05 Gransport For Sale


Alfa are not the copy they used to be..part of that is good but lots of it is bad....They believe that Alfa owners will always be Alfa owners no matter what they bring out....Alfa have the most beautifull range of cars but they just do not cut the mustard....Dynamics are far from class leading and although the new Giulietta is having some good reviews and a big step forward for Alfa it has lost the bits that make Alfas so special....its soul....The engine is the most important part of an Alfa and that is no longer special. If Alfa do get snapped up by a German company as it would seem then I hope they re address this and bring back the RWD aLFA..


I know AndyK....but they have to make a living/success of the company, not been for a spin in one yet, just sat in a Gullietta but its a lovely piece of kit, love the look, finish and what it means to the company and the motoring public.

So they've had to compromise a bit.....is it a bit too much?



I agree totally...I've seen one but not sat in or driven one I think they could be on to a winner as far as sales are concerned...Is stunning in and out and I'm sure it drives lovely...Lets face it these days you have to be a real numpty of a car maker to make a bad car............I hope it does well for them............The Mito is selling well with something like 70% of sales going to women plus 40% new customer who have never had an Alfa...Thisnis what Alfa needs..new buyers to keep it healthy.