Giallo Service


SPONSOR: Giallo Cars Ltd

I think its important to put our perspective across to everyone with the aim to build bridges and not burn them, as the saying goes, but to do this i felt important to point out a few important facts that are a reality, not an ideal.

We prepare cars for various sales centres, we follow their guidelines and do what we are asked to do, in an ideal world everything would be fixed and any issues that arose would be dealt with quickly and fairly, however this is not an ideal world.

Whilst i can't and wouldn't get involved in any politics between us and any client it is worth noting, (please note; this also applies to cars that are owned by private individuals as well), that if we are not requested or given authority to complete a repair we will not do so. We have no influence over any bodies expenditure, either retail or otherwise.

Giallo does not sell cars and i feel we get undeserved flack when we are left piggy in the middle between two parties, when neither will pay for repairs. In addition, a used car warranty only pays for the actual repair, they never pay for diagnosis, a cost that is born by somebody but not us. We charge, as does any repair centre, for looking at a vehicle and i feel unfair and unjust that we get accused of not fixing a car when nobody will pay for it.

My suggestion to deal with any concerns with a car, contact the suppling deal and then establish who is paying for what before it is booked into any repair centre.This doesnt just affect us and i think you will find it affects every repair centre in the uk.Seek your standing before walking into an argument or dispute and i think it is only fair to discuss your concerns openly with the party you are unhappy with and seek a resolve.Putting it in writing is always a good idea, whether hard copy or as an email.

We at Giallo have worked exceptionally hard to get this business where it is today, which was from nothing on a very tight budget, and we believe in giving all our clients a top quality service, however hard people try, a problem does come along and i think it is important to resolve these in a correct and proper manner. We repair in excess of 10 Maserati's a week and have a lead of time of a week continously, this year has been phenominal for us and our process and procedures have struggled, thats me being honest.

Next year is exciting for us already as we have a lot going on and a there major changes happening here, we have joined the Motor Industry Codes of Practice, a scheme designed to instill a better level service provided to clients. We are in the process of getting all my technicians (including me) ATA approved, a voluntary scheme for accrediting technicians to a national government supported scheme. We will achieve the highest possible recognition in this scheme possible by March 2011. We will continue our training with Maserati UK Ltd. Staffing is also changing as is our parts sales, we will be selling our old and current stock on ebay, for instance.

I believe in these forums and whilst i have had a bit of moan i am more than willing to offer help and advice here.

Kind regards



Forum Owner
Hi Matthew and thank you for your comments.

I have been chatting with Mathew of Giallo behind the scenes with the view to repair his reputation on the forums, so please can you accept Mathews post for what it is and not an invitation to stick the knife in.

I have know Mathew for 5 years or so now, and he has always been at the end of the phone to offer free advice. I have not used is garage services directly, but he was a rock when I went through the turmoil of endfloat on my old 3200.

This forum has extended a few 'Olive Branches' of recent and would like to encourage your positive views towards Mathew.

As Mathew rightly points out, there have and always will be the occasional problem, and lets hope, with the use of this forum, we can iron out any future issues.

I suggest when using Giallo, you make him aware that you are a member of thus giving him the opportunity to give you that extra little bit of service. He will be thus all aware that any negatives with the service he provides you could potentially end up on here for all to see.


Hey Mathew and welcome

I know you have come up for some stick in the past but just wanted to say that I have no personal issues with Giallo.

Whilst I have not used you for servicing (just a bit too far away for me), you were more than helpful when I bought my car from ADG and it did not cost me a bean.

As a Maserati owner I can honestly say that the hardest thing is to find a garage which does not rip you off and will care for your car with the same love and affection as the owner. I am sure that you are more than aware that there are plenty of unscupulous garages out there even within the small network of Maserati specialists so to earn trust you have to work hard for it.

I use HR Owen in London and have to say that I have built up a good personal relationship with them. No doubt there will be those who have issues with your company but if you are professional enough to deal with those critisisms fairly then I say once again Welcome to Sports Maserati.


I used Giallo for servicing of my 3200 during my ownership. Mathew was always a very willing source of help and on occasion would talk me through how to resolve a minor 'episode' my car had presented me with instead of suggesting I take it to him and making money. I ensured that my car always had whatever servicing or repair was needed and at no point did I ever think that anything unneccessary was being done or charged for. Giallo were friendly, fairly priced and offered a very useful delivery and collection service.

I have no affiliation, just used them as my garage of choice despite living about 50 miles away.

dem maser

i have never used you but have heard mixed opinions....

every business has mixed opinions from people as i know, so as long as you keep doing what your doing your obviously growing....


Hi Matthew and welcome to SM.....Very noble of you to come along and post...Hope you get some custom from the forum...


New Member
Hi Matthew,

The fact that you have come onto the forum to defend your business confirms that you care about your customers and your reputation. Welcome to the forum.


Matthew, welcome to the newest and most vibrant Maserati forum on the internet.

I am sure if you've looked through the sections, threads and posts to date, you'll realise just how much passion there is amongst our members, for their respective cars and the Maserati marque.

This frequently, is were difficulties arise, not because their car is being repaired or something is wrong with it etc.....but their pride and joy, the very reason for some of our members existence, is in need of attention, either due to an unforeseen problem or just a typical Maserati difficulty. Whether its pre or post sale, whether its the sellers fault or someone elses, people do get excited and feel let down if it all doesn't go to plan.

As you've in any transaction, its vital to be clear who has responsibility for what and when, and then the parties concerned communicate that clearly to those who need to know.......the last part is most important and is where it usually all falls down.

I commend your points of clarification, and honesty in coming on the forum to clear the air. In most stories there are 2 sides, and sometimes three!

Can I wish you all the best in improving your services to Maserati owners and look forward to reading of more members satisfaction when they use your services,



Junior Member
For what it's worth, I would like to add my two penny worth to this thread!

I have now owned a Maserati for four years 2.5 years with a 3200GT and 18 months with 4200CC.

During this period I used Giallo, Mathew for three of the four years to look after and service both the 3200 & 4200 and received excellent service, advice and assistance. All despite living over 120 miles away!

The only reason I no longer use Giallo is that I now work 1 day a week in Brum so it is more convenient for me to use a local indy in Bromsgrove!

As a result of my four years experience as a customer of Mathew I would not hesitate in recommending Giallo to any fellow forum member!

I to have no affilation with the company and am only a very satified customer!


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dem maser

as with every business theres happy and unhappy customers....

feedback should be welcomed and not frowned upon then you can listen to your customers and grow...

we won restaurant of the year 1996, 1998, 2001/04 with the evening standard..still never stopped customers complaining about things...
it was welcomed by my dad and saw next time they came they were happy....


So what do they complain about Dem...Bet there is one complaint that really pees you off....Don't know how you cope with some of the moaners you get through the door.

Maser Sod

I have used various garages for repairs/servicing for my Masers, and the experiences - as for most of us - have been variable.

I know what it's like to run a business and it's hard to keep everyone happy all of the time, and the bad stories tend to outshine the good ones. I have used Giallo once and Matthew went out of his way to pick me up on a Sunday from a nearby railway station to ensure I got my car when I needed it. If I lived nearer I would use Giallo more as I value the personal touch.


Never easy guys in business................but as some one else remarked....its not making a mistake that truly counts but how you deal with it.........

Having said don't want endless mistakes or the same one being repeated over and over......



Customer service speaks volumes for a company.......Thing is every customer is right...In their eyes that is...


,,,,dealt with both Currys and Tesco online service for a Dyson and dishwasher in this week AndyK...both excelled ever AndyK.....the more you front load your company with competent, motivated, well trained staff....the less Sh!t you have to deal with at the other end!



Yep...glad your experience was good although I wish the Tesco one was shiiiiitttttt.......


Yep...glad your experience was good although I wish the Tesco one was shiiiiitttttt.......

.....but when it goes pear shaped AndyK.......its usually a downward spiral for some time til some one takes ownership!!!!



God yes.....You can give great service all year but will only be remembered for the one bad day.....then it takes months to shake it off....