Are you worried yet.

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I get the feeling this is all manufactured , surely mankind can't be caught with its pants down like this in this day and age? There's more to this than a virus.


Well lets talk Gordon Brown shall we ,
  1. We have already the mentioned his biggest blunder the Gold thing,
  2. Now the PHD thing its a piece of paper right ,supposed to mean he's learnt something from a book and managed to retain it for the exam right , Yet totally outwitted by Blair numerous times for a position that he was groomed for by John Smith, Squandered one of the biggest war chests ever left by the Tory governemnt on quango's and lost causes ,most defunct before he left office .
  3. And yet another Career Politician who never held a real job in real world ,
  4. Managed to get himself tangled and embroiled in Mcgann case ..........................which should be subject to further scrutiny
  5. End of his term left the coffers completely empty and the country in a right state ..............this is you PHD career Politiican
Blair Charisma :saifi:
6 Now Blair, of course your Glory years , the hey days eh, Misdameanours of a sexual nature at the begiining of his career,
  1. Did the dirty tricks on the PHD guy to gain first crack at being PM, and then revoked the ageement to hand over after one term lol, ( these are best mates eh)
  2. Embroiled permanently in unclear property dealings covering up for his no2 Peter Mandelson more dodgy dealing re mortgage fraud, was at the helm when the MP expenses scandal
  3. Lets get onto the Iraq thing ..............................weapons of mass destruction , (falsley arranging weapons grade material was being sort in west africa) David Kelly affair , Alistair Campbell leaking this and that to channel 4 , Achieved nothing for the UK in terms of the EU, in fact the opposite
Im bored now , cant you see or wont you see how flawed all these career politicians have been, they have all very badly misjudged the situation regarding our ecomomy and Europe for successive administrations, which has now be born out , The crumbling EU seen for what it is ; hollow and lacking substance, and yes full of wannabe career politicians .

You see i havent had to touch on Corbyn , or momentum or Abbot , or Thornberry, Chucka , or Barry Gardener there's another flawed story

Oh and John Major, whose main policy was reinventing family values whilst secretly shaggging Edwina Curry lol

Embittered Ken Clarke the staunch defender of the EU could never quite back down and admit he got it so wrong, all those years wasted singing the same song from the wrong hymn sheet
I wouldnt have paid Brown or Major in chocolate buttons..... both were a complete waste of space. Probably the most ineffective PM's weve had in modern history.


Just been to collect a prescription and do some shopping , I'll be glad when I never hear the C word again , I'm also sick of playing supermarket pacman
It freaks me out now if I have to go into Sainsbury's, all these muppets/people faffing about...
All I won't to do is to be in and out as quickly as possible!

Last week when I was last out in Sainsbury's there were lots of oldies hovering around in the car park looking dodgy, then I realized only one person at a time in the store..

There's no excuse for two people or more to drive to a supermarket in the same car, sprogs stay at home!

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Does anyone else think Dominic Raab looked close to breaking in the interview tonight.
He faltered on his words five times, he struggled to speak his "lines" on three occasions and his bottom lip quavered twice. I have re watched his speech and all I can think is that he has been dropped into a slot which he would rather not be in.
I am not suggesting for one minute he is not up to the job, I think he is but if ever I saw a politician age two years in two days it is him.
God help him find strength, poor bloke.

On a second note, Hugo, from the Eye, why don't you take up a different job, you are not cut out for media.
He's a Barrister and I believe to be a member of the Queens Council ( worked for Linklaters legal firm).To get to this level he must be very capable so I wouldnt read too much into his performance today. He's probably fed up with the media asking the same rediculous questions they have been repeating for the last 3 days. Friggin morons the lot of them!
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