4200 CC Questions. Potential Purchase


New Member
With regard the alarm the sounder it is like your house alarm, from what I have worked out to fix mine, if the main car battery voltage drops too low or is disconnected (say car not used very much and battery voltage falls over some weeks) the sounder thinks car is under attack and goes off ( just like your house alarm in a power cut if the main alarm unit back up battery is knackered, the sounder unit on the wall outside thinks it is being attacked as power to the main control unit is lost, which is why you hear house alarms going off during power cuts).

The sounder also has an integral battery which will likely be knacker at 10+ years old, a replacement meta unit is about £60 from memory and an easy fit.


That's a potential solution, and is an easy fix, you're right.

Still wouldn't risk it without being sure....



Junior Member
Just one more experience to add to the rest. I bought a car with no problems, always well maintaned. I had known the car for four and a half years before I bought it(it belonged to a friend of mine). He replaced the clutch and the F1 pump right after he bought it. Last year I replaced the clutch and the rear tie rods with Craig Waterman's amazing kit.
Other than that the car hasn't had a single issue in 40.000 kms.
Even with this great record I still spent quite a bit of money on ownership(insurance, road tax, normal maintenance, clutch change, detailing, some interior restoration).
These cars are expensive to own even if all is well, I wouldn't even like to imagine if there were any issues.

So just walk away from that one and get a properly sorted car, pay more when you get it but avoid the hassle and the cost of sorting out problems.


What does properly sorted mean? my friend bought a 4200 spyder full dealer history, 3 months into ownership he had a new engine (under warranty) he was a bit p*ssed to say the least, I think from memory it was a catalytic breakdown that ruined his engine, you can have good or bad luck with any car!
But to buy one with known faults is a gamble, why are they still present on a car if they are supposedly easy fixes?


If you buy a car with known issues and they have not been sorted, then there may be other issues too, it would either have to be a very very low price, or don't bother. On the other hand you can buy a car that is supposedly sorted and still have issues down the line, if you can't afford to run it don't buy it..!! If you never have any issues with a car, you are very lucky..!!


Junior Member
Well, full dealer history doesn't mean much to me. The local Ferrari dealer here has a mechanic that always overfills the engine on oil changes. They know who it is and he still works there. Maybe properly sorted is a bit vague and one can be lucky or unlucky.


Junior Member
279 potential owners looking in 35 owners?, if you buy an old 4200 you are buying a wonderful sports car for it time,cc gear box excellent with a choice of options depending on roads.
If the previous owners were not too loopy the clutch should last up to 40k mls.
Engine comes with excellent pedigree and if maintained should last as long as any other producing 400+Ponies.
Beauty is in the eye of the owner and if u can afford to run range rover..Porsche..Merc...then u can have Masser.


Junior Member
279 potential owners looking in 35 owners?, if you buy an old 4200 you are buying a wonderful sports car for it time,cc gear box excellent with a choice of options depending on roads.
If the previous owners were not too loopy the clutch should last up to 40k mls.
Engine comes with excellent pedigree and if maintained should last as long as any other producing 400+Ponies.
Beauty is in the eye of the owner and if u can afford to run range rover..Porsche..Merc...then u can have Masser.
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If you buy a 32/42/GS wisely there is zero depreciation, that is the highest cost with motoring in my opinion.

I never understand people who spend 20k on (or lease) a new car to 'save' 100 quid on road tax!

Running costs on these are a consideration but 2-3k a year is alright for what it is.