Urby's GS gets a new home


Junior Member
Seating the rubber insert doesn't seem to make much difference. I can just about operate the door lock but the boot won't play.


I'm rather afraid that Urby and I are of one mind when it comes to excess speed. I did get up to 70 on the M6 on the way home. Only briefly though because of the xxxx road works.
Dare I claim to be the only one to have dropped that clutch at about 4500rpm , never ever will i forget the look on Peters face when I took 1 whole mm of tread in one foul swoop , I dont think he will be asking me to test his crutch again :hug: :whistle: loves yer Peter , Rhubarbe no doubt that fact that you pursued this one for so long means without doubt your the fastidious type , but really do give it some beans now and again , reliability wise it will thank you for it , on the other hand Im quite happy to lend you my services