CLOSED Brexit Poll

Do you want to leave the EU?

  • Yes - Leave the EU

    Votes: 85 55.9%
  • No - Stay in the EU

    Votes: 60 39.5%
  • Dont Know

    Votes: 7 4.6%

  • Total voters
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Ah yes, I agree but my point was 'Liz is monarch of UK
If we want to express Englishness we cannot without invoking ENDL (or whatever they masquerade as these days) or god forbid the Morris Dancers


Junior Member
I don't think many people would look at the crowd at an England rugby match or a test match and think they're racists either. You can be very English by enjoying a pint of bitter down the pub, or enjoying the countryside or all kinds of other things.

But when someone displays the St George's Cross while being hostile towards other countries, people are going to get a certain impression.

If this country is so great, why can't we just go about our business without worrying about others? London is packed with foreigners and seems to be doing quite well..

Team GCR

I don't think many people would look at the crowd at an England rugby match or a test match and think they're racists either. You can be very English by enjoying a pint of bitter down the pub, or enjoying the countryside or all kinds of other things.

But when someone displays the St George's Cross while being hostile towards other countries, people are going to get a certain impression.

If this country is so great, why can't we just go about our business without worrying about others? London is packed with foreigners and seems to be doing quite well..

We shouldn't allow the St George Cross to be allowed to be perceived as a symbol of racists, if more normal English people displayed it we might hopefully get back to being able to be proud of it in the same way the Scots and Welsh are and are allowed to be proud of their symbols without being labelled racist.


I can tell you from a foreigner point of view that I quite like Farage.
I put him in the same category as trump and regard their outbursts and proposals sheer entertainment.

Would not want to live in a country where they held any power tough ...
Btw, people keep banging on immigration as being caused by the eu, but there are provisions to expel migrants that don't contribute to society.

France had no problem whatsoever in rounding up gangs of gipsies and deport them to Romania.
Mind you this was a socialist government and the gipsies were eu citizens ...
We shouldn't allow the St George Cross to be allowed to be perceived as a symbol of racists, if more normal English people displayed it we might hopefully get back to being able to be proud of it in the same way the Scots and Welsh are and are allowed to be proud of their symbols without being labelled racist.

I was trying to say this but you have made a better fist of it - thanks


So looking forward to tomorrow....when all the posturing, lies and deceit will end... Oh wait, politics will continue as will the same level of behaviour just on another topic.

Wonder what the news programmes would be like without it.


Forum Owner
So looking forward to tomorrow....when all the posturing, lies and deceit will end... Oh wait, politics will continue as will the same level of behaviour just on another topic.

Wonder what the news programmes would be like without it.

Amen to that!

I am LEAVE as you know but I am sick of all of them frankly. Its turned from a let the public decide into a MP I am right and you are wrong bitching match.


Quoting one of the audience panel from last night's show ref to crucial reform of Britain's membership:

''David Cameron asked for nothing, and got nothing''

Central to the remain argument is the ability to reform the EU from within it, this was the best opportunity both parties had to reach a stronger agreement. Thus, going against the notion that Britain has any credible weight whilst within.

Guest 1678

The problem is, working with our neighbours to solve common problems just doesn't work and that's why a growing number of us want to leave. The French press for legislation but ignore it when it doesn't suit, the Germans will end up running it for themselves and if we vote to stay in, they will take it that we are happy with the way it's going and f*ck us over even more. However, if we vote to leave, and I hope we do, how long before the Euro 'elite' will offer concessions and more of a say if we have another vote to stay in. This, IIRC, has already been done with a previous YES vote.

This is exactly what happened in 2009 when France and Denmark held referendums on the Lisbon treaty. Both populations voted against the treaty. Referenda were held as their national constitutions dictated fundamental changes in the national relationship with the EU had to be ratified by the electorate. Concessions were given and the treaty conditions subsequently subsumed into both countrie's statute books.

Whichever way the vote goes, the politicians nationally and in the EU will attempt to maintain the systems they are operating within.

It will be an interesting day tomorrow. At least it will put a stop to both campaigns mendaciously telling us they are running positive campaigns. Sadly, I feel this has been an uninformed, vitriolic and petty series of skirmishes within the Westminster clique. The one saving grace has been the insightful and perceptive questioning of the politicians by the general public during the various debates.

I am even more intrigued by the national split of votes and the damage to the current crop of politicians in both camps. Perhaps whiechever way it goes we may enjoy a renaissance in professionals running the country rather than the emotional retards we currently enjoy.


Perhaps whiechever way it goes we may enjoy a renaissance in professionals running the country rather than the emotional retards we currently enjoy.

Sadly it will be business as usual irrespective of any vote. No one will resign and in an election you can only vote from the choice of muppets on the voting slip.
This is exactly what happened in 2009 when France and Denmark held referendums on the Lisbon treaty. Both populations voted against the treaty. Referenda were held as their national constitutions dictated fundamental changes in the national relationship with the EU had to be ratified by the electorate. Concessions were given and the treaty conditions subsequently subsumed into both countrie's statute books.

Whichever way the vote goes, the politicians nationally and in the EU will attempt to maintain the systems they are operating within.

It will be an interesting day tomorrow. At least it will put a stop to both campaigns mendaciously telling us they are running positive campaigns. Sadly, I feel this has been an uninformed, vitriolic and petty series of skirmishes within the Westminster clique. The one saving grace has been the insightful and perceptive questioning of the politicians by the general public during the various debates.

I am even more intrigued by the national split of votes and the damage to the current crop of politicians in both camps. Perhaps whiechever way it goes we may enjoy a renaissance in professionals running the country rather than the emotional retards we currently enjoy.

How many potential voters will be attending Glastonbury and hence not voting?

I know a few people that are going at the expense of a vote. For them it does not really matter!


How many potential voters will be attending Glastonbury and hence not voting?

I know a few people that are going at the expense of a vote. For them it does not really matter!

Just because you can't go to the polling station doesn't mean you can't vote. I'm in Cannes but I voted before I left.


There is little excuse for not voting, many countries fight wars to get the chance to vote but here we just take it for granted. I understand the choices aren't always great especially with this one.

There should always be a box for No Opinion to cover those who don't want to express a vote for any option on all ballot papers IMO


So looking forward to tomorrow....when all the posturing, lies and deceit will end... Oh wait, politics will continue as will the same level of behaviour just on another topic.

Wonder what the news programmes would be like without it.

Another one in a lifetime opportunity will be along shortly. Being Scottish, our last one was in 2014 when, pretty much the same thing happened as it happening now. Both sides stood up, spouted **** and lies, broke the country in half, harmed the economy, and left enough damage that guaranteed this won't be the last we hear about it.

This one is odd to me though, it seems much more clear cut than Scottish Independence, I can't see even one good reason to leave...


Junior Member
Just outed myself as a Leaver on Facebook. Given that I reckon around 80% of my 'friends' are Inners this should be interesting!

If anyone is interested, here's what I had to say:

So yeah, I’m going to vote ‘leave’ tomorrow. I’m going to do so because I believe passionately in democracy; government of the people, by the people, for the people. I do not believe in an anti-democratic institution that has ridden roughshod over popular plebiscites (the French and Danish Lisbon treaty referendums to name but two) and has happily turfed out democratically elected governments that it sees as threats to its wider ‘project’. Not forgetting one that willingly holds its boot to the throats of proud southern European nations, helping to foment right wing nationalism which in my view is a direct kick-back against its anti-democratic ethos.

I’m also going to do so because I believe in free markets and free trade, not protectionism. We are not some cowering little shithouse country, we are the world’s fifth biggest economy and eight out of ten of our top global (i.e. non-EU) trading partners are not governed by any EU trade deals. This includes the country with which we have the healthiest trade balance, the United States. Our negative trade balance with the EU, on the other hand, is eye-watering. And as more than one economist has pointed out, you don’t need a trade deal to trade, you just need to produce goods and services that people want at a price they are willing to pay. We’ve been quite good at that over the years.

Why I am NOT voting to leave is some sort of Little England, closed border, protectionist, anti-immigrant mentality. I will readily concede that some elements of the Brexit campaign have majored on this, which I deplore wholeheartedly. But don’t ******* patronise and insult me with any more of the sort of one-eyed, holier-than-thou, mithering ******** that is increasingly polluting my FB timeline. There are two sides to every argument – that is, you know, what democracy is all about.

Rant over. Please feel free to ‘unfriend’ as you see fit.
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