Dick Lovett Swindon


New Member
An impressive new dealership site retailing Ferrari and Maserati.

Lots of collector cars at high value.

They also have BMW and Mini dealerships in the town.

I wish I felt like a 7 series purchaser at their Maserati site..... Sadly not the case ....


Junior Member
I bought my used car there and was made to feel very welcome and appreciated, even though mid £50K is small fry compared to some of the metal they sell.The Ghibli residual is a bit scary!


What happened to make you feel second class, Marc? I was there earlier this year with another couple of scruffs just poking around and they were very nice, gave me coffee and generally pleasant. Even got to look in the workshop later as well, but I think that's more because Matt knows the main guy there.


I went in unannounced in shorts and spoke to a really nice non pushy salesman who took me out in the Ghibli and showed me round the workshop. Made me feel very welcome!


New Member
Thanks for the reply Lofty. I am sure you are quite right and it was just an off day, just needed to sound off. Interesting PM received in the interim to confirm it's perhaps just not me. I wish them well, they have a truly amazing site and stock..... Sadly in a Benz dealership I feel at home, at DL I felt like a time waster .... So far from the truth.

Oxford are opening in 8 weeks so happy days. Solely a Maserati dealership and so no "red" cars ;)


New Member
Phil, it's not so much the building, but as much about the person that shakes your hand and shows an interest.

Straw poll on Monday? Merc 10/10, Audi 10/10, BMW 7/10, Maserati 4/10.

And to balance it, the guy outside Ridgeway Maserati Oxford that don't open for 8 weeks yet sensed the interest we had in his Ghibli company car parked outsie their building site, and took us for a blast down the road and said he'd be happy to deal with us when we were ready 11/10 ! That's the way to do it.....


New Member
I've edited my opening post as whilst it's good to get things off your chest I'm also mindful that social media can have a negative impact, and I don't want to get anyone into trouble just because it might have been me having an off day ....



Junior Member
Marc, I'm sorry to hear you had a negative experience at DL. I've bought lots of cars over the years and it's always amazed me how dealers belittle me because I am female. Some of the comments have been shocking (thankfully I can laugh about it). I must say, from the moment I walked into DL earlier this year, to the moment I drove out with my Stradale, they (Ross in particular) couldn't have been more helpful. I saw the DL team at the Silverstone Classic and again they went out of their way to introduce me to people they thought I would be interested to speak to. I've been very impressed with them.


MUst say I have had the best experience with DL......From there sites in Bristol to the Ferrari Maserati site in Swindon.......ONe if the best dealers I have dealt with. Hope it was just a one off for you.


New Member
I knew a young exotic car dealer many years ago who said he learnt his lesson when a scruffy guy came in and he treated him as a time waster, then the guy put a deposit on a testarossa.
Like a lot of businesses, go shopping in a £70 suit and anyone will call you sir.



From the first time I stepped into DL, scruffy jeans etc, without appointment I also got the best treatment from Greg there showing me around the workshops etc. I did not buy in the end but that was a brand choice not a dealer choice and I hope to do business with DL Swindon in the future

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Some dealerships are just **** at spotting buyers. I was completely ignored in a BMW dealer last week and eventually had to ask if any sales people worked there. One of the several people who had been sitting idly at their desks was asked to come over and talk to me. Terrible service really. Best service I've ever had from a main dealer is Marshall Jaguar in Ipswich. It's not brand specific but down to how the dealership is run and how sales people are trained to engage with prospective buyers. Ignoring them, belittling them and drawing conclusions is an excellent way to not sell many cars. The guy I had been talking to at Lancaster Colchester was amazed when I bought a Maserati and a bit peed off that I didn't buy it from him. He clearly thought I was a time-waster.


It is indeed the people not the brand. I was ignored at a Jaguar dealership and purchased an Aston next door. I think dealerships are really bad at training their staff (in all customer facing positions) and really should realise the damage they can do. I am sure most people buy cars from dealers despite them rather than because of them

LDM 3200

I am always shocked when people judge potential customers as it can be impossible to know by how someone dresses or acts if they are for real or not.

My dad was friends with two brothers who by all accounts spent most of there time dressed in boiler suits and did not project any signs of wealth. For many years they did not own a car and were happy to drive around in an old van. Some years ago they went to the motor show and on the whole were treated quite badly with most manufactures not even allowing them look around the stand. Bentley were the exception and I imagine some of the other dealers would have been a little shocked when they decided to buy a few. I believe they bought a couple of new ones every year for some time after that - That is probably an extreme case but it is true.


I have been treated like that numerous times because I'm a jeans and tee shirt guy with long hair.
Makes me laugh because I know what I can afford and what I can't.


New Member
Bought my wife an Audi A1 last year, initially I could see that a low entry car of much interest to the staff, then told there wasn't any stock of the 5 door, and would probably have to wait 2 months...
Can you check ?
.... Ok, ah there is one in Crawley
Are these people on minimum wage ?



I have a small number of friends who are millionaires, if you met them in the street you would never know and they tell similar stories..!! Always makes me laugh when I hear of so called "salespeople", who find it impossible to talk to everybody with the same enthusiasm..!!


Without wishing to take the thread down a general 'car salesman experience' line (but I will!), I find the experiences so mixed and not brand-specific. I've had good and bad experiences at BMW, same at Audi, Mercedes were pretty good, the first independent that I looked at for a Maserati were pretty dismissive of me - even though I was in a suit, driving an A6 and by extension a reasonably prospective buyer I guess rather than a dreamer. Needless to say I bought elsewhere.

And sometimes I've shuffled in with shorts and flip-flops and I don't think its made too much difference to the buying experience or reception I've had.

Strangely - or not perhaps - its been more the case when buying cheaper cars (for my wife, of course!), the experience has been a bit more miss than hit. Particularly bad experience with Fiat in MK, who were just not interested in helping once the signature was on the piece of paper.


No surprise to me, many years ago I used to work in car sales and it was the same then, it seems to be a breed of person, or the training they get, a bit like dodgy door to door encyclopedia salesmen, I used to be one of those too many years back. I progressed in sales to International Director level, when I worked for others, because I got the client what they wanted and on time, they could always get me on the phone, it could be more business..!!