Ski holiday


Can't give you any recommendations in Austria but I have friends who own a cosy hotel bang in the heart of Val d'isere. Hotel Le Kern you can do easy jet to Grenoble then coach or hire car to resort 1.5_ 2 hrs we now have a place in Canada so have not been to Val for 6 years but Espace Killiy is a fantastic ski area and you wont go wrong with Iasbell & Pascale at Le Kern.


Phil the Brit

Well we finally booked a really nice hotel in Mayrhofen and going in just a few days time. The hotel is called the Sporthotel Manni and it is 4 1/2 star half board. Mayrhofen has a lot of intermediate runs, some lively nightlife and a short transfer time from Innsbruck. Also the flight is from Stansted so not too far to go this end. as we booked just a few days before going we got a really great deal at £800 per person all inclusive of everything including skis/boots etc. The hotel alone (at Christmas week) was selling for £2300 PER PERSON so quite happy about price we paid. Got all our stuff together last night so ready to go! Thanks to everybody that came up with ideas.


Centenary Club
Remember a helmet...please it can be a life saver even if it is not cool looking.

Have to agree, we all wear helmets especially now the kids are skiing with us, set by example.
The norm is helmets rather than without, so the non cool bit no longer applies, and personally I find them very comfortable, warm, but never too warm.

Phil the Brit

If they offer me them then I'll try them but have never worn one before. I have enough junk to cart up the mountain already with gloves skis poles etc. Like I said I don't go crazy, stick to blue and red runs and like my driving I am always aware of others around me. On the road I have never had an accident in 44 years of driving so I must do something right!
Thanks for your concern though guys.


Sea Urchin Pate
I realise why you have said that but I am not a fast skier and not going off piste so I won't be buying one and nor will Pauline.

You don't have to be going fast to give yourself irreversible brain damage. On piste, off piste, the floor is still hard and it always comes off better when you headbut it. Please think about it while you still have the ability to do so.


We have been wearing helmets for the last 10 years in the begining mainly due to the type of sking and boarding my wife and I do. I would never even consider going up the hill without a lid. I have seen some horrific injurys even on the bunny hill, oftern caused by a third party. No matter what your ability you never know when you may be involved in a situation such as Mr Schumacher and a lid can make the difference between life and death.
Don't mean to preach have a great ski season guys and a happy new year from here at Kickinghorse resort>,2048


Like I said I don't go crazy, stick to blue and red runs

You don't need to go fast.

I wear one ever since I put myself in hospital with concussion from catching a back edge on my board, in a QUEUE FOR THE LIFT, and flipping back on to the ice.

I wear one mainly because it is somewhere comfortable to park my goggles (I can't ski in sunglasses because my eyes dry out from the wind), it keeps the rain wind and snow off and being a pale colour reflects the sun on warm spring days.

But I'm not preaching. I don't wear one cycling and I respect everyone's choice and ability to make their own decision.


Chief pedant
I thought I would revive this very old thread, as I am off to Kitzbühel (Kitzbuehel Kitzbuhel) tomorrow, and wondered if anyone had any particular suggestions for restaurants, bars etc....


Arlberg Hospiz in St Christoph is an amazing place to stay and has the largest privately owned wine cellar in Europe
Interest to read as we should be staying just up the road on our June Alpine tour and a play on the Alberg pass is on the cards if there is enough time - that is another insentive


Am driving to chamonix soon , unfortuately in the touareg, drove cervina last year but that was q bit too far in one hit from manchester


Chief pedant
Annual thread revival.

Apparently I'm going to Morzine in January. Any expert info on that resort?