Is a GS a good option?


New Member

A bit of a silly question to ask on a Masser forum, but should I buy a Gransport and why?!

I currently have a Boxster S for my 'fun' car which i've spent a small fortune rebuilding the engine on and it is really top notch (low mileage, perfect spec for me etc) . However, roll forward a few years and I now have a few young kids in tow and the Box sees very little use. It got me thinking that a 4 seater may be used more.

Quite fancy something a little different, and my thoughts turned to a GS. On the face of it there are 4 good seats (the rear of which i would need car seats for, decent boot). I was a little surprised at the current prices, they seem as strong / stronger than when I looked last a few years ago.

Will it ruin me financially and will i be too scared to park it anywhere? ha ha I can be a little OCD with my cars and like them to be kept in good shape. Also, the CC box is a little worry, I love a manual transmission in my 'fun' car, has anyone been won over by it?

Anyone made a similar move?




The GranSport is a brilliant car, IMO the best of all the coupes. Values are somewhere between holding steady and rising, I think they're set to rise soon. Have a good trawl through the site for all of the buying tips, things to watch out for etc. As with anything, if you look after it then it shouldn't reward you with too much trouble. They're rare cars, so be prepared to be a little flexible on colours, options etc unless you're prepared to wait a while for the right car to come up for sale. Get an inspection done on anything that catches your eye - it will be £300ish well spent.
Where are you based? There's bound to be somebody relatively nearby who would show you round their example.


Special case
Hi Martyn,

Don't be too quick to dismiss the QP as these are (or can be) very subtle and pass very well as the family car with four doors, yet they hold their own on the track and alpine pass.

Welcome to the forum too :)


Welcome Martynh
I've had mine for three years and just don't see myself ever getting rid of it.
I too am OCD with parking it and if I have to leave it, I'm careful where I do this.
I would never leave it at the supermarket or shopping centre for example.
The CC gearbox - I love the paddle shift (I've always had manual shift cars). I thought the novelty would wear off but it hasn't.
Rear seats are fine for kids but an adult in the back on a long drive wouldn't be too happy.
Contact Richard Grace and just have a chat. He is very knowledgeable and happy to chat even if he doesn't have a car to sell you.


morning Martyn
welcome, I have a very clean GS sort of sale once owned by race drive/supermodel, These are fantastic cars and almost ever time I drive the GS I change my mind in selling.

The GS has taken me across Europe a few times and these cars love long journeys. you have a few options on the GS and I'm sure if you search you will find other threads about this subject but basically you have the Standard GS, LE version and the daddy the MCV. the standard and LE both have soft-top versions but the main option you want is xexons which is standard on LE and MCV, the rest of the options are just nice to have like uprated sounds (some say its not worth it), rear parking sensors, cruise control, black front grill, carbon door sills, satnav/phone, electric rear view mirror ect...

best of luck and as MAF said let us know your location and sure someone will show you around their GS or pop over and see mine ;)


Junior Member

I Bought a GS around May.

I had all the same thoughts and concerns. Had a few Porsche's.

My personal opinion is there is no comparison. All the Porsche's felt about as special as a golf. The GS feels special every time. Its not as easy to drive round town etc but completely acceptable to me. The noise they make is simply stunning. I even like the paddle shift. Took me a good few months to learn the best way to drive in the different modes. If you want a normal comfortable car feel then I don't find its that. There's just something about it. Oh and did I mention the noise !!!!!

Only problem I've had is the battery is a bit small and needs a charge top-up if I don't drive it much. But I find it hard to leave it sat there anyway.

I would also say its hard to love on a short test drive but the more I drive it the better it gets. I'm glad I took the plunge.

Oh and my eldest is 16 and just shy of 6 ft and he can sit reasonably comfortably in the back.


Junior Member
Martynh, it's a no brainer really. What else can you buy at this price point that has this much charisma, heritage, power and that va va voom!

I bought mine in July. Took about a year finding the right one. Be prepared to dance with a lot of ugly girls before finding your stunner. Speak to Dicky Grace, as he'll know most of the cars on sale and will know of just as many that will be sold without ever being advertised.

What's it like? It's fast enough for the real world, it looks stunning and it sounds glorious (classy, in a way, and not that mechanical sound that comes out of ze Germans). I've pushed it pretty hard down the B roads and it sticks to the road in the dry. Downsides are that they're not cheap to run, the ride is uncompromisingly hard and they're Italian!

Get one...


Bought mine 18 months ago, they are simply awesome, I can't see me selling it.

Just buy one with your eyes wide open and you'll have no regrets.


Yes, you should buy one. The GS has way more character than most Porsches at that price point, but it may take you a little while to properly get in the swing of it. And when you've got it, use a trusted Maserati mechanic such as Emblem Sportscars or McGrath Maserati.


New Member
Thanks for all the great advice, I have put the preliminary ground work in with the Mrs so will keep working on that front and will probably look to switch early next year.

I will keep an eye on the market and keep doing some research (weirdly I love researching cars and getting into the technical specs and detail!)

I guess I should try and get a test drive or two and see if I like the CC and how the car drives.

D Walker

You will love the CC Box, I have never had an Auto, never wanted one as thought it would dilute the driving experience and interaction with the car.

On this occasion I was wrong!!

Team GCR

You should definitely give a GS a go and I wouldn't worry about the gearbox. I tried a few cars with paddle shift, some of which were automated manuals and other auto with manual control and seriously didn't like them. Worst being an Aston Martin DBS I drove on circuit in Dubai - thoroughly hated it. The gearbox in the GS is totally different and whilst I still love my manual cars (I deliberately bought a manual Ferrari 360 for example) I find the gearbox in the GS intuitive and a delight to use.

Ownership isn't that scary but then I am used to some quite temperamental old cars!

As has been said by others let us know where you are as I am sure someone near you would be willing to give you a warts and all tour of their car.


Steve GS

If you want to drive something a little different then a GS is a great choice of car. Had mine a little over a year now just love it every time I drive it. Even when something isn't working just right it's normally fixed by a battery reset. Jump in and enjoy. And worry about any problems when they arise there is also a wealth of info on this site to help you along.


Junior Member
I went from a Boxster S to the GS almost 3 years ago and haven't regretted it, not found it massively more expensive to run and is in a different league for how special it feels


Junior Member
Hi Martyn,

I'm now coming up to two years with my GS and adore it. No issues, more fun than I ever expected. I did a write up a year ago (the sort of thing I looked for prior to buying) which I'd not change now...with the exception of saying I'm a bit fed up with how weedy the wheels are. Admittedly, I did take one out by hitting a brick left in the middle of the A272...but I've had three straightened and it feels like one's got a flat again. There's only so much weaving around craters you can do... Therefore, I can see the case for putting on after market hoops...though I think the GS wheels suit the car better than anything else. Anyhow, to save you hunting around the forum, here's my end of year report from a while ago. Good luck!

6000 miles and a little over a year into owning a GranSport, some thoughts to share...

1. Am still delighted with it and get an enormous buzz from driving it.

2. It is faster, better handling and much more nimble than I expected. The thrill of threading it down twisty roads hasn't diminished one bit. Still get a kick out of the way this 1700kg four seater feels like a two seat sports car. I've let a dozen people drive it and they park up (pleasantly) gobsmacked afterwards. (Have only made one person throw-up with hard cornering though my wife did nearly give birth as a result of a particularly good left - right - left combination). Pootle up a motorway at 80ish, suspension in normal mode, and its lovely: easy, loping, comfortable.

3. 5000+ rpm is utterly addictive. Many think the standard pipes are too quiet. I like them that way frankly - great noise when you want and no headaches down the motorway, plus no track day noise limit issues (at Goodwood at least. They registered the car at 98db).

4. Nine years old (NOW 10)and everything works! (STILL THE CASE!) Mine was well used before I bought it (and is now at 40k) so that might have something to do with it. I try not to leave it more than a couple of weeks without a decent drive and try to avoid traffic. Which means I end up standing still on the M25 pretty much every time I take it out... But still happy that every gizmo does what its meant to.

5. Its good in the rain and low temps. At least mine is...Tail out fun when its 2 degrees - not something I expected to be doing but the traction control bleeds out power so nicely you don't notice the intervention. Great windscreen wipers and no issues with misting up. Very usable in other words. (I NEVER EXPECTED TO BE THROWING A 400HP 1700KG CAR AROUND THE WAY YOU CAN WITH THIS...HUGE FUN)

6. The gearbox is OK at best, but doesn't spoil the fun. Stop start traffic is a pain and the clutch starts getting grabby. Got into the habit of selecting neutral whenever stood still for more than a few seconds - now second nature. Hope that's helping the clutch. I'll probably be told now that I'm knackering something else!

7. 22 and 7 mpg. Best and worst. Don't care. Full tank range is good if you don't drive like a bandit.

8. It rattles and its getting annoying. Have had the dash out and re-clipped bits of the leather interior but it still sounds like a convention of mice with tambourines. Something - I think something to do with the A/c sounds like milk bottles in a crate over bad roads. I'm now rather interested to know if 'they all do that sir'.

9. They should have put some springs on it. Unless on the motorway I keep it in 'Sport' for the snappier gear changes, quicker clutch engagement and more controlled handling (the difference between the two modes is noticeable). Problem is, drive over a concrete or rippled road surface and you get a headache and hitting even small bumps feels like a grenade going off underneath. It is the one thing that spoils the usability for me and the wife doesn't like it much either...It was kind of funny planting the throttle yesterday coming out of a big roundabout, hitting a bump and skipping sideways like a giant skateboard though...That happens a lot (and is probably shagging something important but...). Rubber band profile tyres don't help either I guess. (IF ANYONE HAS IDEAS ABOUT BETTER SUSPENSION TO PUT ON, I'D ENTERTAIN THE IDEA. PROVIDED IT DIDN'T COST A QUARTER OF THE VALUE OF THE CAR)

10. Given the incredible amount of vibration the suspension transmits, I'm amazed anything stays working / bolted together at all so I guess the build quality can't be that bad really. Bit concerning to read the thread on this site about suspension arms cracking (AND HUBS TOO, IT SEEMS) but my dealer says mine are fine (so far). That would be a show stopper. Have just noticed rear bumper / diffuser hanging a few mil low so that's something new to screw back on / kick / hit but that's offset by the wobbly knee'd joy I get checking the oil and looking at the engine.

11. The reaction to the car is really positive. Its not shouty and conspicuous and the fact that its rare adds to the appeal.

12. I still can't think of any other car I would replace it with, even at twice the price. DB9s are getting tempting but wouldn't do the sports car bit nearly as well. 911s...well, I have to one day (just don't tell my friend the car journalist who was so rude about my choice of wheels when we tried each other's motors out last year). 355? Always loved them but couldn't see me using it for work like I sometimes do with the GS. And, being a Ferrari, every mile would kill the value. Besides, the Maser has plenty of Ferrari DNA anyway (engine based on a 430 design with 360 gearbox, or something like that I believe), four seats and is just cooler. There - said it.


Swedish Paul

Anyone tried Sport/Auto standing start???

Winter now, but I go into the garage every other day longing for spring.

911, only with a PDK and sport plus would I take one otherwise. Oh, and sports exhaust. And full leather. And sports suspension. Oh wait. I need another 40k. Guess I will stick with the GS. Which whilst only into my second year of ownership, has cost me nothing. Fingers crossed.


New Member
Marwood - thanks very much for such a detailed write up. Thanks all who have contributed so far, this forum is proving a fantastic source of information with genuine feedback just as I was hoping.

I'm sold on a GS now, but timings have slipped somewhat by an imminent house purchase. I will keep my eye on the market and hopefully once the house has all gone through be back on the hunt again.

Thanks again for all the fantastic advice