No one on here i hope


There seems to be an ever increasing....sod you attitude amongst a thick wedge of the sense of respect, public duty, or doing the right thing or taking any responsibility for any failing...........and then you get shafted by insurance companies, let down by the police and law....................a crying shame.

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New Member
It's fundamentally wrong P, The police don't 'police' anymore, they respond, and only then when under duress. They'll only really respond to three scenarios - 1. It's just too serious to ignore (death, serious injury, media and / or political interest) 2. It's so trivial it's an easy win (performance related bonus, politically driven performance statistics) 3. There's money to be had. (anything with a financial penalty)

And insurance? - To insure within clearly defined parameters against loss, damage or injury in return for an agreed premium payment plan, well let's not even go there.

And the tw@t in the car that took out Loz's family? - chances of apprehension? - nil. We'd be more likely to find him if we did it ourselves (particularly if we got the other forums on the case). At least we're joined up nationally! Chances of legal satisfaction if we found him? - Nil. We'd be better to mete it out ourselves. Take his car, take his belongings. Let him deal with the police and the insurance and the law!


You have some valid points there Miles...Its a sad state of affairs.....There needs to be a better way of Policing insurance.....It wouldn't stop the accidents but at least it would help the end result.

Loz I will do some digging as my wife has a friend in the Police.


The real point is...............for the 90 something % of law abiders who've got something to loose, its a rip off and abuse of them as a group.

The law abiders spend huge amounts of time chasing the law breakers.....who don't pay tax, don't buy anything, don't have insurance, don't pay fines ( the list is endless)........whereas the rest of us are persecuted beyond our graves.....

If we are prepared to pay an insurance premium and theres built in protection against the non-insured then the state must step in to back up the law abiders, not leave them to sink in a complete mess not of their making....seems fair!



Small print can be abused and be very buyer unfriendly....just another way out......



New Member
Don't talk to me about insurance, how about the global insurer who would rather have a legal battle than settle a claim, because they know they can out-spend the claimant in legal fees forcing the claimant into Bankruptcy and to eventually drop the claim, because that's cheaper than settling the claim.



New Member
In Italy there are no tax discs you have to show your insurance certificate in the screen. There is road tax you just don't have a tax disc anymore. That must surely be a way of controlling some of the uninsured vehicle driving that goes on today.


In Italy there are no tax discs you have to show your insurance certificate in the screen. There is road tax you just don't have a tax disc anymore. That must surely be a way of controlling some of the uninsured vehicle driving that goes on today.

Similar in the RoI....but they show both discs.......always a proportion of those who won't pay...will never pay, but I do object to the continual upping of associated motoring costs, after all, you've paid for the bloody car, a huge dollop of VAT, then if its a bit ******* fuel, you well and truly pay for it, you pay for expensive parts and servicing, all VAT liable, still paying for it.....



New Member
Putting a tax disc in the screen is the same thing, you could put your insurance certificate in the screen and then cancel the Direct Debit!!!


New Member
Yes but my point is the administration should be more related to the control of something important like insurance rather than road tax. Everthing is computerised so the DVLA know whether your car is MOT'd Taxed or insured. The repercussions are far more severe if somebody has an accident with an uninsured driver rather than an untaxed one.
There is always going to be somebody who flaunts the system - but how many insure the car then send back the certificate and cancel the policy. It will just make it more visible.
I have been on the receiving end of a fine and scrapping threat for a scooter which I had forgotten to Sorn. I say put the road tax duty on fuel ( pay road tax only when you use the roads) and use the DVLA to pursue and police uninsured vehicles.


New Member
I think the number of taxed cars without insurance is probably remarkably high - lots get sold with tax on them and there's no way of policing it other than through ANPR. If your insurance disc (or tax disc) could not be transferred I guess that would help. Sadly there is no deterrent to driving uninsured other than having a conscience, which seems to be lacking in many people. The fines are much less than the premium and unless you kill someone you have nothing to fear from the courts. A cloned plate and careful use of a colour scanner and presto, you are beyond the law!

To drive is a privilege, not a right, and those who abuse the privilege should bear the consequences. 12 months continous community service for a start. That would get the streets clean!

Where's me soapbox, Vote for Paco!!