Winter Project anyone?


First pic I thought it didn't look to bad then read he had given it a quick clean.....How can you own a car like that and treat it that way.....


New Member
have to say that it looks more like a "neglected field find" than a "barn find"
It obviosly had issues as the engine is in bits and there is no way to guaranteee its all there.
there appears to be some silver spray "blown over" to some of the rust so it was still in use when it was rusting ( if this is the case) and the owner didnt worry too much about getting it stopped and therefore probably just ran it into the ground until the engine failed..i would guess servicing was not carried out either.
I understand this is a collectors car and that someone like an enthusiast (or bored) may want to restore it but i can see that car eating £1000`s of pounds and still never achieving half of what it cost to restore.
In todays climate you really do need to buy for personal pleasure and be damned with the cost or buy wisely and try to at the very least recoupe your costs and maybe ..just maybe make a little bit as well.


In totally mint condition an SS maybe worth circa £35K or for a true gem £40k. A standard one would be worth at least £15k less. This car looks like a complete and total nightmare and I really don't think that even at £1650 you would ever see a return for your money. If the engine is stuffed a replacement engine will mean non matching numbers. That in itself will knock several thousand pounds off the finished value.

Yes if it had the value of say £100k at the end it would be worth a punt but this one looks like a labour of love for no return and may well cause you to actually lose money.Might be worth a punt fto break up for spares
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In totally mint condition an SS maybe worth circa £35K or for a true gem £40k. A standard one would be worth at least £15k less. This car looks like a complete and total nightmare and I really don't think that even at £1650 you would ever see a return for your money. If the engine is stuffed a replacement engine will mean non matching numbers. That in itself will knock several thousand pounds off the finished value.

Yes if it had the value of say £100k at the end it would be worth a punt but this one looks like a labour of love for no return and may well cause you to actually lose money.Might be worth a punt fto break up for spares

Valid points UM........only probably worth it if you could do a lot of it yourself, and the body was sound and if you could get a good engine replacement......thats what happens these engine goes when in the hands of someone who aint got the means to fix it.......end up in bits/sold for parts...shame really.



It was never the most reliable car in the first instance so heaven knows what needs to be done to this one. The interior looks totally shot to pieces


Do share Rob.......any pics to complete the picture? Hope its a Maser!


unfortunatley not a maser.
its turning 15 tonne of random welsh slate stone into a garden wall. it makes me very respectfull of all those little chinese geezers who built one for the great garden of china. while my garden is not as big as theirs I have a feeling it may take me longer.


Its gone to £5,000......eight days to go!


Not a bad basket case guys , ive seen a lot worse , im sure it would only cost 3-4 K to get the engine sorted , if you had the time and knowledge to assemble yourself or in conjuction with an indie , , interior is No big deal as £1500 would get every thing re-leathered and new carpets professional made and £4K should see a good bare metal respray, so all in all around £10/11K to fix plus the purchase price , and you could have one of the best sorted Meraks in mint, but only if you project managed the car yourself and do a major part of the strip down and re-assembly yourself , it is a labour of love , but would probably be well worth it in the long term

Picture how to restoration would be crucial for credence and history/selling purposes , if you have the money and th time well worth a look in my book , if i liked Meraks i would certainly consider it ,

regards loz


Well Loz who has never been short of a bit of bottle reckons it is worth a punt..........Loz is it an SS????????


Well Loz who has never been short of a bit of bottle reckons it is worth a punt..........Loz is it an SS????????

Yep certainly is , a genuine SS one, . not a Clarkson one , oh and on Clarkson what a load of old tosh format was that on Sunday night

regards loz


Yep certainly is , a genuine SS one, . not a Clarkson one , oh and on Clarkson what a load of old tosh format was that on Sunday night

regards loz

I still laughed Loz........I still enjoyed.......May saying C*O*C*K...still enjoyed Hamsters sheepish...cuddly boy way of going on.........and the big schoolboy Clarkson.........doing what we all would have loved to do.......but don't have the bottle to admit it or try it!!!

Will still watch it.........infinitely better that the England team!




I enjoyed it I must say especially the Robin Reliant bit...STill the best Sunday TV entertainment....No much competition though I suppose.