The whinging bitches politics poo-bin thread

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Nah, he's still breathing and emitting diahorea
If he doesn’t go after this then I give up. Everyone saying what a good job he did during the covid crisis, which it was, a crisis ! He did nothing, he just happened to be prime minister at the time. Those who made the correct decisions and did all the good work deserve the credit. He didn’t and no longer warrants any credit or respect. Right now he does not deserve the post of prime minister, yes he was elected as such, but has proved that he no longer merits that position.

Phil H

The problem now is that Boris has demeaned the office so much that no one will really want the job of rebuilding it. The frontbenchers will be seen as damaged goods, and the Ukraine issue alone is enough to keep other candidates at bay, at least for the time being. My guess is that unless the Met find a silver bullet during their investigations Boris will limp along for a few months, and in the meantime a few hopefuls will be girding up their loins for a leadership challenge while he negotiates deals for life after Downing Street.

Having completed many a report for the Civil Service, I am aghast at how brief it is, with most of it being the intro, TofR and annex.
I thought that too. The Met apparently has over 300 photos and 500 'pieces of paper' to sift through, so to a layperson Ms Gray's interim 'update' appears to be part of a damage limitation exercise.

Phil H

LK looks more like a Prime Minister than Boris, and she has announced her decision to leave her post with the BBC ;)

Phil H

Bóllocks to the US V Russia dispute over the Ukraine. Compromise has been made in the important things in life.

Not so, there is still the matter of the Gin, although they might be waiting for Boris to sort it out when he returns from giving Vladimir a severe listening to:

(I can't help but wonder if this is to be an annual event, cooked up by the marketing folk ;))
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