23 then retired from competitive football and still play 5 aside now. I kind of despise what football and the business of football has become now because of the huge sums the players are played. They are far from brain surgeons!

I do not like having to make choices or decisions with my hands tied behind my back or say what I think is right rather than what I actually feel. I do understand it is 2020 and there are some concessions to be able to fit into a happy workable society. Yes, I am not always flavour of the month with my wife and/or my children but I do things because I genuinely believe it is the right thing to do. I apply this same logic to most of what I do personally and in business. I cannot work in a conventional full time role in a large business or office for these reasons. I realised this many many years ago.

For the inept, lazy, stupid or just for the people who trust everything they are being told I urge anyone to question things. I was not engaged at school so missed out and it passed me by. When I became involved in the big wide world I became a very large very absorbent sponge. I was engaged and wanted to I did....and continue to do so. I am now the kid often at the front now in training sessions with suppliers and manufacturers always hand up asking questions. Why does it do that? Can it do this? What if you had this scenario?

I guess my point is we need to try to get more people to think independently and to have the confidence to questions things. I generally don;t trust anyone out of the box as a rule now. I used to but have learnt to approve things differently. Trust is earned and I allow this to be earned. With some staff in the past I have left myself way open to decide if I can trust someone as quickly as I can. It is like leaving a £10 note somewhere and seeing if they will take it.

Do I trust Apple, Google, FB, Amazon, any Govt, the Russians, the Chinese, the US, the UK? No of course not.....not implicitly. I am learning.

As some are suggesting on her now there is a real danger we have over egged this? This is my worry. Have we done more damage than good? It is always hard when you are balancing life, death and cost in the same sentence. How do you do this? There are so many contradictory forces and so much corruption in our society and the world now is too complex to make simple, quick easy decisions.

I work like many technical people on data/information to suck it all up and make the best informed decision I can. I don;t feel the UK govt have done enough to get that critical data to be be able to make solid, sound, sensible, good decisions. They have been sticking their finger in the air in essence and numerous occasions. Watching Trump last night was comical!

We have no idea really on how many deaths were 100% due to CV. I am not sure if it can be transferred from surfaces or not. At what % strength is it possible or likely a normal reasonably healthy human can catch the virus. We have no really decent reliable informed data which is what we are crying out for to make solid sound informed decisions. When you see thousands on trains jam packed travelling into London 2 inches apart all breathing over each other which haven't we seen huge spikes in infections and deaths if it is so bad? That doesn't make sense to me. Does this mean we will see spikes in infections and deaths? Or have most had it with zero to mild symptoms and we have indeed over egged this and still are.

If it were possible for everyone to be sent a home testing kit and the whole country take a test then feed those results into a website we would know some actual real true reliable facts. Maybe then we could see where we are. Have most had it, have it or not. We are flying blind without decent accurate data otherwise. Surely the focus should be to achieve this. Work smarter not harder. I know this more than most as have often worked harder rather than smarter. I'm still learning!

When you see stuff like this:

It shows that not all forces are pulling together in the same way or direction. What you see some getting rich directly off the back of people getting poor in such an obvious, extreme and direct ways you have to question what we have allowed to be created. I know we don't live in utopia but sometimes we go a little too far. I am still 100% against shorting stock/equities and the other products around this as it is a clear conflict of interest. I don't care that many finance people earn their living this way. It is morally and fundamentally flawed and the practice should be eradicated from our planet. Earn a living a different way.

Don't get me started on that Trump should never have been allowed to be President as obviously he has massive conflicts of interest. How can he not?


wasn't talking about testing at airports, although clearly we are fairly late to that party, but having at least a temperature forehead hand held device as per other countries, hardly any resources involved there and i did experience that in the catania airport some 8 weeks ago so italians did have something in place at that point

If the Italians had that in place then , it didnt appear to have much effect , which just maybe the reason our government took the view it did ............just saying on the other hand it still doesnt seem the Indians have got the general idea yet Social Distnan Singh

Felonious Crud

Staff member
This might give an idea as to how many people have died in China.

"One explanation for the losses is that many migrant workers take out an additional subscription for their workplace, and likely cancelled these contracts during the lockdown aimed at controlling the spread of the virus."


We shall see.

If we live. ;)

And @Wattie has been half-right so far, but I may be half-right in the end:
To be fair,
I trust my gut feel and your far more scientific, reasoned approach - over those in control of the scenario.
Thats where I think a lot of the problems lie. Very little confidence in those in charge.
It’s been like that for years....hence the voting against established positions we’ve seen I recent years.
Politicians are all education and correctness. A streetwise mentality is needed to get though this.
If they get this wrong it will break the camels back.
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