

Forum Owner
Here is a guide on how to add your adverts to the classifieds section, you have to be a Forum Sponsor*** to place ads:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on CREATE ADVERT (If you cannot see the button this is because your account has not been enabled, please contact us)
  3. Fill out all the fields, noting that the business name, tel, website will be for all your ads, if you change it, it will change for all.
  4. Select the status, FOR SALE, SOLD, HIDDEN
  5. Click SUBMIT and you will be taken to the IMAGE UPLOADER
  6. Upload your images, you should make them 625px wide for optimised viewing
  7. Click PREVIEW and your done
  8. To Edit, go to your ad and in the bottom right of the post, there are 2 edit buttons: EDIT TEXT and EDIT IMAGES
  9. To see all your ads, go to the the subsection where your ads appear (short listing) and click on your name in your ad and it will list all your ads.
***For information on how to become a forum sponsor, please email: or see here: