It's a MASER


Junior Member
A dream:

There I was doing the NSL (honestly) in the GS when I rounded a corner to see a PC pointing a radar gun at me. I pass him only to be overtaken by a patrol car 5 minutes later who flagged me down. I stop and an irate officer comes to the car. I lower the widow and he says: "What have you got in this car, my radar gun exploded as you passed!". I look at him thinking for a moment and then replied "Well officer, it's the cars fault, it can't help itself..." "What do you mean" he interjected. "Well you shouldn't point a source of microwaves at it, it's a MASER..."

(MASER= Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, a device that predated the LASER. See )

Cheers, M


Oh I love a physics joke in the morning, really gets the blood pumping.

Well, seeing as every action creates an equal and opposite reaction....

Two atoms were walking across a road when one of them said, "I think I lost an electron!" "Really!" the other replied, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I 'm absolutely positive."

I'll get my coat...