Now for the serious stuff


Yes it has one, so no, it shouldn’t go on the rollers.
Unless said rollers can deal with lsd. My mot'er has rollers for just such an occasion. I checked beforehand. He does a lot of lsd cars.


Junior Member
And there in lies the problem, if it's all about the environment and clean air you wouldn't be allowed to drive the most polluting cars in at all.

Are the black cabs still exempt ?

My argument with Birmingham is the M6 is elevated so the pollution from all that stop start traffic every morning and evening must travel much further but they have the ability to stop it almost overnight if it's about cleaner air , nationalise the M6 toll and make it free

Most of the traffic on the M6 is passing through so, problem solved , but its not about clean air or pollution, it's about money

Not sure about Brum, but Met licensed (TfL again) taxicabs that have had LPG conversion are exempt from uLEZ. Thanks to one year's worth of lobbying from
GLA member Keith Prince (Havering and Redbridge) This is now on the uLEZ website. To which I responded: if it's OK for them, then how come it's not OK for the private motorist that converts to LPG out of their own pocket?
(answers on a post card please to: Because Met Licensed Taxi Drivers are a Powerful Lobby Group, City Hall, London)

IMO air pollution from traffic will gradually fade away as older pre-Euro4 cars reach end of life in three to five years. Meantime it'll cost me £15 to see some relations who live in the west end on a Sunday. Or £27.50 if I use either of my other LPG-converted cars (nearly zero NOx and and 11% reduction in CO)


Junior Member
Richard, I give you 10 out of 10 for dogged determination. Well done to you, too many people get fobbed off nowadays with corporate "rules".
Thanks for the encouragement... Let's hope it results in some reasonableness from those that "rule" us
It's starting to get rough though (and about time too) There's talk in the local lobby group I belong to about a "Can't Pay, Won't Pay" rally assembling in Hyde Park and drive down past City Hall. Apparently it's to be led by someone dressed as a Victorian with stove pipe hat, walking, carrying a red flag. I am concerned about the congestion that will cause. Very concerned...


My Quattroporte 2009 with ZF box, does that have LSD and can it go on rollers at MOT for brake check please?
Quite simply, my local garage owner who has been in the business for over 40 years and still gets involved hands on, irrespective of having half a dozen mechanics working for him. He told me that it might not cause a problem. But as he treats every car as if it was his own, he would never consider putting someones car with LSD on the rollers during an MOT, and all of his mechanics are told not to do so.
Just as a matter of interest and nothing to do with LSD’s, at the IOM maybe 4 or 5 years ago he crashed during a race at 140 MPH and had to be air lifted to a UK hospital, he was 70 at the time, some people never grow up, but he is OK now.


Unless said rollers can deal with lsd. My mot'er has rollers for just such an occasion. I checked beforehand. He does a lot of lsd cars.

Interesting. I assume it turns both wheels regardless of the test?


Interesting. I assume it turns both wheels regardless of the test?
I believe it does but no idea. He is an ex works rally mechanic and does a lot of 4x4 and lsd.. I think now he knows the car and it probably doesn't see the rollers.. ;)
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When I was MOT testing up until the end of 14 I always used the Tapley Meter on 4x4s and high performance cars takes minimal time and you also feel how good the brakes are too.
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Can't find anything about this in either manuals. Surely there must be some MOT operators handbook with this stuff printed in it?

You would think so, but I’m not sure there. The 599 def has a friction based LSD as you can see the clutch packs in the parts diagram.



Up date on my MOT issue.

As per my previous post, my recent purchase had its first MOT just before I got it. The car was used predominantly in Europe and like most modern cars with a full digital dash, you can change the units to KPH. Unfortunately the owner had neglected to change it back to MPH for the MOT and ask such the MOT certificate and online record's were recorded with a much higher figure that reality.

My previous PA had recently moved to the Gov department who manage the system so she was able to check if it could be ammended, and I am pleased to say that within 4 days of recipient of the information and evidence they have now adjusted the records to indicate Kilometres.

So in all, I am happy with the service provided.


Junior Member
red-flag-act-640w.jpgCan't Pay, Won't Pay... Demonstration and Rally

A demonstration and rally to protest against the continued War on the Motorist: the expansion of the uLEZ zone to up to but not including the north and south circulars,
the continued increased hours of the congestion charge zone,
the proposed charges for driving a non-Euro4 (Euro6 for diesels) inside the M25,
the swingeing increases in vehicle tax ("vehicle excise duty"),
and the hike in local council parking charges and resident parking permits.

Date: the first Sunday after expected relaxation of current Covid restrictions (after 29th March) But before the start of election hustings for London's mayor and Greater London Assembly members (6th May)

Assembly and address: Hyde Park speaker's corner (subject to advice and assistance from Parks Police)

The rally will then move off in procession to go past City Hall.
It will be led by a Victorian-dressed person carrying a red flag.

All those interested in attending and joining the rally please email me in the first instance giving car details:
whether diesel or petrol,
whether meeting uLEZ or not,
if Historic class vehicle,
registration number,
home address, and 'phone number to:

Look forward to seeing you there?

**Please note that uLEZ, congestion charge, and parking conditions apply:
Congestion Charge £15 or £17.50 if paid within three days
uLEZ charge for all vehicles not meeting Euro4 (Euro6 for diesels) £12.50
Parking Charges may apply (HM Parks, or if outside the park Westminster Council)
Disabled Blue Badge holders are exempt from Congestion Charge if registered on Transport for London's web site before entering the zone. And exempt from most council parking charges. They are not exempt from uLEZ conditions unless registered as a disabled's vehicle with DVLA

Phil the Brit

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You want me to go to London in my car, give the Council £17.50 and £12.50 and whatever it costs to park just to demonstrate about paying the charges. So, the mayor gets 40 odd quid out of me and what do I get in return?


Special case
View attachment 83107Can't Pay, Won't Pay... Demonstration and Rally

A demonstration and rally to protest against the continued War on the Motorist: the expansion of the uLEZ zone to up to but not including the north and south circulars,
the continued increased hours of the congestion charge zone,
the proposed charges for driving a non-Euro4 (Euro6 for diesels) inside the M25,
the swingeing increases in vehicle tax ("vehicle excise duty"),
and the hike in local council parking charges and resident parking permits.

Date: the first Sunday after expected relaxation of current Covid restrictions (after 29th March) But before the start of election hustings for London's mayor and Greater London Assembly members (6th May)

Assembly and address: Hyde Park speaker's corner (subject to advice and assistance from Parks Police)

The rally will then move off in procession to go past City Hall.
It will be led by a Victorian-dressed person carrying a red flag.

All those interested in attending and joining the rally please email me in the first instance giving car details:
whether diesel or petrol,
whether meeting uLEZ or not,
if Historic class vehicle,
registration number,
home address, and 'phone number to:

Look forward to seeing you there?

**Please note that uLEZ, congestion charge, and parking conditions apply:
Congestion Charge £15 or £17.50 if paid within three days
uLEZ charge for all vehicles not meeting Euro4 (Euro6 for diesels) £12.50
Parking Charges may apply (HM Parks, or if outside the park Westminster Council)
Disabled Blue Badge holders are exempt from Congestion Charge if registered on Transport for London's web site before entering the zone. And exempt from most council parking charges. They are not exempt from uLEZ conditions unless registered as a disabled's vehicle with DVLA

Ive seen how bad the traffic is going to be! I’m out...


Junior Member
Let me see if I understand this correctly. You want me to go to London in my car, give the Council £17.50 and £12.50 and whatever it costs to park just to demonstrate about paying the charges. So, the mayor gets 40 odd quid out of me and what do I get in return?

No, it's not me that wants you to pay up or be banned from entering central London. It's the mayor of London / Transport "for" London / Greater London Authority that wants your money. My Maz QP5 '08MY meets uLEZ so I'd only have to pay the "congestion charge" (no "congestion" on a Sunday) £15 (£17.50 if paid within three days)

Yes, the mayor's proposals' start date 25th October (still being trumpeted by adverts across London political advertising paid for by my council tax) are a SILLY IDEA -- in addition, the mayor wants to charge £3.50 for any vehicle to come into greater London from outside the M25.

Greta Thunburg would be so happy! (if that's possible as she jets around the world telling people not to jet around the world)
greta1 crop.jpg
Greta in happier times (she's age 18 BTW)
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Junior Member
As there's still Covid social distancing issues -- and we petrol heads aren't the sort to try and pervert one issue into another by throwing rocks at our Police and generally rioting -- it's been decided to put on hold the "Can't Pay, Won't Pay" demonstration, march, and rally to City Hall.

You can still protest against the plans of the London mayor to increase the uLEZ zone to the north and south circular roads (A406 & A205) in the civilised ballot box manner.
To those that have already emailed me their support, you will be kept in touch with future plans, dependent on the results of 6th May elections.


Junior Member
The first edition of The Greater London Transport Newsletter is available in .pdf format (as published) Anyone want please email me ( or private mail me through this board.

Well, who would've thought it: closing roads delays Police, Fire Brigade, and Ambulances -- what a shock ;-)
Still, better late (after the elections of course!) than never...
Commissioner of the Metropolis Dame Cressida Dick has condemned Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) springing up over greater London.

Speaking in interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning (14/5) she castigated these no entry and re-direction schemes that often end up with huge boxes called planters being placed across closed roads so blocking access. "These schemes cause us real operational problems" she said. "I am looking at these schemes carefully, of course I am" she added. "These schemes cause delays to my Officers attending incidents. Low traffic neighbourhoods make getting through the streets in an emergency harder".

My Maserati Quattroporte 5 '08MY (see, on topic!) was caught by one such ticket being unable to see the "No Entry Except Buses" sign that had been placed so high on a pole that it was outside my field of vision. It'd been placed that high up coz residents and campaigners kept on taking it down ;-)

Disgraceful civil disobedience. Ought to be a law against it <titter!>