It's an addiction 4200 joins 3200


Junior Member
What an engine the 4200 has though. Some might say it's the equal of the Alfa Busso 3.2. Others might say that the some people are just plain wrong. Of course, those engines are very different beasts. But what of the Maserati dual blower. Undeniably, once it has girded it's considerable loins, things in front quickly switch to being things behind. But is it as charismatic & useable as the F136. I don't know.... Just asking.


I'd agree with the 4200 engine comments as it is a gem. The Busso is also a gem but a different league power wise although the Busso in a GT for me is actually arguably slightly more characterful with a slightly broader ability. You can use all the power all the time with the Busso. You can't with the 4200 & need to toe the respect line on many occasions. The 136 though is akin to the BMW M5 E60 5.0 V10 in the free revving nature and ease that it eagerly wants to rev hit that recline. They are both amazing cars at full tilt the M5 & 4200 even more so with their respective gearboxes. The M5 is flawed & doesn't work so well at less than 9/10's. The Maser works from 0 to 10 and every number in between. Standard still or going backwards it is still an amazing thing. Not many cars or engines can achieve this for me.

They say never meet you heroes & never having had an Alfa until last year or having a Busso I feared the GT wouldn't meet my expectations h I would be disappointed. I'm not at all h think the GT with with is amazing VFM.

Having never had or driven a 3200 I can't comment. Not sure I want to as love the 3200 the way it is in my mind. I don't want to own one but worried if I drove one I might want one which I'm not sure would be one of my finest financial moves!


The 3200 has torque wherever you are much like the 4200 really. Both very different though in terms of drive and just feel.