whats that squeal i am getting from the wheels?


New Member
I have had this squeek squeek squeek squeek that seems to be coming from the wheels.
Its not really noticable by me until i go through a built up area,then the sound of that V8 bounces off the rows of terraced houses either side of me punctuated by this squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek !!
Its horrible and completely ruins my enjoyment of the cars lovely sound.
Has anyone else got this problem with their car and if so what is it and how do i eliminate it?
My guess is brakes and grit but even after a good blow out with the power washer it still goes squeek squeek squeek squeek .
I am fairly sure that the brakes are genuine maserati as carrs would have told me if not on the service as they did say the wiper blades were not genuine maserati !! LOL (does that invalidate any warrenty?)

P.s Got my PIS reset to 5mm and WOW...what a difference it makes to the cars launch control and overall behavour.
Why the **** didnt they do it in the first place?
Got the wheels rebalanced and the fan slow speed relay replaced so other than the strange squeak alls pretty much up to date and good now.
Fixed my roof hydrolics by welding the ball screw until the part arrives at carrs next week so was out enjoying the weather again today........i`ve done 3500 miles since i aquired this car.....have to get a winter hack!!!


Hi Adam,
just a thought...does the squeek change pitch, or go away, get louder when you apply the brakes lightly?
I think if it was brake related you would get some sort of difference in the sound when the brakes are applied.
The only squeeks I have had from mine were traced to the anti sway bar rubbers, but i only every got the noise over bumps.


Sound like the hand brake, its inside the hub and you need to take the disc off to clean out the crud as it has no where to go.