What do members want from SportsMaserati

Which of the following statements do you agree with:

  • I enjoy reading the political views and the conflict it creates

    Votes: 21 16.4%
  • I'm not bothered about the political views and am happy to ignore them and the conflict it creates

    Votes: 65 50.8%
  • I do not like reading the political views and would prefer not to see it or the conflict it creates

    Votes: 37 28.9%
  • I enjoy seeing political satire (Memes and jokes) and the conflict it creates

    Votes: 28 21.9%
  • I'm not bothered about political satire and am happy to ignore it and the conflict it creates

    Votes: 67 52.3%
  • I do not enjoy seeing political satire and would prefer not to see it or the conflict it creates

    Votes: 24 18.8%
  • I enjoy reading "The Rant Thread" and it adds to my experience

    Votes: 39 30.5%
  • I'm not bothered about "The Rant Thread" and am happy to ignore it

    Votes: 71 55.5%
  • I do not enjoy reading "The Rant Thread" and would prefer not to see it

    Votes: 13 10.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I've been distracted by 'stuff' of late. So, not been about. I was browsing briefly and this thread caught my eye.
Has anything changed as a result of the poll? I couldn't see anything announced, so I'm voicing my 10c worth.
Which as usual, is about what my contributions are worth. But only on a good day :p

I would suggest that the exercise is a bit flawed. The thread title asked, 'What do members want from SportsMaserati.'
Which is just about as open a question as you can pose, I'd suggest. However, the poll only sought views on politics and
ranting. I understand why the statements themselves were written the way they were. However, I feel its problematic
using a term like 'conflict'. Which in its literal sense, can apply to an extremely wide continuum of circumstances, from
debate at one extreme, all the way to unrestricted warfare at the other.
Saying comments are welcome but will not be considered when looking at the poll results, is a bit contradictory.
Akin to saying to someone, "You may speak, but I won't be listening."

I've read all of the comments and found several insightful and worthy of your attention.

I think I joined the forum around 2017 ish. My memory as usual fails me. I can however, recall some real screaming sessions
involving very Anglo Saxon language and threats of rearranging body parts. Without their owner's consent!
These were dealt with in a matter of hours. Simply by telling the combatants to cool down. Which they did.
However, handbags like this were rare and there was always a good deal of banter, teasing, leg-pulling.
Usually added to by a good deal of self-deprecating comments. All of which is part of the British character.
Because we are confident enough in ourselves as a nationality, which stems from not being invaded and subjugated
for a very long time.

Which brings me somewhat accidentally on purpose to Brexit. The country has had a few shocks of late, which have affected us all
in different ways and to a lessor or greater extent. I think we can all agree that before, during and afterwards. Brexit has been a shitshow of monumental proportions. The country was still coming to terms with Brexit, when the Peoples Republic of China decided it would treat us all to Covid19. A shitshow of even greater proportions than Brexit. Fast forward another few years and we have Putin's Special Military Operation and it's implications worldwide for energy prices and our overall cost of living.
Add strikes, record NHS waiting lists for many diagnoses and treatments, all of which is on top of our own individual challenges and
I would be surprised if many people felt that their cups runneth over with unicorns and magic money trees.
Unless you happened to bag a juicy PPE contract, from which to skim off many millions.

I believe some of the angst related to the above is bound to 'leak' into our little community. Because its happening in our lives and we can't ignore it. But, as your poll succinctly put it. We are all over 18 and free to ignore threads or comments as we choose.
However, whilst I came to the forum because of the shared experience of owning a Maserati or other Italian vehicle. I've stayed
because there is so much more that interests me here, beyond discussions about cars.
From the occasional mention of member's occupations, as one example. My sense is that we have a very varied membership and the value that that wealth of experience and knowledge brings is of tremendous value. We're pretty spread out geographically. I would have a lot of confidence that if I asked for a restaurant recommendation in Cambridge, for example. I would get a good steer from more than one person here. Sometimes looking online isn't reliable enough and a personal recommendation from recent experience is what you need.

I don't mean what I'm about to say in the pejorative sense. However, my observation would be that the forum has drifted along quite happily for some time, with few hiccups. To make it grow requires a structured approach and much time invested.
I would suggest that the poll represents a bit of tinkering around the edges and no more. I know I'm stating the obvious.
But, I also feel that its got to be said. If a thread is introduced and it interests a sufficient number of us. It will rattle along doing its thing. Plenty of threads start and almost immediately stop. Due to lack of interest. A somewhat Darwinian process, if you like.
And what's wrong with that?

Conversely, Brexit, Covid and Ukraine have impacted us all. Along with Boris, the other dumb blonde Liz Truss and now our first PM of this year, a man with so little substance, he dare not stand too close to an open fire, lest he be reduced to a puddle of water.

To better understand social media platforms, I'd suggest you sit down for a little while and watch the Facebook whistle blower's appearance before a US Senate Committee. Frances Haugen gives chapter and verse on how Facebook and other platforms algorithms weight challenging comments more highly. Increasing the adversarial nature of conversations on those platforms.
Given how pervasive Facebook, TikTok and the other platforms are. Its no wonder many believe them to be contributing to the
growth of extremism in countries with high internet penetration, like the U.S.
On this forum, however. We all generally know where the line is drawn and its rarely crossed. Partly because the community extends as others have said, offline. I would suggest, as I've done above, that if you want the community to grow, you implement some of the most relevant features and / or practices of other, similar online communities. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. But there is a need to focus on what matters.

As I said. Merely my 10c worth :beach:
I've been distracted by 'stuff' of late. So, not been about. I was browsing briefly and this thread caught my eye.
Has anything changed as a result of the poll? I couldn't see anything announced, so I'm voicing my 10c worth.
Which as usual, is about what my contributions are worth. But only on a good day :p

I would suggest that the exercise is a bit flawed. The thread title asked, 'What do members want from SportsMaserati.'
Which is just about as open a question as you can pose, I'd suggest. However, the poll only sought views on politics and
ranting. I understand why the statements themselves were written the way they were. However, I feel its problematic
using a term like 'conflict'. Which in its literal sense, can apply to an extremely wide continuum of circumstances, from
debate at one extreme, all the way to unrestricted warfare at the other.
Saying comments are welcome but will not be considered when looking at the poll results, is a bit contradictory.
Akin to saying to someone, "You may speak, but I won't be listening."

I've read all of the comments and found several insightful and worthy of your attention.

I think I joined the forum around 2017 ish. My memory as usual fails me. I can however, recall some real screaming sessions
involving very Anglo Saxon language and threats of rearranging body parts. Without their owner's consent!
These were dealt with in a matter of hours. Simply by telling the combatants to cool down. Which they did.
However, handbags like this were rare and there was always a good deal of banter, teasing, leg-pulling.
Usually added to by a good deal of self-deprecating comments. All of which is part of the British character.
Because we are confident enough in ourselves as a nationality, which stems from not being invaded and subjugated
for a very long time.

Which brings me somewhat accidentally on purpose to Brexit. The country has had a few shocks of late, which have affected us all
in different ways and to a lessor or greater extent. I think we can all agree that before, during and afterwards. Brexit has been a shitshow of monumental proportions. The country was still coming to terms with Brexit, when the Peoples Republic of China decided it would treat us all to Covid19. A shitshow of even greater proportions than Brexit. Fast forward another few years and we have Putin's Special Military Operation and it's implications worldwide for energy prices and our overall cost of living.
Add strikes, record NHS waiting lists for many diagnoses and treatments, all of which is on top of our own individual challenges and
I would be surprised if many people felt that their cups runneth over with unicorns and magic money trees.
Unless you happened to bag a juicy PPE contract, from which to skim off many millions.

I believe some of the angst related to the above is bound to 'leak' into our little community. Because its happening in our lives and we can't ignore it. But, as your poll succinctly put it. We are all over 18 and free to ignore threads or comments as we choose.
However, whilst I came to the forum because of the shared experience of owning a Maserati or other Italian vehicle. I've stayed
because there is so much more that interests me here, beyond discussions about cars.
From the occasional mention of member's occupations, as one example. My sense is that we have a very varied membership and the value that that wealth of experience and knowledge brings is of tremendous value. We're pretty spread out geographically. I would have a lot of confidence that if I asked for a restaurant recommendation in Cambridge, for example. I would get a good steer from more than one person here. Sometimes looking online isn't reliable enough and a personal recommendation from recent experience is what you need.

I don't mean what I'm about to say in the pejorative sense. However, my observation would be that the forum has drifted along quite happily for some time, with few hiccups. To make it grow requires a structured approach and much time invested.
I would suggest that the poll represents a bit of tinkering around the edges and no more. I know I'm stating the obvious.
But, I also feel that its got to be said. If a thread is introduced and it interests a sufficient number of us. It will rattle along doing its thing. Plenty of threads start and almost immediately stop. Due to lack of interest. A somewhat Darwinian process, if you like.
And what's wrong with that?

Conversely, Brexit, Covid and Ukraine have impacted us all. Along with Boris, the other dumb blonde Liz Truss and now our first PM of this year, a man with so little substance, he dare not stand too close to an open fire, lest he be reduced to a puddle of water.

To better understand social media platforms, I'd suggest you sit down for a little while and watch the Facebook whistle blower's appearance before a US Senate Committee. Frances Haugen gives chapter and verse on how Facebook and other platforms algorithms weight challenging comments more highly. Increasing the adversarial nature of conversations on those platforms.
Given how pervasive Facebook, TikTok and the other platforms are. Its no wonder many believe them to be contributing to the
growth of extremism in countries with high internet penetration, like the U.S.
On this forum, however. We all generally know where the line is drawn and its rarely crossed. Partly because the community extends as others have said, offline. I would suggest, as I've done above, that if you want the community to grow, you implement some of the most relevant features and / or practices of other, similar online communities. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. But there is a need to focus on what matters.

As I said. Merely my 10c worth :beach:
You raise a good point. I also cannot recall reading the final outcomes of what the forum will do differently based on the poll results. Bit of a waste of time and effort if no summary of actions and changes.


You raise a good point. I also cannot recall reading the final outcomes of what the forum will do differently based on the poll results. Bit of a waste of time and effort if no summary of actions and changes.
Thought I saw a post about the only decision/change was the introduction of the “cooler” for anyone going OTT that would stop them posting for a period of time?


Unfortunately, we have all been quite busy, so some of the key actions are still in the works.

For me at least, there were two parts to this exercise, firstly to see if there was anything we needed to change in the mechanics of how the forum works, for example off topic content, and secondly to give people pause for thought around what content they are posting.

While the mechanics are still in the works (aside from the cooler) I have certainly seen a shift in tone, which I think is due to it being apparent that relatively few members want to engage in in depth political discourse on a car forum.

We’ve never wanted to be overly direct in specifying what content should be posted, but we believe that this conversation has nudged how we communicate in a positive direction. However as always, opinions may vary.
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Felonious Crud

Staff member
Unfortunately, we have all been quite busy, so some of the key actions are still in the works.

For me at least, there were two parts to this exercise, firstly to see if there was anything we needed to change in the mechanics of how the forum works, for example off topic content, and secondly to give people pause for thought around what content they are posting.

While the mechanics are still in the works (aside from the cooler) I have certainly seen a shift in tone, which I think is due to it being apparent that relatively few members want to engage in in depth political discourse on a car forum.

We’ve never wanted to be overly direct in specifying what content should be posted, but we believe that this conversation has nudged how we communicate in a positive direction. However as always, opinions may vary.
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Thank you all for taking the time to respond. FWIW I very much agree with everything expressed.
All things considered. I believe that the community as is. Is such a strong base to build on.
That the community will only go from strength to strength.
Harking back to Darwin and with a nod towards the exception of our American cousins.
I would say that evolution is always better than revolution.
Wow! Is that it? What a waste of time?
I view posts, contribute very little. That is because the same narrow group that posts majority of content jump in and say "no its not, what a liad of b&ll@cks" and so I cannot be ar5ed with a narrow group who have nothing better to do than sit on PC or smartphone posting content all day.

I bet that's stirred some of 'em. Let's see how many jump in to trash whatever I write......


Wow! Is that it? What a waste of time?
I view posts, contribute very little. That is because the same narrow group that posts majority of content jump in and say "no its not, what a liad of b&ll@cks" and so I cannot be ar5ed with a narrow group who have nothing better to do than sit on PC or smartphone posting content all day.

I bet that's stirred some of 'em. Let's see how many jump in to trash whatever I write......
I quite agree
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