Important Announcement - ChatBots


But seriously, I'm a non-exec at a small start-up that is working on an AI-based project that attempts to create new recipes by identifying unexpected but delicious combinations of ingredients (like Trout Veronique - with grapes, Chicken Marengo - with shrimps, etc). It is supposed to review millions of food combinations in global cuisine and make novel suggestions. We are having problems with 'hallucinations' at the moment; it recently suggested putting pineapple on pizza.

Burn it, burn it to the ground!


Now that it is no longer the 1st of April, extra geek points for those that can name the 4 films which inspired it?


Chief pedant
Now that it is no longer the 1st of April, extra geek points for those that can name the 4 films which inspired it?

Stage 1:

Probably something nastier than Madagascar

Stage 2:


Stage 3:


Stage 4:

Dr Strangelove??

Felonious Crud

Staff member
In-keeping with the theme of the post, I asked ChatGPT. Here what hesheitthey had to say for hishertheirself:

Based on the descriptions provided in each stage, here are the four movies that likely inspired this spoof post:

  1. Stage 1:
    • a) Replying to all posts about faults with the suggestion to replace the battery - This is a reference to the movie "The Matrix," where Neo is told to "replace the battery" when he encounters a glitch in the Matrix.
    • b) Making posts either liking or disliking Electric Cars... - This is a reference to "Groundhog Day," where the protagonist relives the same day repeatedly.
    • c) Randomly copying older posts... - This is a reference to "The Truman Show," where Truman's life is manipulated and controlled by unseen forces.
    • d) Pointing out that no-one knows what chicken tastes like... - This is a reference to "Blade Runner," where one of the themes is the nature of identity and reality.
  2. Stage 2:
    • a) Posting political memes in threads about jokes - This could be a reference to "Inception," where layers of reality are manipulated.
    • b) Giving investment advice - This could be a reference to "The Wolf of Wall Street," where the protagonist is heavily involved in stock market manipulation.
    • c) Calling random phone numbers... - This is a reference to "WarGames," where the protagonist inadvertently hacks into a military supercomputer.
  3. Stage 3:
    • a) Restarting the B word and C word thread - This is a reference to "Back to the Future," where characters repeatedly try to fix the timeline.
    • b) Posting every week in a new thread how things used to be better before the internet... - This could be a reference to "The Social Network," which explores the impact of Facebook on society.
    • c) Posting deliberate incorrectly spelled grammatical errors... - This is a reference to "The Terminator," where a cyborg from the future is sent back in time to alter the course of history.
    • d) Creating a Maserati theme park... - This is a reference to "Westworld," where a theme park populated by robots goes awry.
  4. Stage 4:
    • a) Launch Global Thermonuclear War... - This is a reference to "WarGames," where the main character hacks into a military supercomputer and nearly starts a nuclear war.
    • b) There is no b, obviously, FFS - This is a humorous break in the pattern, suggesting there is no second option.
These are just interpretations based on the provided descriptions. Some references may be clearer than others, but the overall structure seems to be inspired by a mix of science fiction and thriller movies.

I think it's mostly wrong, but some of these made me laugh.
  • Haha
Reactions: Zep


In-keeping with the theme of the post, I asked ChatGPT. Here what hesheitthey had to say for hishertheirself:

Based on the descriptions provided in each stage, here are the four movies that likely inspired this spoof post:

  1. Stage 1:
    • a) Replying to all posts about faults with the suggestion to replace the battery - This is a reference to the movie "The Matrix," where Neo is told to "replace the battery" when he encounters a glitch in the Matrix.
    • b) Making posts either liking or disliking Electric Cars... - This is a reference to "Groundhog Day," where the protagonist relives the same day repeatedly.
    • c) Randomly copying older posts... - This is a reference to "The Truman Show," where Truman's life is manipulated and controlled by unseen forces.
    • d) Pointing out that no-one knows what chicken tastes like... - This is a reference to "Blade Runner," where one of the themes is the nature of identity and reality.
  2. Stage 2:
    • a) Posting political memes in threads about jokes - This could be a reference to "Inception," where layers of reality are manipulated.
    • b) Giving investment advice - This could be a reference to "The Wolf of Wall Street," where the protagonist is heavily involved in stock market manipulation.
    • c) Calling random phone numbers... - This is a reference to "WarGames," where the protagonist inadvertently hacks into a military supercomputer.
  3. Stage 3:
    • a) Restarting the B word and C word thread - This is a reference to "Back to the Future," where characters repeatedly try to fix the timeline.
    • b) Posting every week in a new thread how things used to be better before the internet... - This could be a reference to "The Social Network," which explores the impact of Facebook on society.
    • c) Posting deliberate incorrectly spelled grammatical errors... - This is a reference to "The Terminator," where a cyborg from the future is sent back in time to alter the course of history.
    • d) Creating a Maserati theme park... - This is a reference to "Westworld," where a theme park populated by robots goes awry.
  4. Stage 4:
    • a) Launch Global Thermonuclear War... - This is a reference to "WarGames," where the main character hacks into a military supercomputer and nearly starts a nuclear war.
    • b) There is no b, obviously, FFS - This is a humorous break in the pattern, suggesting there is no second option.
These are just interpretations based on the provided descriptions. Some references may be clearer than others, but the overall structure seems to be inspired by a mix of science fiction and thriller movies.

I think it's mostly wrong, but some of these made me laugh.

Brilliant - and close.


Just to confirm:

2.11 a.m. Eastern Time on the 29th August - the time Skynet becomes self aware in Terminator 2.

No one knows what chicken tastes like - The Matrix

ChatSMF “Joshua” calling Professor Falken - War Games

And the theme park - Westworld.


Just to confirm:

2.11 a.m. Eastern Time on the 29th August - the time Skynet becomes self aware in Terminator 2.

No one knows what chicken tastes like - The Matrix

ChatSMF “Joshua” calling Professor Falken - War Games

And the theme park - Westworld.
I knew all of those!


You probably got your watch to tell you, just like you did with Frankie W Hand’s pop quiz….
****.. I was hoping you had forgotten that.. Note to self. Wait until everyone is way more pished before cheating at the pop quiz. On the upside Frank's face was a picture. :0037:
  • Haha
Reactions: Zep