Nice looking GS on Ebay


Nice looking car from what I can see. Looks like it needs a few bits as stated and of course a few unknowns that would need checking. Could be a great deal for someone by the looks of it?
Anyone on here I wonder?



Ah I dont know the story on this one. Before my time I think!

That said, Just checked the MOT history on SN54 EFO. Someone had a nice bill in April 19!!!!!!!! Looks like its on the road now though and a clean pass in Sept 2020


Looks a nice car. The wheel bearing / ABS issue is unlikely to go away on its own though!


There is a burn mark on the technocloth of the passenger seat.

I approached a former seller about this car and there was too little information for me to consider it a sufficiently risk-free purchase.


Well got to all of £12900. Not a great sign, but selling these cars with any fault is a bad idea. I had abs sensor blow years ago on mine and IIRC it requires a new hub and is thus many £hundreds.


Not just faulty but a poorly maintained one, with poor history, damaged interior and a checked past.

By cheap and spend a fortune fixing... think this is why the current keeper wants out. Was it not c£17k on AT last summer?


Not just faulty but a poorly maintained one, with poor history, damaged interior and a checked past.

Strange- he claims that it expressly isnt what you are slating it for being ?
Low miles, extensive history of receipts for work done. Paint work presents well...Not poorly maintained - you are calling him a dodgy liar form a keyboard in happy drunk land maybe !!?
I do wonder what you guys are on sometimes...
Maybe a bit protective of your own. Cars that never move but cost a fortune every year in maintnance...!?
Anyone can slag sh1t off when they havent seen it, and arent talking from experience somehow....A wheel bearing is @£400 and a piece of p155 to fit..
Sorry- but I get tired of the endless BS on here sometimes....


Well I did some due diligence on this car a few years, and a few sellers, back and it was pretty checkered then. In time, and with the correct care and attention lavished on it, it could be considered a nice car. Why did the seller not reference the service history? When was and who did the 'recent clutch' change? A few services with Marios and this car's past becomes less relevant but it is, sadly, a car that has been passed from one owner to the next. So keyboard warriors? I can see why it may come across that way unless you have followed the story for the past few years and the several threads this car has spawned.

A GS at sub-£13k still seems a bargain to me.


Not quite, but reflected the forum history of said car which has been on ebay and the likes for a number of years.

If he has full recorded history, in line with the factory recommendations and receipts from a specialist rather than a 'arches' garage along with repaired ciggy burns I will gladly apologise to the whole forum for my scurrilous comments.

I believe we all had our attention drawn to the car a few years ago by Alistair at ADG who said to beware, I’ve never seen it, but that’s why everyone has stayed away.

@TimR I understand what you’re saying and good on you for pointing out we all need to see both sides but it’s one of those cars where it’s reputation precedes it; deservedly or not. Anyone looking for one should go and see it and have it inspected.


Have to agree with Tim to a degree here. I'm a fussy bugger when it comes to my cars but I also appreciate that we are talking about a machine which can be fixed to be just as good as new. There are very few things that can happen to a car that are irreversibly detrimental to it being made good as new again. Of course, that is assuming things are rectified with the right parts, by someone with the right skills, always equaling money.

You have to be aware of exactly what's going on with a car before jumping in, but this one didn't even manage to pull £13K. I have no idea what the reserve was but at 13K, that leaves an awful lot of headroom to turn it into a cracking car, esp considering the clutch appears to have been done very recently.

It does seem a shame that some cars pick up an eternal storm cloud that will hang over them, regardless of any care and attention taken since.

We are not talking about a museum grade Bugatti here. Relax a bit on that MOT fail back in 2012, or that rumor about the 3rd owner who used supermarket fuel and was called Barry.... or whatever it was :)
Real shame if cars end up being pushed into an early grave because of what happened before or "might" still be. Hopefully someone will pick it up for the right money and give it loads of love!

OK, an extreme example I know. Very heavy crash damage then stored for 30 years, but who thinks this one is a still a wrongun?

My apologies to anyone called Barry.