Opening up our homes to Ukrainians

dem maser

Well our journey has come to an end, well moved to the next phase.

As the war is dragging in and there is no end in sight, our guests felt it was time to try and find their own place.

Both the adults have found work the little boy has settled in school.

Finding a flat / small house in our town proved very difficult
  • shortage of properties driving up rents
  • guests failing management agent reference checks
One option was to offer to be a guarantor, but I did not like the idea of being “on the hook” for the long term

In the end we found a landlord who was happy to take them, we gave them the 5 months @ £350 that the government had given us, to pay the deposit and they move out officially tomorrow.

They are just round the corner and we will continue to support them from a distance, but they have started a new journey now.

It has been a very rewarding thing for us to have done, and we have no regrets.
Good on you Sam
Well done

well done


Well our journey has come to an end, well moved to the next phase.

As the war is dragging in and there is no end in sight, our guests felt it was time to try and find their own place.

Both the adults have found work the little boy has settled in school.

Finding a flat / small house in our town proved very difficult
  • shortage of properties driving up rents
  • guests failing management agent reference checks
One option was to offer to be a guarantor, but I did not like the idea of being “on the hook” for the long term

In the end we found a landlord who was happy to take them, we gave them the 5 months @ £350 that the government had given us, to pay the deposit and they move out officially tomorrow.

They are just round the corner and we will continue to support them from a distance, but they have started a new journey now.

It has been a very rewarding thing for us to have done, and we have no regrets.

Hats off to you, Sam.

Do they need any furniture? I have a decent sofa going spare if it’s of any use?


Well our journey has come to an end, well moved to the next phase.

As the war is dragging in and there is no end in sight, our guests felt it was time to try and find their own place.

Both the adults have found work the little boy has settled in school.

Finding a flat / small house in our town proved very difficult
  • shortage of properties driving up rents
  • guests failing management agent reference checks
One option was to offer to be a guarantor, but I did not like the idea of being “on the hook” for the long term

In the end we found a landlord who was happy to take them, we gave them the 5 months @ £350 that the government had given us, to pay the deposit and they move out officially tomorrow.

They are just round the corner and we will continue to support them from a distance, but they have started a new journey now.

It has been a very rewarding thing for us to have done, and we have no regrets.

Well done you, it's good other there are still nice people in this world


Thanks for all the love guys - remember others on here have guests with them as well, we make a great little community.


My sister & family did this. Single Mum & teenage daughter from Kharkiv. Mum got a job at a local garden centre and daughter has just completed GCSE equivalent remotely.

They're desperate to go home but just not viable at minute. But sister advises it's been very rewarding and no rush to move them on.


It is indeed rewarding, and a 2 yr old bouncing on my sofa as I type means I learn Russian! " Akouratna Miron" (phonetic spelling!) Our family are seeking work and Miron is in a local playgroup. I will miss them when they go and I hope we remain friends for ever. I too am in no hurry for them to move on and can't believe it is 3 months already. Well done and thanks to Scaf for helping us find our family.


Ighor has a job as a swimming teacher with special emphasis on the disabled. ( he is disabled himself) and with Mhiron now in nursery our family have moved out to a flat nearby. How people are supposed to do this without a guarantor (me) I frankly don't know! However, many tears and hugs and much love and they are set sail to independence. They have been with us for 10 months and it has been a wonderful if sometimes challenging experience. Once again thanks to Scaf for advising on forums to find refugees. When I have been chatting to mates about this they have asked "how did you get together?" When I explain it was indirectly via a Maserati forum they are a bit gobsmacked.
Perhaps SportsMaserati isn't just a load of old tossers with infuriating cars.


Ighor has a job as a swimming teacher with special emphasis on the disabled. ( he is disabled himself) and with Mhiron now in nursery our family have moved out to a flat nearby. How people are supposed to do this without a guarantor (me) I frankly don't know! However, many tears and hugs and much love and they are set sail to independence. They have been with us for 10 months and it has been a wonderful if sometimes challenging experience. Once again thanks to Scaf for advising on forums to find refugees. When I have been chatting to mates about this they have asked "how did you get together?" When I explain it was indirectly via a Maserati forum they are a bit gobsmacked.
Perhaps SportsMaserati isn't just a load of old tossers with infuriating cars.
I am glad it has been such a positive experience, as it was for us.
The support for finding housing is not existent, the only route seems to be the guarantor or kick them out, make them homeless and they get moved to temp accommodation/ B&B, which would be horrible.
We are still very much in touch with our family, supporting where needed but no more than we would for any friend.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Perhaps SportsMaserati isn't just a load of old tossers with infuriating cars.
That is indeed true. Some of us are quite young.

What you two have done was wonderful. That's not to sound patronising (not intentionally, anyway), it's just true. I'm pretty sure Mrs Crid and I would have struggled, which we're not especially proud of, because our struggles would be nothing compared with those poor sods dispossessed of their own country.


That is indeed true. Some of us are quite young.

What you two have done was wonderful. That's not to sound patronising (not intentionally, anyway), it's just true. I'm pretty sure Mrs Crid and I would have struggled, which we're not especially proud of, because our struggles would be nothing compared with those poor sods dispossessed of their own country.
As you say, any difficulties we have had pale into insignificance with the issues of leaving everything you had, packing it into a suitcase and leaving for terra incognita. Thanks for the compliment.