Shares to watch


Agreed....good work Phil ;)

I've been in and out a few times now but taken the original stake out and letting the profit sit in for the ride now. Who knows. Allegedly orders for 18m test kits done and have bought enough raw materials to produce 10m per month at the moment I hear. Could be anything up to £5 soon if the good news keeps going. Must be a takeover target for one of the big boys I would have thought.


Gees, so what does this mean for the markets? A short strong bull run followed by sustained reversal back down south?


This really pisses me off.View attachment 67729
That’s around 7.5 billion AUD$!!!!

So why is he asking for a bailout of

Why are we being asked to bail out Billionaires?
It is outrageous.

Ive never known why this d-head is so teflon, has such good PR. Ive always seen through the f*
Hopefully folk will now see him for what he is


Agreed....good work Phil ;)

I've been in and out a few times now but taken the original stake out and letting the profit sit in for the ride now. Who knows. Allegedly orders for 18m test kits done and have bought enough raw materials to produce 10m per month at the moment I hear. Could be anything up to £5 soon if the good news keeps going. Must be a takeover target for one of the big boys I would have thought.

Just bought some of this. Hope the SM Finance collective brainbox massive is right! Cheers!


I may pick up a few Oil Co. shares once they bottom out, and hold onto them for a few years.

I was thinking that... Along with airlines. I have a vested interest here, as my wife works for an airline :(...... That one doubled in price 2nd half of last year, back to price of a year ago now. Still think airlines and oil co.s have further to fall yet. Might go back in when we see a tiny ***** of light about when things might fly again


The general consensus now seems to be markets are going to get a whole lot worse.

Huge $ shortage everywhere. Fed supporting/buying everything- Manipulating with not a chance in h3ll of fixing it.

US unemployed numbers......7 million plus this week? . I’m sure they’ve all paid their rent, cc’s, mortgage, cars loan instalments etc etc.

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Appalling job news, stock market positive.
The US and it’s markets are a total sh1t show. Rigged casino.

Think of all the debt, silently going boom!


Wattie I get what you're saying and it certainly stacks up to me. I also bow to your greater knowledge of high finance than mine.
My only issue is that for about 12 years now, people have been telling me that the whole system is about to break, debt levels are insane, (which I believe to be true), everythings a ponzi, money is being printed, they've played their last card (low, interest rates) none of its sustainable, you must buy gold to survive, etc.
But all I've seen in that time is stock prices booming, property prices booming, state spending through the roof, consumer spending through thx roof, booming economies....

Why will it be any different this time.? Why will they not find new ways to pull rabbits from hats? None of what was done post 08 should have worked, should it?


Agreed Delmonte. I also agree with much of what Wattie says but maybe not as extreme or convinced.

Like you say I'm amazed it hasn't come crashing down already as it should have. The fundamentals are all wrong, the foundations are wrong but somehow they are still plugging the leaks.

I wouldn't be surprised if it fails and carnage ensues and by the same token I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to keep plugging the holes. Wattie could be banging this drum for 5 mins, 5 years or 50 years. Nobody can know or tell how it will play out.

All I know is I won't be betting my mortgage on it either way. I am trying to position myself as partly invested but kind of hedged if it goes the other way. If you have £50k sat in a high interest savings account at 1% you're earning £500. It is too difficult to earn that in two quick trades with not much risk in a week or two.

I'm going to dabble in nothing too risky and at price points known and tested with known ranges and play within those. Today I've bought back into the 3 banks a little. At the current levels if they tank they will return in a year or two. They are unlikely to go bust and will likely get bailed out if they do!

The swings in the ranges are anything from 10%-50% in fairly short timeframes so the volatility can be tricky but mostly just reading candlestick charts, finding ranges and using some typical indicator tools. Getting in and out inside the ranges and not getting greedy. Just nicking what I can when I can and back into cash again until an opportunity arises again. It won't make me rich, won't support a full time income but is a little part time work that should do better than it sitting in a bank earnings not much.


Wattie I get what you're saying and it certainly stacks up to me. I also bow to your greater knowledge of high finance than mine.
My only issue is that for about 12 years now, people have been telling me that the whole system is about to break, debt levels are insane, (which I believe to be true), everythings a ponzi, money is being printed, they've played their last card (low, interest rates) none of its sustainable, you must buy gold to survive, etc.
But all I've seen in that time is stock prices booming, property prices booming, state spending through the roof, consumer spending through thx roof, booming economies....

Why will it be any different this time.? Why will they not find new ways to pull rabbits from hats? None of what was done post 08 should have worked, should it?
The prior 2008 boom was based on debt. What they did after 2008 did not solve the problem, it didn’t work. They bailed out countries banks etc that should have been allowed to fail. This added vast sums of debt to existing bad debt and removed “morale hazard” (Organisations learned that they could make poor decisions and they would be fine) much of the created money drove stock markets higher (wealth effect) that politicians then touted as evidence everything was fine.

Underlying economies were not booming, it was a debt based charade that bankers and politicians thrived on. The virus has now popped that illusion.

We are now facing a depression of a magnitutude probably never seen before and all that debt is going to default.....or be bailed out by so much money printing it will make money worthless.
The Fed is effectively now trying to keep the system from falling apart.
It will fail.

No politician, banker will ever admit the situation, but the evidence is in plain sight.

They claim it’s “stimulus”.
It’s not.
Ponzi schemes rely on money coming in to replace money going out.......hence the trillions appearing from no-where!

$970,000 per second!!!

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Nice articles and kind of reinforces my thoughts. Thoughts that everything is so bl00dy complex now that nobody really knows what is going on or how it truly works. Therefore most can have no accurate idea of what the effects will be of any shifts or changes.

I currently feel this recession will be the same as the last. Could and should be worse but will squeeze though back up to something like what we feel is normality by the skin of its teeth.

The thing that made the GFC bad was liquidity issues. Although we have much higher debt levels know I think although liquidity will be an issue it won't be the issue it was in 2008. The banks are leveraged differently now and slightly better for it. They are still exposed in other ways but not so much in the GFC 2008 way.

However my caveat is if the CV crisis really bites long and hard then the recession will be a depression. Currently I don't feel this will happen as I don't believe that CV will be bad enough to cause this outcome. The plague it currently seems not to be.

Agreed if it wasn't CV the catalyst would be something else. I do fear though that if we don't change our ways and fundamentals that the next recession in 2030 will be the one that brings it all down. I'm not currently convinced this current recession and situation will be the one to end all recessions unless the CV crisis turns much worse than I think it will play out.


'The thing that made the GFC bad was liquidity issues. Although we have much higher debt levels know I think although liquidity will be an issue it won't be the issue it was in 2008. The banks are leveraged differently now and slightly better for it. They are still exposed in other ways but not so much in the GFC 2008 way'

I disagree, its much, much worse than 2008. It's already an issue with the Fed repo facility to ALL other central banks- there is an off the scale global $ shortage.

We are facing the largest global unemployment situation in history- what do you think will happen to all that debt people owe? How are they gonna bail it out?

What about all the corporate debt that those small/medium sized businesses owe that go bust?

Does any of this sound stock market positive? There will be some companies whose shares do well, not many.
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