The good morning thread


Morning from deepest darkest Devon. Doing what this girl does best for a couple of days- driving the spyder through some lovely countryside and undertaking a bit of retail therapy knitting ;)


Morning all. Eventful start to the day. Taking Joseph to nursery and he decided to empty the contents of his stomach all over himself (fortunately not over much of the car).

So take him home, take the car seat out and leave in the garden to sort later.

Then on the way into the office some tw@t in a van decides to pull out on me when I am going past him on a dual carriage way, I missed him by millimetres but the rear wheels of the Jag hit the kitty litter just before the armco which resulted in a bit of sideways action at 70mph.
The ASR on the Jag cut in and made for a few very uncomfortable seconds before the car gained its composure again.

F*cking van drivers!

And breathe......


Cheers all it certainly not easy when you're late 50's to get a job even when she's a French National and ticked all the boxes for them and we will have been here 3 years come October.


Morning all. Eventful start to the day. Taking Joseph to nursery and he decided to empty the contents of his stomach all over himself (fortunately not over much of the car).

So take him home, take the car seat out and leave in the garden to sort later.

Then on the way into the office some tw@t in a van decides to pull out on me when I am going past him on a dual carriage way, I missed him by millimetres but the rear wheels of the Jag hit the kitty litter just before the armco which resulted in a bit of sideways action at 70mph.
The ASR on the Jag cut in and made for a few very uncomfortable seconds before the car gained its composure again.

F*cking van drivers!

And breathe......
Not good, did you empty the contents of your stomach inside your trousers?
Might make Joseph feel better. ;)

D Walker

Good morning Phil, good morning all. 2nd COVID jab for me today.
Finally allowed out yesterday,
Still waiting my day 5 test to release result, and day 8. Today is day 12.
It also seems the email address on the gov website where you can give feedback on these providers does not exist.
Lovely day, little bit to do for work, jab.
Maybe bike ride this afternoon. See how I feel.
Have a great day.


Morning all, grey start and I can only foresee it getting darker as I try to argue with the MD about paying two of my staff €5k more to align them to market rate before the walk out of the door, only for then to pay above market rate plus agency fees to get new recruits with no experience - narrow minded thinking

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Morning all, grey start and I can only foresee it getting darker as I try to argue with the MD about paying two of my staff €5k more to align them to market rate before the walk out of the door, only for then to pay above market rate plus agency fees to get new recruits with no experience - narrow minded thinking
Always pay top of the market for top of the market people, is my philosophy Andy. Daft to penny-pinch, and only costs more in the long-run.

Anyhoo, morning, all. Today my spacebar either wants to not work at all, or put in double-spaces. Bloody thing.

PS, St Hump's Day, praise be upon him!


Good morning everyone, all praise hump day but I'm on my supposedly Le Mans leave. Nevermind, duly cancelled for some exciting MPLS training. Deep joy.


Morning all. Early start this morning. Late into the office.

Purely down to a tip run (had to get rid of our old freezer), as you have to book them, so this morning was the only decent time.
Now in the office wishing I was outside where the weather is glorious in my part of Kent.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Morning all. Early start this morning. Late into the office.

Purely down to a tip run (had to get rid of our old freezer), as you have to book them, so this morning was the only decent time.
Now in the office wishing I was outside where the weather is glorious in my part of Kent.
I've been working outside for nearly 5 hours. It beats the kak out of being holed up in my indoor office.