
Sorry to see this - Lockton are a decent lot and sure will do the right thing for you and at least you were not hurt


Out of interest, did she say why she didn’t stop or decided to go? To all but the blind you had the right of way so I am intrigued what her view was, especially as you mention she suggested it was your fault.

I hope you get it repaired to better than new and neither you nor your passengers were hurt? That’s the most important thing to keep in perspective, however hard it is when someone had dented your pride and joy. Good luck.


I really don't want to part with her, only 13000 miles on the clock! 2013 plate.
Sorry to hear about the accident and glad no one is hurt. Would have thought you would be fine to take your car to MD for repairs and insurance cannot rule against that if their half decent. Also at that age and mileage surely it’s unlikely to be a right off unless damage is more serious than it looks. Best of luck and hoping you get the right outcome, I’m sure you will.


New Member
Out of interest, did she say why she didn’t stop or decided to go? To all but the blind you had the right of way so I am intrigued what her view was, especially as you mention she suggested it was your fault.

I hope you get it repaired to better than new and neither you nor your passengers were hurt? That’s the most important thing to keep in perspective, however hard it is when someone had dented your pride and joy. Good luck.
She honestly believed I should have stopped! It was like a scene from a pantomime.. "You should have stopped"",..."No, you should have stopped" and so on..I am pointing at the markings and she still didn't get it? Her husband kept telling her to be quiet though.
That's the worrying thing for other drivers if she gets back on the road, she honestly didn't think it was her fault, I am sure her insurance company will be impressed with her total denial of fault though. Even when the police were happy for me to drive off, I could hear her indignantly saying to the police that " I shouldn't be allowed to drive off " She is someone's mum or sibling so I wont be to hard, but no ******* way should she be allowed back on the road.Next person might not be so lucky?


She honestly believed I should have stopped! It was like a scene from a pantomime.. "You should have stopped"",..."No, you should have stopped" and so on..I am pointing at the markings and she still didn't get it? Her husband kept telling her to be quiet though.
That's the worrying thing for other drivers if she gets back on the road, she honestly didn't think it was her fault, I am sure her insurance company will be impressed with her total denial of fault though. Even when the police were happy for me to drive off, I could hear her indignantly saying to the police that " I shouldn't be allowed to drive off " She is someone's mum or sibling so I wont be to hard, but no *** way should she be allowed back on the road.Next person might not be so lucky?
I assume she was breathalysed ?


New Member
Yea, we both were.Never been breathlysed before and it was the day after the England game, my head told me I would be fine, however I was still a little nervous.
I wish she had been drunk, would have explained things then.


Junior Member
Sorry to hear about this … what a pain and I feel for you having your pride and joy now blemished in this way. Definitely go with the main dealer route and stand up to get them to have it sorted and/or a Maserati approved Bodyshop to ensure your corrosion/bodywork warranty is not invalidated. Am sure there are plenty of good independent body shops but IMO get her insurance to fork out for Maserati to take car of it.


Definitely your fault... definitely.
The mind boggles... that people like that are on our roads! Very sorry to see and hear about this incident.. glad you are ok. As others have said, GT doesn’t look half bad given the state of the ricer! STOP sign is a bit small though so can’t really blame her... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Junior Member
I’m a very calm & patient guy but her attitude and denial would’ve definitely tipped me.
Glad you’re ok @Compass and hope it’s sorted without too much hassle.


Fast lane APB Sunninghill - There aren't many people as obsessive and critical as me, and they always meet my standards. Additionally this is the body shop that Rolls Royce HQ trust their cars with. Ask for Steve and/or Alex, both really nice guys, Steve is the Manager and Alex is the chief estimator.


bummer, at least no one got hurt, your car seems to have fared well in the knock and seems repairable, this thing reminds me of some of the cash for crash stuff, where you get flashed at a T junction to pull out and then they T bone you, bit extreme using a maserati though ;)
Commiserations on the 'bump'. As others have said, the main thing is, nobody in your car was injured.
Good that you have photographs and a police officer's presence also, as an independent witness.
I hope you got his details.
I don't 'buy' her claim that she thought that she had right of way. There would've been at least one or two
road signs on her approach, plus the painted road surface. Then there are the visible road markings on the other
three directions of travel.
I believe that she either forgot to look right. Or, she glanced right and didn't see your car because of the blind spot created by her windscreen pillar.
What worries me, is that next time, it could be a biker, cyclist or pedestrian. This is her behaviour 'warning'.
However, I very much doubt that she'll view it as such.
Most shocking of all. Who knew that Maserati GranTurismos were built like main battle tanks!
Since Saab have expired and Volvo are owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Maserati might be well advised
to claim the modern day safety crown by ditching the elke test and replacing it with an adult Vicky Pollard, towing several offspring and a shopping trolley packed with oven chips, cheese strings, vodka and cartons of fags.


New Member
OK, so this is where I am.

I have an estimate from one specialist, which I am happy for them to do.

I then contacted/enquired at Fast Lane APB as I like 2 opinions/estimates ( which I am also happy for them to do)for an estimate and then I received through them a call suggesting I go through ACF Vehicle solutions to manage my claim as non fault , they will deal with it from start to finish avoiding my insurance.

Then this morning I received a call from SAGA insurance claiming that Mrs %$£"- has admitted full liability and they would like to manage my claim, with like for like vehicle cover (that would be interesting!)

So my options are
a) Give to my insurance Lockton for them to sort?
b) Give to ACF Vehicle solutions , basically a non fault third party who would take hassle away from me and would sort everything?
c) Let SAGA insurance sort out and take care of it all?

All a bit new to me, but I understand it. However, I am not sure what the best route is and having no experience would welcome replies, what would you do?...Discuss!


A or C. I have known people becoming liable for additional charges racked up by option B.
I'd go with C, but under the proviso that you chose/okay the repairer.


I'll let my daughter know and ask he opinion, she's taking a bit of an interest in this case lol!

She's a Maserati fan, can't think why.....


Then this morning I received a call from SAGA insurance claiming that Mrs %$£"- has admitted full liability and they would like to manage my claim, with like for like vehicle cover (that would be interesting!)

I'd go with C. IME (when a woman dragged her door down my GT) Saga will be keen to keep you sweet, they are the ones that lent me the 911 and then the A8 as my like for like. Odds on their 'normal' repair shops will turn the job down flat anyway.

With A it seems that the desire is to keep costs down and maximise profit so my insco's idea of like for like was going to be based on current market value.....